
A Respectful Goodbye for your Beloved Old Hardware



Do you also have that one piece of hardware,

that you just can’t say goodbye to?

You sadly can’t use it anymore
and it’s been collecting dust for a while,
but you don’t want to just bin it
because it still has some meaning to you?

Bring it to 31C3 for a majestic farewell ceremony!

Whilst mechanically destroying your hardware
you can indulge in memories
and share them with your friends
at 31C3.

Our facility can fit hardware
from the size of a microSD up to a desktop computer.

Things that might break in spectacular ways are especially welcome.

Please don’t leave behind
the remains of your …

31C3 Lightning Talks


Vortrag auf dem Congress? Ich? Keine Chance.” Glaubst Du das? Arbeitest Du an einem coolen Projekt und willst es unter die Leute bringen? Wurde Dein Vortrag abgelehnt? Hast Du einen großartigen Hack, an dem Du uns teilhaben lassen willst? Glück gehabt, denn es gibt die Lightning Talks auf dem 31C3!

An den Tagen 2, 3 und 4 geht es um 12:45 Uhr los mit den Sessions, es dreht sich alles um neue Hardwareprojekte, Exploits, kreativen Unfug oder merkwürdige Ideen – vor einem weltweiten Publikum! Und auch wenn Du kein cooles Projekt vorstellen, sondern lieber eine interessante selbstorganisierte …

Chaospatinnen – taking you by the hand since 2013!


Attention: registration for the chaos mentors program has closed”

Es ist wieder soweit – der 31C3 steht vor der Tür, und nach den tollen Erfahrungen auf dem 30C3 wollen wir das Konzept der Chaospaten und Chaospatinnen fortführen: Wir wollen Euch – die ihr zum ersten Mal den Congress besucht – dabei unterstützen, einen guten Start in den Congress zu haben.

Für Patenkinder:

Du interessierst Dich für Computer, Technik, Hacken und Netzpolitik? Du würdest gerne am 31C3 teilnehmen, weißt aber nicht genau, an wen Du Dich wenden kannst oder hast Dich bisher noch nicht so richtig getraut? Du denkst, Du …

31C3 Call for Assemblies


Der Congress wäre nicht, was er ist, wenn er nicht durch Assemblys mitgestaltet würde. Auch dieses Jahr wird es wieder Assemblys geben, und wir hoffen auf eure zahlreiche Teilnahme!

Was ist überhaupt eine Assembly?

Eine Assembly ist das Congress-Äquivalent zu einem Village auf dem Camp: Gruppen aus einem Hackerspace oder mit gemeinsamen Projekten oder Interessen finden sich in einer Assembly zusammen. Gemeinsam verbringen sie Zeit und schmieden Weltherrschaftspläne oder halten kleine Workshops und Vorträge (Sessions) ab.

Können wir als Assembly auch Inhalte schaffen?

Ja, genau das wünschen wir …

The 31C3 Wiki is online: Get ready and contribute!


Nearly exactly a year back we also went public with the conference website: our wiki, that serves as the main hub for the whole community driven and decentral approach of running the congress. We are using again some semantic forms to gather the various activities provided by all of you. Thanks that we all together make this happen!

So please go ahead and plan your travel and accommodation, check out the FAQ for an overview on all the information provided and you might also wanna have a look at the how-to-survive-guide.

Just like last year, our venue will be the CCH in Hamburg. and it will be …

Assemblies! Please arrive early for set up!


TL;DR: Please get to the CCH by 25th/26th with your assembly setup if possible

Beat the crowds and start building your assembly on the 25th! (Day -1). It makes loading so much easier for all of us and gives you time to make sure you have everything you need. Why get stuck in traffic around and inside the building? If you arrive early enough on the 25th, you may even be able to drive right into the unloading hall!

If you’re unloading a vehicle with equipment or other stuff you plan to use at the 30C3, put <a …

How to get power at 30C3 – bring ALL your multi-outlet power strips!


German summary: Unbedingt Mehrfachsteckdosen mitbringen! Außerdem: Cat5-Kabel, Lampen für Eure Assembly, Telefone, Werkzeug, etc…

Distributing power on 30C3 requires a lot of planning and effort, and of course a truckload of equipment. This year the setup consists of 5 kilometers (km) of CEE compliant three-phase and 8km of 230V/16A power cabling, resulting in a total of 13km of cables needed to distribute power at the venue. To connect all the cables there are also about 100 three-phase distributors needed, 25 of them being “big” ones with 63 amperes. On top of this power backbone we will …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 30C3 and wondering what this city it is in has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 30C3 like no other tour guide. We selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

The first tour we have to offer is a fascinating look behind the scenes of our harbor. For more tours to come check our assembly’s webpage or follow us on twitter.

Container Terminal Tour

The harbor tour “eye to eye with giants” takes you directly onto the container terminals of the second largest harbor in Europe. …

Call for beans!


Dear fellow coffee lover,

a small group of nerds will for the first time set up an assembly on coffee at the 30C3.
At the moment the group is fairly small: If you’re dedicated to excellent coffee, please join us. We appreciate nice-looking coffee machines, geekz with their own favorite method of pouring coffee, or anything else related to coffee you have lying around.

One project in our assembly will be a bean exchange: Bring your favorite beans, sort them according to their taste, and take beans others brought home with you – obviously not without tasting them before. If you want to …

Get your assembly ready until Sunday, 1st of December!


An assembly is your place at 30C3, the /home of a group of people belonging together, hackers who like to work and hang out. At bcc we had such groups around projects, but last year we invented the concept of assemblies as an experiment, that worked out great!

(Picture of assembly: maltman23)

You find background on the idea of assemblies in last years blogpost on this topic. In sum it is like the villages in the camp: Bring your toys and tools, show your projects and work on them, and just have fun – and let others participate in what you’re doing! Write a nice wikipage on your assembly, give …



We want you to bring more of that Camp feeling to the Congress! The event suffered from stagnation over the past few years. This time you can shape the conference a lot more than you already did in Berlin. To start that transformation, there’ll be a new thing called Assemblies. Ideally, these should work much like Villages on the Camp, but not exactly the same way.

Up to 28C3 last year we’ve assigned seats and tables to projects that registered in the wiki beforehand. Space has been a very scarce resource, thus we had to keep a close eye on allocation. Hopefully, that will change for the …