Assembly:3D Printing Berlin

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Description 3D-printing station with a mobile 3d-printer wagon and a small chill 4 print area.
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Subassembly of Assembly:Hive
chaos competence center Cluster:The Hive
Related to Assembly Assembly:Hive
Tags 3d, 3dprinting
Registered on
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions maybe
Orga contact
Brings 1 bollerwagen (mobile 3d-printing station, 2-3 other printers for 3d-printing services (free of charge) 2 Graffiti pop up tents (3d-printing berlin chill out area) lots of filament, tools

. Two tables and like 10 qm would be nice.

Projects mobile printing station,3d printing chill out area, hanging out while informing about , or waiting for 3d printing to finish.

some 3d modelling

Uses money no money handling
Need fibre no
Extra Power no
Near passage whatever
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 4
Extra seats 6
Aread needed 0
Arrival and build up day 0 at evening, will be ready at night.


The Assembly formerly know as the "3D printing assembly" is now connecting to the Hive...

As every year, the 3D-printing Berlin subassembly will provide free 3D printing service. Bring your .STL files. Please print only small parts if possible 

This year we chill harder, use the mobile 3d-printing station more to travel and bring 3d-printing service to the people. Two heavily used "3d-printing Berlin" tents will invite for chill out while waiting, discussing, planing or slicing a 3d print. Also there will be a cute parking space for the mobile 3d printer on a wagon.