Wiki is online; start entering Assemblies and Projects!
We are proud to announce that the wiki for the 32nd Chaos Communication Congress is up-and-running, please go ahead and participate!
If you want to announce and coordinate your assembly space, please apply soon.
Please be aware of the deadline on 1st of December. This already is in three two weeks!
See you there.
Simultaneous translations at 31C3
_31C3 is getting closer, and the translation team is once again at the ready to translate all German talks into English, and also a selection of English talks into German.
You can listen in on the streams by either selecting the appropriate stream, or by changing the stream audio channel (if your player allows). If you are on the Eventphone DECT network, you can dial in to various streams: 8011 for Saal 1, 8012 for Saal 2, 8014 for Saal G, and 8016 for Saal 6.
Call for translators
If you are multilingual and fluent in German and English, please consider joining the translation team. Simply …
Assemblies at 31C3
Die Assemblies sind dieses Jahr in Themenbereiche eingeteilt, auf Basis von Erfahrungen und der Infos, die im Formular für die Orga eingetragen wurden. Damit wollen wir einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung mehr Dezentralität der Orga des Congresses gehen.
Die Assemblies bekommen diesmal nicht eigene Tische, sondern bilden mit anderen Assemblies mehrere Cluster. Ihr stimmt Euch also gemeinsam darüber ab, wie Ihr den Platz einrichtet. Auf dem Congress werdet Ihr im Bereich Eures Clusters einen Stapel von Assemblyschildern finden, den Ihr entsprechend aufteilen könnt. Davon ausgenommen sind wieder …
Welcome to the Hackerschnitzelcloud at 31C3!
Auf dem 31C3 wird es eine Neuauflage der phänomenalen Hackerschnitzeljagd vom 30C3 geben: Die Hackerschnitzelcloud! Mit ihr wird es nicht nur eine einzige Jagd durchs CCH geben, sondern viele.
Die Hackerschnitzelcloud ist eine magische Schnitzeljagd-Plattform, die all Eure Spielideen entgegennimmt und für Eure Spieler und ihre Smartphones abbildet, egal wie abgefahren, verwegen, schwierig oder …
The 31C3 Wiki is online: Get ready and contribute!
Nearly exactly a year back we also went public with the conference website: our wiki, that serves as the main hub for the whole community driven and decentral approach of running the congress. We are using again some semantic forms to gather the various activities provided by all of you. Thanks that we all together make this happen!
So please go ahead and plan your travel and accommodation, check out the FAQ for an overview on all the information provided and you might also wanna have a look at the how-to-survive-guide.
Just like last year, our venue will be the CCH in Hamburg. and it will be …
Capture the Flag
Dear Congress Visitors!
You’re tired of running around the Congress on the Schnitzeljagd (sounds like it’s fun!) or didn’t get a place? You’re like knocking your head on problems? Then we might offer something interesting for you!
Grab a few friends and join our capture the flag competition. These so called CTFs are hacking competitions in which participants solve various challenges – all based around gaining access to remote machines by exploiting vulnerable binaries, solving mathematical problems and completing various other tasks. This CTF will be run in “Jeopardy” style, i.e. challenges …
Chaospatinnen – Mentoring for people visiting the Congress for the first time #30C3
Liebe am 30C3 interessierten Menschen, Außerirdische, Nerds und N00bs,
Du interessierst dich für Computer, Technik, Hacken und Netzpolitik? Du würdest gerne am 30C3 teilnehmen, weißt aber nicht genau, an wen du dich wenden kannst oder hast dich bisher noch nicht so richtig getraut? Du denkst, du bist eigentlich gar kein richtiger Hacker oder Programmiererin und hast Bedenken, ob du so gut zum 30C3 passt? Du würdest aber gerne lernen, wie man lötet, Roboter baut, programmiert, verschlüsselt oder Schlösser knackt?
Dann fühl dich herzlich willkommen auf dem Chaos Communication Congress und bei …
Mit der Bahn zum Congress
Wie in den letzten Jahren, bietet die Deutsche …
The 30C3 wiki is online: Travel, venue and accommodation information published
It’s getting colder outside, and the summer is long gone. There are only a few months left before the next congress starts. So for us, it is time for us to start preparing congress and for you it might be the time to start planning your trip. To assist you with your planning, there is the congress wiki!.
For now its focus is providing information for your personal preparation:
- Looking for a nice accommodation for you and your fellow hackers? Have a look at this long list here.
- Again we will have the special offer for travelling by train for you, please have a look at the travel page in the …
SIGINT 2013: Call for Participation
July 5th-7th, KOMED im Mediapark, Cologne, Germany
SIGINT is an annual hacker conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club. It features talks covering both technical and social aspects of our digital society.
VOLUNTEERS For SIGINT to be as great as always, we need your help. First and foremost, we need eager volunteers to help on-site with the intricate details of organizing a conference for hundreds of people. Please register as a volunteer as soon as we have the registration online.
ARTS AND PROJECTS Asides from helping us having everything run smoothly, we’d …
29C3 Party Mode
We already told you about talks, workshops and assemblies at 29C3, but it seems we didn’t talk about parties by now. So it’s about time to do so.
On location we will have two main spots. There will be a tent in front of CCH with DJs and live sets. Music will be on from 4 pm to 6 am every day. Since smoking won’t be allowed at all inside CCH the tent …