Assembly:Fachschaft WIAI

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Contact DECT: 7654


Description We are a few people from the Fachschaft WIAI (Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik) of the University of Bamberg.
Members Andreas5232, Franconia, Hendrik, Michigg, Mot, Nicolasgross
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Subassembly of Assembly:Backspace
Related to Assembly Assembly:Backspace, Assembly:Assembly der Informatikfachschaften (AIF), Assembly:Fachschaft MPI
Tags fachschaft, university, students, studentennetz, franconia, fachschaft, computer science, informatik, academia, science
Registered on
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions no
Orga contact
Uses money no money handling
Need fibre no
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage whatever
Character of assembly just a gathering space
Seats needed 4
Extra seats 0
Aread needed 2
Arrival and build up December 26th (late) afternoon


34C3: tuwat! Fachschaft WIAI

The Fachschaft WIAI is the student representation of the faculty "Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik" a.k.a. WIAI (business informatics and applied computer science) of the University of Bamberg. We are simply students who are dedicated to improve student life at our university by helping other students, but we also like to have fun with computer science related topics like hard- and software (e.g. microcontrollers, operating systems, programming languages etc.) and bringing the hacker spirit into the academic sphere.

If you want to know more about studying computer science, for example at our university or just like tinkering with computer science related stuff, then feel free to come by.

We'll probably make use of the colocation and bring some other hardware like Raspberry Pis and Software Defined Radios to play with. Maybe we'll also try our luck with the CTF challenge :)