Self-organized Sessions
Usually we called this section "workshops". Then we told you on this page, that a workshop doesn't need to be an event with hands-on and making – but sure it could! We said that a "workshop" is just something, that happens at a special time and place, but doesn't take place in one of the big halls. Therefore we changed the name to "Self-organized Sessions" that includes everything - everything that is organized by you!
Such an event can be...
- ... a gathering of a project group or on a special topic,
- ... a contest or a game
- ... something happening outside of the building
- ... a small talk or lecture
- ... a screening of a movie
- ... something with music, literature and art
- ... a follow-up-discussion on one ob the "big talks" or another topic that happened rencently
- ... everything else you think that needs to take place at the congress!
[hide]Your Self-organized Session goes 31C3
On this page you can find a list of planned self-organized sessions by participants of the 31C3 and you'll find the necessary information to create your own one.
The idea is, that we will be able to provide a global workshop and talk calendar: Everyone being at the 31C3 is able to look at this calendar and will find out what self-organized sessions are currently running besides the "big" talks in the halls.
Registering own workshops or talks
To register your self-organized sessions just use the self-organized session form.
For now, the crucial information are
- Name of the self-organized session (which will be used as the site name)
- A short description
- A valid email address that might be used by the orga team to contact you
It might even be great, if you give some information about the person and assembly performing the self-organized session and a rough start- and end-time for the schedule, as well as a location. You can always update this information later.
For a detailed description, you can use the Free text field. This field allows the usual mediawiki syntax, and it will be the body of your page at the end.
You can also select a location for your self-organized. There will be again special rooms and places for this, they will be added here soon.
At the moment valid locations are all assemblies that have selected maybe or yes in their local lectures field, as well as the six workshop rooms:
- Hall 13 with 78 square meters and 41 seats; tables in classroom layout
- Hall 14 with 60 square meters and 21 seats; tables in U layout
- Hall 15 with 61 square meters and 25 seats; tables in U layout
- Hall A with 272 square meters and 230 seats; no tables,
- Hall B with 287 square meters and 160 seats; tables in classroom layout
- Hall C with 294 square meters and 120 seats; tables in U layout
Planning self-organized sessions within the workshop rooms works on a "fair use policy":
- You can plan any timeslot that is still free (FCFS). Take a look into our Calendar or the timelines on the workshop location pages.
- You may register self-organized sessions in one of the workshop rooms with a maximum duration of 3 hours. If you need more time, you might kindly want to ask one of the Assemblies that provide space for workshops, if you can perform your workshop there.
- Give a valid contact on your self-organized session page. If no name given, we are not able to contact you in case of questions.
- Sesseion Annonce Lists available at the Infodesk and on most shared tables
Registered Self-organized Sessions
Already registered self-organized sessions are available as list or calendar. You can use the existing self-organized sessions as a reference, if you do not yet know, where to start.
The calendar is updated using the semantics feature of the self-organized sessions form and template. This may take some time, so be patient...
There are 240 registered self-organized sessions.
description | |
"How to survive 31c3" CryptoParty | A network full of hackers can be quite intimidating. We want to address all the questions many of the new visitors might have or regulars might be too afraid to ask by now. And if not all of them then the most urgent ones. The ones that keep your password from being projected onto a wall screen. |
'Starbucks franchises personally managed by Joseph Stalin' and other avenirs of the Internet | Departing from the text of Hito Steyerl 'Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?', the lecture-workshop organised by Avenir Institute (Denis Maksimov & Timo Tuominen) will focus on further analytical and philosophical speculations on subject of potentialities ('avenirs'), that the Internet still might deliver in order to disrupt society, politics and economy. The methodology of avenirologic analysis of futures, which the duo has been developing since issuing in the summer 2015 the book 'Introduction of Avenirology: blueprint into metamodern futures', will be presented as the strategy of futuristic inquiries. |
260DIYChurch | live radio show + open mic for everyone who is interested in getting involved or wants to contribute something. Pls contact me for details |
42birds: Drawing for Dummies | This hands-on session is about simple drawing techniques for flipcharts, posters etc. |
42birds: Hitchhiker's Towel-Yoga | We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies! |
42birds: Speed Dating for Geeks | Do you want to meet new people? Join us at speed dating for geeks! |
ATtami - bake a cheap DEV board | assemble an ATtiny85 based DEV board. its made to be cheap (BOM at ~1Euro) but capable. no soldering - its baked! |
About: PrismLabs und No-Spy-Konferenz | Wie eine Gruppe ganz normaler Leute gegen den NSA-Skandal ankämpft: Wir hacken Politik und Gesellschaft. Gespräch für Gespräch und Aufkleber für Aufkleber. |
Adopt your MEP | As less and less legislation is coming from national governments and more and more policies are being decided by the EU, we need to take democratic participation to a whole new level. ACTA, net neutrality, surveillance measures - these and many other topics are decided in Brussels. We might not have the same resources as industry lobbyists, but we have the tools! So how should an independent and non-partisan platform look like that could help us enter into a dialogue with our elected representatives? Memopol, PiPhone and Parltrack made a great start, join us for a brainstorming session on how to improve our tools for political engagement. Our goal is that all of us can take away experience on how to contact your MEPs and to share ideas for new tools |
After Thunderstrike: EFI firmware hacking | After the Thunderstrike EFI firmware bootkit talk, we'll walk through some of the more technical parts of the boot process, the vulnerability and protection. |
Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future | Starting with Ai Wei Wei, this talk will explore the societal consequences of ubiquitous surveillance. Who is watching who? How does it feel to be a watcher? Does first-person recording change our perspective of the world? Can we escape looking at each other? |
Alec Empire | Alec Empire ist Frontmann der Gruppe Atari Teenage Riot und Gründer der Label Digital Hardcore Recordings. |
Alternative Learning Tank | The Alternative Learning Tank is a nomadic school and artistic organization that focuses in the research, creation and implementation of educational programs on progressive and radical fields of knowledge that are not contemplated by educational institutions. It strives for a reform of those institutions, embracing how knowledge is being produced and transferred in the XXI century. Drawing from precedents such as contemporary social movements, digital rights, hacker culture, new media and a general critical stand point about technology. ALT develops a practice of intellectual production and advocacy at the intersection between pedagogy, art and activism. |
An amateur radio short telegram an microblog system | QTC Net is an upcoming amateur radio short telegram and microblog system.
It claims to be an open decentralized extendable solution, that fits the special 'no encryption' requirement of ham radio. From the starting idea it is actively developed since 10 Month. We will sit together to look over the features, planned features and the implementation. |
AndroidDev Meetup | Get to know fellow Android developers in person. |
Angewandte Konsensdemokratie | In diesem Workshop kann geübt werden, wie Entscheidungen im Konsensverfahren funktionieren. Damit können u.a. Hackerspaces (imho) klügere, sozialere und stabilere Entscheidungen treffen, als das ein Vereinsvorstand alleine könnte. Ich hab den workshop schon in ein paar Chaosnahen Rahmen gemacht, den Leuten gefiels (haben sie zumindest behauptet :-). Detaillierte Beschreibung der Inhalte hinter dem Link. Kommt alle! |
Anonymes Handy, anonyme Kreditkarte | Sowohl Mobilfunk- als auch Kreditkarten werden in DE nur nach Identitätsprüfung abgegeben bzw. aktiviert. Damit ist es nicht ganz so einfach, bei $Transaktionen im Internet Anonymität zu wahren. |
Antennenbau | Einführung in Antennentechnik und Antennenbau |
Arch Linux Workshop | A workshop focusing on all aspects of Arch Linux: installation, maintenance, exchange of ideas and experiences, advanced techniques and tips. Open to everyone. Might turn into a mass install party of Arch. |
ArduinoForTotalNewbies | Learn Arduino using TV-B-Gone as an example project
Arje | arje a.k.a. rj-one, drum&bass producer/dj from frankfurt |
Arne Bense | Arne Bense forscht und lehrt im Bereich aktueller musikbezogener Entwicklungen einer zunehmend computerisierten Gesellschaft im Sinne einer erweiterten systematischen Musikologie, die Aspekte medialer Inszenierungen, Performativität und ästhetischer Strategien aufgreift. |
At tHe SpAcE oFFiCe | ElectroBeats treffen hier auf verstörte StopMotion Filme und verschmelzen mit geschmackvoll-abgedrehten Gitarren- & Sythesizerklängen zu einer mitreißenden Geschichte. Als fester Bestandteil der Chaos Computer Kultur erschließen At The Space Office neue Welten aus chaotischer Improvisation und frischer, verspielter Eingängigkeit. |
Atbense | DJ-Set |
Ausbreitung von Funkwellen | Ausbreitung von Funkwellen unter dem Einfluss von Sonne und dem Erdmagnetfeld |
Aux Yeux De Tous | cancelled |
Barbnerdy | Expect a wild set with a lot of Bass, Footwork/Juke/Jungle and weird Beatz. |
Bildungstrinken | We’re going drinking. Please sign up at so we can make the appropriate reservation.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: THE DATE WAS CHANGED! We’re meeting at cch and going together. |
Bimmel | DJ-Set |
Bitcoin Hands On Workshop | Bitcoin Hands On Workshop We will explain Bitcoin and show how to use it. |
Bitcoin beginner workshop | Bitcoin Hands On Workshop |
Blackberry Fields | Blackberry Fields is a Project. A Project by former members of „Woodrow Wilson“. It’s an experience to listen to the sound fields, that the three guys try to raise. Based on psychedelic, experimental rock and beat of the late 60s & 70s, many other musical influences are present in the concept. |
Bouldering | We'll go bouldering (climbing at low height) at a local climbing hall, and introduce you to the sport. Advanced boulderers are also welcome to tag along. |
Breaking Bad Crypto | Are you a programmer? Do you want to learn cryptography? Well the best way to do it is by breaking some!
We will walk through some badly implemented piece of cryptography and tear it apart together. BRING YOUR LAPTOP |
Brewing with probiotic biofilm polycutures - Advanced | We will discuss probiotic drink brewing in more depth sharing our experience and oing variety of tasting. |
Build your own camhead! | We build Camheads to make a memorable protest against mass surveillance! Camheads:
Join the wastun assembly at Noizy Square! We build camheads on 2014/12/28, 9 p.m. and 2014/12/29, 3 p.m. The material is already there! On monday, 5 p.m., there is a demonstration against surveillance starting from the 31C3, where we like to use the camheads. |
Building an anycast VPN | Discussion session about building an anycast-based VPN service on the Internet, for resilience, scalability, and fun. |
C3S: Konkurrenz für die GEMA | Die Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S) arbeitet seit 2010 darauf hin, offiziell als alternative Verwertungsgesellschaft für Musik anerkannt zu werden. Wir fassen in dieser Session zusammen, was dabei 2014 alles passiert ist, und wollen auch vorstellen, wie man uns bei der Softwareentwicklung konkret weiterhelfen kann. |
CCC Regiotreffen | Regional meeting of the Chaos Computer Club. Not intended for the general public but not top secret either. If you don't know what this is, you should probably not go there. |
CameoNet for Crypto Angles | We want to present the open multi platform encrypted messenger cameoNet to more Crypto Angels. cameoNet is a new project located in Germany that offers more than end-to-end encryption and has been presented already several times at Cryptoparties in Berlin.
We offer a brief introduction and would like to get your feedback! This session is for Angels who usually explain IM/Jabber/OTR, and all the others ... |
CameoNet: crypto hacking session | We invite coders hacking with us. Get in touch with our |
Car hacking meetup | Let's meet up for a beer and have a friendly discussion about car security issues and attacks. |
Carsten Stäcker (Frequenzberater) | DJ-Set |
Cast your own Dildo | |
Cheese rendezvous | Lets enjoy cheeses and related condiments together! |
CipherFennec | Personal Volatile Encrypted Email Platform cipherFennec is an API providing Email Relay. It is designed to avoid email ads and tracking by common cloud email platforms. It is developed just for fun but I hope someone could get inspired. |
Commercial Beer Tasting | |
Contributing to Tails by working on Debian | sometimes, the best way to help Tails is to make Debian better; let's see how |
Create a cookie cutter contest | create a cookie cutter contest... . I will bring material to make nice iron cookie cutters, pacman-cookie-cutter always get bonuspoints... |
Crocheting Hyperboles | Only in the 19th century the formal study of non-Euclidean geometry started and was not able to construct physical models.
But yes: we can. We will crochet various hyperbolic planes as we found them in nature. Colored and beautiful. Use it as yarnbombs for Guerilla Knitting, decoration, space models, keyrings and many other things. |
Crying on the bathroom floor for no apparent reason. | Your psychologist most likely is on vacation, so this is to be a spot to talk about depression, to share your experience. |
CryptoKeySigningParty | We want to meet up and a) learn to encrypt and validate emails and b) cross-validate the keys of all participants to weave the web-of-trust somewhat more. Beginners or Pros, all may attend and help each other. We will collect all keys at the beginning, please have them available on keyservers, the web, or a stick (if you know what I am talking about, otherwise, just participate) |
DIY ISP drink-UP/DOWN | DIY ISP activists of the world unite and enjoy cocktails, beer or whatever you like! Freifunk folks are also very welcome!
pro-tip: drink openwrt release name cocktails! Location: |
DIY ISP meetup | DIY Internet service providers exist all around the world: come and share your experiences with other DIY ISPs! There was a similar meetup last year at 30C3; we will discuss what we have achieved since then, and how the future looks like for DIY ISPs. |
DIY-brain-computer-interface | build your own DIY EEG Neuroheadset brain-duino Open-BCI |
DJ BarbNerdy | Barbara Hallama (aka Barbnerdy) is a freelance professional with over 20 years of experience in the music industry. |
DJ La Niña | DJ-Set |
DJ Tasmo | DJ-Set |
DKRZ computer room tour | We will make a tour to the German climate computing center (DKRZ). |
DO! NOT! TRACK! | Einstellung des Browsers Firefox, um die Datenspur beim Surfen zu reduzieren. Massnahmen gegen kommerzielle Überwachung.
Setup for the browser Firefox to reduce the datatrace during surfing the web. Measures against commercial surveillance. |
DYI sushi | We will make a lot of sushi together, hopefully more than we can eat ourselves during the making. |
Das Kraftfuttermischwerk | DJ-Set |
Days of Delay | Mit Collagen und Instrumenten, wie dem Theremin, Weltempfänger, Synthesizer, modifizierter Kalimba, Santur, Omnichord, Umweltgeräuschen, Pianofragmenten, hypnotischen Loops und speziellen Tablet-Controllern entstehen emotional vielschichtige, experimentelle Klang-Gemälde. |
Ddj meetup | Hacks/hackers / ddj meetup |
Deo& Z-Man | we mostly play house and disco music. but don't wonder if you catch us playing hiphop, soulful electronic music in general or doing a madass analog live-show of our own tracks! |
Diaspora User and Developer Meetup | diaspora* Developers and Users will meet up and talk about... stuff. |
Die Reise | live band from Rostock |
Digital Radio Broadcasting | DAB+ Digital Radio Broadcasting using SDR and free open source tools ODR-mmbtools. |
Disco Digger | DJ-Set |
Dr Who Xmas Special Screening | Two heroic icons – the Doctor and Santa – along with Clara Oswald, are thrown together in one of the Time Lord’s most incredible adventures yet! |
Dr. Dehghani Chillout | DJ-Set |
EU Copyright Reform | Workshop to follow the "Correcting copywrongs: European copyright reform is finally on the horizon" session |
EU surveillance: What the fuck is in a PNR and why should I care? | The EU is planning to introduce a EU-wide retention system of your flight travel data. This session discusses why this is a bad idea and how we can stop it. |
Edible mushrooms | How to grow and multiply edible mushrooms in the garden. |
Ein Bündnis gegen Überwachung schmieden - Forging an alliance against mass surveillance | Wir möchten die diesjährige Diskussion über ein "Bündnis gegen Überwachung" mit Euch fortführen. We want to continue this year's discussion about an "alliance against mass surveillance". |
Einführung zu Amateurfunk | Was ist überhaupt Amateurfunk? Die Chaoswelle zeigt in einem kurzen Vortrag das riesige Feld des Amateurfunks. |
Empulse feat. Kraftwerk Tangerine Dream | EBM, Synthi, 80ies DJ-Set |
Engelmeeting | |
Erasmus Open Data Program | Discussion about next steps in establishing Erasmus Open Data Program Also about Open Data exchange programs in general, even small events with representations from various regions. Ex. |
Erfa-Schatzmeister-Treffen | Informational meeting of CCC treasurers |
Erfa-VOC meeting | How we may stream and record Chaos-Events at Erfa locations |
Erobique | Carsten „Erobique“ Meyer. Seine Kompositionen sind in verschiedenen deutschen Film- und Fernsehproduktionen zu hören. Als Keyboarder ist er in der Hamburger Band International Pony und Einbahnstrasse aktiv. Als Solokünstler hat er verschiedene Alben unter anderem über Deck8 und Staatsakt veröffentlicht. |
Eternal Drum | the legendery eternal drum!! |
Example Session | Just to provide an example. |
Fannie Mae | Fannie Mae, who opend and closed the lounge at 30c3, DJ-Set |
Flotze 2.0 | Sir Raetz, Flotze 2.0, Maus, Herr Schmidt und Le Bouf, auch unter dem Synonym Ravebotta bekannt. Für euch abgesandt wurde Flotze 2.0 welcher im Zeichen des Technoiden - von hypnotischem Detroit und Dub- bis zu industriell,verschobenem Distortion Techno, das Publikum grenzüberschreitend an die Schwelle zur Transzendenz begleitet. |
Flunkyball I | Wir wollen mit euch Flunkyball spielen / We want to play Flunkyball with you. |
Fotopia's engine room | During our Workshop we will do the following:
Framing Data Retention | Data retention was killed decisively by the European Court earlier this year. It's dead - but it's also still moving. It's a ZOMBIE LAW (cue the scary music). We need to design new ways to combat the undead. And we know that new zombie eggs are being hatched as we speak. How to fight those? In our time together we will explore ways to win the fight. By framing the discussion in the most effective way. |
Freifunk Gluon v2014.4 Release | We'll release Gluon v2014.4 |
Freifunk Webteam Meetup | Freifunk Webteam Meetup (Andi, Monic)
Neue Dienste besprechen - - - - timeline.freifunk.netTodos updaten :) |
Freifunk: API Update Party | * update API Dateien der Communities
Freifunk: Beginner-Workshop | What is Freifunk? How does it work? Where are Freifunk communities? |
Freifunk: Genossenschaft? | Wir wollen mit möglichst vielen Communities erörtern in welcher Organisationsform einige Aufgaben (Akkumulation von Eigentum, ISP, Verträge), des Fördervereins freie Netzwerke in Zukunft übernommen werden können. |
Freifunk: News Förderverein freie Netzwerke | Förderverein freie Netzwerke (monic): subdomains, Gründung ISP |
Freifunk: Rundfreifunk (Freifunk Radio) | Freifunk Radiosendung (ufo) Audio-Interviews z.B. via |
Freifunk: best practices for communities | Best practices for communities, i.e., political strategies, funding, ... |
Freifunk: build bigger networks? | Discussion about network architecture |
Freifunk: drink-UP/DOWN | Freifunk activists of the world unite and enjoy cocktails, beer or whatever you like!
pro-tip: drink openwrt release name cocktails! Location: |
Freifunk: firmware developer meeting | How can we collaborate better with our several firmwares? Where can we merge? |
Freifunk: gateway- and resource-sharing | How can we share resources like gateways or other servers? |
Freifunk: | / Webteam Meetup |
Freifunk: peering workshop | A workshop for peering between Freifunk communities and the big internet. |
Fuckoff google | Discussion after lecture "fuck off google" |
Funkamateur werden | Der Weg zum Funkamateur |
Gammler und Kundan Lal | Gammler und Kundan Lal - Rock'n'Roll, Kraut, 70ies DJ-Set |
GnuPG in use with smart cards | Werner Koch is the main developer of GnuPG. He ist hosting a session about the use of GnuPG encryption with a smart card and (FSFE Fellowship card) and a card reader. Pros and Cons and Howto of encryption with a physical card |
Gregoa | DJ-Set |
Guerillaknitting 101 - Lets Yarnbomb 31C3 | This session, which is getting a tradition at XC3, will first give a colorful and practical introduction into the art of guerillaknitting, with many inspiring pictures of global knit hacking examples - by individuals, local and global communities with trees, bridges, tanks, cars, planes, stones or power cords covered in knitting. Attendants will learn the basics of how to yarnbomb the 31C3 (or any other place indoor or outdoor). Bring knitting needles and wool but there will also be some material available (if you want to donate yarn, bring it along or bring it to the T-Shirt Shop). Lets join forces to beautify the congress centre! This time, I suggest we use the colour code of the 31C3 for yarnbombing (see long description for details on colours and measures). |
Hackerspace harburg dj collective | DJ-Set |
Hacking capitalism: IT organisations, structures and services to support the societal transformations | A workshop to exchange and discuss ideas on who is doing and how to shape a community-based and oriented IT, capable of supporting emerging social movements and citizens initiatives beyond capitalism. |
Haecksen Frühstück/Breakfast | Very spontaneous breakfast for female hackers in the tradition of previous congresses, but not organized by the same people. Not organized at all, actually ;-)
Let's meet, exchange, create a network. Bring some food, dishes, coffee-making-equipment - we have nothing yet! This meeting is female-only, whatever "female" means for you. Lurkers, Friends and Allies: sorry, this one not for you. |
Herr Schmidt | Sir Raetz, Flotze 2.0, Maus, Herr Schmidt und Le Bouf, auch unter dem Synonym Ravebotta bekannt. Herr Schmidt kommt tief unter die Gürtellinie. Sein Sound lässt nach unten keinen Spielraum: Bässer kann Musik nicht klatschen. Der trockene, minimale, bisweilen auch harte Sound ist ein Klang- und Druckerlebnis, das an Qualität nicht missen lässt. |
Hillhacks: hackers without borders: vereinsgründung | Vereinsgründung (founding of a german NGO), everyone is invited, "Hackers without Borders", to support hackers and makers in India for conducting hillhacks, in the Himalaya, and seahacks (s'hacks) in Kerala at the sea: both events made for hackers by hackers, very much inspired by the C3 approach, but also very much focused on empowerment for the local people. With that general name it can be used for various other things in the future, too. Pls be part! :) |
Hillhacks: hacking and making in the himalaya: the movie | hillhacks is an event around hacking and making in Dharamshala, India, in the foothills of the Himalaya. It took place for the first time in October 2014: Two Weeks of Workshops with locals and kids, and 4 days of conference with the experts from India, Nepal and all around the world. Next edition will be 23th May till 7th June in 2015. This is a documentary movie showing what we've done. |
Homebrew Tasting | Tasting selfmade beer and wine |
How Freifunk Rheinland became an ISP | We are a Local Internet Registrar, member of RIPE. We are one of the very few community LIRs.What does it mean "Autonomous System"? How the Rheinland Backbone technically works? What about Rheinland Backbone Policy? Q&A about our Usage Policy. We offer default routing for your Freifunk Community! Fibre to the Roof! |
How to make Mozarella | We will make mozarella |
How to make fresh cheese | We will start the making of a Boursin-style fresh herb cheese early on dring the Congress, so that it will be ready for the cheese tasting session. |
How to throw a CryptoParty | You attended the "How to survive 31c3" CryptoParty and now want to organize your own? You know how to crypto but not to party? You know how to party but not to crypto? Learn to teach. Teach to learn. |
Improve booklet on Tails | |
Improving Anonymity in Bitcoin with CoinShuffle | Bitcoin's use of pseudonyms (Bitcoin addresses) towards protecting users' privacy has been an attractive feature to many of its adopters. However, due to the inherent public nature of the Bitcoin transaction ledger (the blockchain), Bitcoin does not provide real anonymity in fact. I will present why and how Bitcoin users can be deanonymized. Then I will explain the CoinShuffle protocol, a completely decentralized Bitcoin mixing protocol that allows users to utilize Bitcoin in a truly anonymous manner. The key feature of CoinShuffle is that it is deployable immediately without changing the Bitcoin protocol. Since the protocol introduces only a small computation and communication overhead for its users, it is ready for practical deployment, and several implementations are under way. |
Improving the infrastructure behind Tails | getting started with Tails system administration |
Introduction to soy bean fermentation - Tempeh making | You will learn preparation of soy beans for subsequent fermentation with microbial culture producing tempeh and maybe another ferment. |
Jacob Gröning | Jacob belongs to the big deep and tech-house sphere. With influences from many styles of electronic music, he always enriches his sets and give them the famous “little something different”. |
Jan Müller | From X-Dream! X-Dream are Marcus Christopher Maichel (born May 1968) and Jan Müller (born February 1970); they are also known as Rough and Rush. They are some of the cult hit producers of psychedelic trance music and hail from Hamburg, Germany. |
Jay Pauli | As a trained audio engineer he is the head of the Eargear-Studio and nowadays the producer of Motion 040, Paulirama, St.Pauli Dancecore. Besides producing for more than 7 years now, he spins the decks since almost 16 years. Started with funky stuff he got over trance and plays now a mix of funky groovy, butt moving electro-house. |
Jens Zygar Star Sounds Orchestra | Gong concert |
Julian Dorner | |
Kefir is alive | how to make Kefir by yourself with Kefir Grains and (soy)milk |
Keysigning Party | The aim of this Workshop is to strengthen the Web of Trust by signing OpenPGP keys of other people and receiving signatures from others. |
Kicad | We wanna stick our heads together and figure KiCAD out. |
Kimchi for beginners | We will teach you how to make simple kimchi yourself. |
KinkyGeeks - Bondage Workshop for Beginners | Grundlegende Knotentechniken für Interessierte. |
KinkyGeeks - How To Play "Safe" | Eine einführende Erklärung wie man verschiedene BDSM-Spielarten sicher ausüben kann. |
Kombucha is easy | Come and learn how to make tasty and healthy kombucha, so you can continue to brew your own at home or at your local hackerspace! |
Kreative Steganografie | Steganografie, was ist das, etwas mit Grafik? Nein, es ist Spaß am Zweckentfremden von Datenformaten und Dingen. Lasst euch klassische sowie ausgefallene Stego-Methoden anfängertauglich erklären und entwickelt eigene Ideen. |
LEAP Provider Hands-On | Hands-on: Setting up a leap provider (vpn, email or both) from scratch. |
La Niña | DJ-Set |
LearnToSolder | Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.
Lets play spaceteam | We want to play spaceteam on our android and ios devices. |
Love and Tolerate | We get together and watch some episodes from My Little Pony — Friendship is Magic, as well as maybe the current movie, some episodes from older generations, some fan-made episodes whatever the people attending the event feel like. |
LowRISC Discussion | Discussion about lowRISC, an open-to-the-RTL CPU implementation of the RISC-V ISA. lowRISC features tagged memory and minion cores, providing enhanced security implementation options. How would you use it? How would you make it better? |
Make your own Dildo | Make your own Dildo! Yes, it's a sex toy. In this workshop you will cast a customized dildo with medical grade sex toy silicone. |
Mappen mit OpenStreetMap für Einsteiger | In diesem Hands-On zeigen ich euch, wie man mit dem Online-Editor iD und dem Offline-Editor JOSM zu OpenStreetMap beiträgt. |
Marco Morelle | DJ-Set |
Mario Lasal | DJ-Set |
Maritime Opensource Hacking | Come join and bring joy through code to seafarers worldwide!
Mark Lasalle | DJ-Set |
Mark Reinhard | DJ-Set |
Meeting of CryptoParty organizers | CryptoParty is a decentralized, selforganized, global movement. This means it's easy to lose touch. We want to change that a bit – at least for organizers of CryptoParties who attend 31c3. Let's meet and see where we go from there. |
Messaging | Technical workshop for those involved in building and maintaining secure messaging systems - such as OTR, Pond, and various group chat protocols. We'll begin by reporting on progress in the last year, then split up into per-topic discussion groups. |
MetaHackspace | Vernetzungstreffen: Hackspaces werden in ihrer Nachbarschaft und Umgebung immer interessanter. Es entstehen Projekte mit anderen Kulturschaffenden und Bildungsträgern mit und aus den Hackspaces. Leute aus Literatur, Kunst, Bildung und sogar der Politik fangen an Hackerspaces interessant zu finden und sich dort blicken zu lassen. Vereine die sich in der Nähe der Hackspacebewegung befinden wie der Freifunk Rheinland e.V. die sich dank ihrer Organisationsform um eine Mitgliedschaft in der Medienkommission NRW bewerben konnten. Da stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit sich Hackspaces, Makerspaces oder FabLabs gemeinsam insitutionalisieren wollen oder lieber unabhängig bleiben möchten. Dies ist ein Sammeltreffen um im 1. Quartal 2015 ein intensives Brainstorming auf die Beine zu stellen. Interessierte Menschen, kommt vorbei damit wir uns vernetzten können. |
Midi Controller Workshop | Build your own DJ controller! You can get here all the hardware and the know how. Afterwards, the head of the workshop, Julian, will play a DJ-Set with a self build controller. |
MiniKIF | Die inoffizielle Mini-Konferenz der Informatikfachschaften auf dem Congress. Arrrrr! |
Mitgliederversammlung Förderverein Gentoo e.V. | Mitgliederversammlung des Förderverein Gentoo e.V. |
Mobile Self-Defense | |
Morning Tea with RIPE NCC | 3 mornings about RIPE / NCC topics: RIPE Atlas, Internet Governance and IPv4 Hijacks. 11AM, Room 13, Tea!!! |
Move that body MartialArts | Some basic stuff from Karate, Shinson Hapkido Taijiquan and other Martial Arts Some Partner work from the Taijiquan and so on open for all |
Multimeter Calibration Party | This workshop is intented for people who want to make sure their multimeters are still within spec. I bring the tools to calibrate and adjust your multimeter. |
NU jork | DJ-Set |
Neal White | Producer |
NerfgunBattle | Tired of egoshooters? Feeling the need for better graphics, realistic physics and surround sound? Join the big Nerf-Gun Battle at 31c3! Come around - bring your own device - get shot! |
Net neutrality - What about interconnect? | We want to talk about the problem of inter-connection and possible solutions to the problem. Most net neutrality legislations only cover the end-user side of product creation and maybe some obligations to offer QoS peerings for ISPs.
Is there a way to solve peering-disputes like Comcast/Netflix? Do we have enough data to even formulate political/regulatory/technical solutions to the problem? In this session we want to lay out the various problems with some real world cases and discuss them with like minded people to maybe find a solution where so far no one else did. |
Net neutrality and the return of the pink panther | The fight for a neutral internet is not yet over. |
Neurofeedback Mind-Hacking | connect your brain wetware to our wireless non-invasive EEG electrodes, control the "Digital-Alchemy" |
Next gen secure communication: user workshop | We'd like to invite people who are interested to share their opinion on the next generation of secure communication tools. cameoNet is such a brand new platform and we're keen to develop it further with the needs and thoughts you care about in mind. |
Nihiling | postrock-fake live band |
Nina Rockt | Nina sings with her guitar. |
No, Mister Bond. I expect you to die. - Newton's Laws in a rotating System | en: Not strapped to a centrifuge I'm able to construct Newton's (third) law in a rotating system.
And then you'll know why the centrifugal force is a REAL force! de: Ich zeige, dass die Zentrifugalkraft sehr wohl eine reale Kraft ist. Es kommt nur drauf an, in welchem Referenzsystem man sich befindet. |
NoiseToys | CiruitCircle´s NoiseToys will be a workshop session all around diy electronics and noisemakers. its about selfmade devices for experimental electronic music and fun. |
OKFN Open Science Meeting | Meeting of the OKFN Open Science workgroup and anybody interested in Open Science. |
OONI: Open Observatory of Network Interference | Internet censorship measurement and how you can help to make a difference! |
OONI\: Open Observatory of Network Interference | |
Obai Brause | Making your own sherbet is really easy and not that expensive. OBAI Brause is aiming to give you that crucial caffeine dose you're craving for to get you through the event. As part of the workshop you'll be able to mix your very own sherbet with ingredients available at the shackspace assembly. |
Ortsfeste Amateurfunkanlage melden | Funkamateure sind verpflichtet, eine ortsfeste Amateurfunkanlage zu melden. Hilfe gibt es mit der Software WattWächter |
Owen Casey | 8 people reggae band! Read the full info |
PLux, DG13, Directives and Regulations (aka how the EU works) | Why is PLux so important? What the hell is DG13? How do EU institutions work and why should we get involved in policy making? |
Parliamentary Inquiry on Mass Surveillance in Germany | What is happening in the parliamentary investigation in Germany, how does it work, what has been achieved so far and will there be asylum for Snowden in Berlin? What's the point and the purpose to do this work in parliament? I'd also like to discuss what is happening along these lines in other countries. |
Performance? | |
Petrosilius Zwaggelmann | Petrosilius Zwaggelmann is playing with a self build usb-midi-controller (pictures inside). Check out his midi controller workshop!! |
Photographic film workshop | Learn how to use photographic film cameras and develop your own exposed negatives! (Limited number of cameras available bring your own if possible) |
Pinky und Roque | DJ-Set |
Practical Whistleblowing | A practical workshop to share the experience coming from the support to more than 20 different whistleblowing initiatives as part of the GlobaLeaks project. |
Practical Whistleblowing: Setting up leaksites beyond Snowden and WikiLeaks | A practical workshop to share the experience coming from the support to more than 20 different whistleblowing initiatives as part of the GlobaLeaks project. |
Principles of Beer Brewing | Showing the fascination of beer brewing for beginners. |
Privacy & Communication Tools in a surveilled world | Are you involved in privacy or communication tools created or evolving since Snowden?
Are you interested in participating in such projects? Or just curious about the existing ideas & questions? Come, have a seat, have a tea, let's have fun! |
Queer Feminist Geek Gathering | A gathering for all the queer feminist geek folk. We will use it mainly for networking, exchanging our projects and ideas, and talk about how to make things better in geek culture for us and others. |
Rawbot and Optms Prme | Turntablelism World Champions |
Remote controlled architecture: Reality Builder | We will try to set up a live stream, showing a miniature construction site. Via the web, users can submit commands to place Lego bricks that we build!
Challenges: Set up streaming (Twitch?). Write a Twitch Bot. Reach an audience. Make it a fun game. The next step is running a test on the Canary Islands with big size bricks. Then there is something planned for Berlin. |
Retro Demo Coding | You learn something new every day, how about learning something retro? Like coding a demo for a game console that was created in the late 70's. The Atari 2600 VCS provides 128 bytes of RAM, an address space for 4k of ROM and NO framebuffer. |
Rollin' Thunder | - the wizzard of the third turntable - |
SBH | Die Schwarzbeutelherausforderung.
Ein Lockpicking-Geschicklichkeits-Spiel. 6 Teams von 1-3 Leuten bekommen einen "schwarzen Beutel" mit Werkzeugen gestellt, und brechen mit hilfe dieser unter Zeitdruck in ein simuliertes Zimmer ein. Dort müssen verschiedene Informationen gesammelt, und weitere Aufgaben erledigt werden, und das Zimmer vor Ablauf der Zeit wieder ordentlich verlassen werden. Das schnellste Team mit den meisten gelösten Aufgaben gewinnt. Nur leichte Vorkenntnisse nötig. Noch werden Teams gesucht, Voranmeldung per E-Mail an <> |
SDR for noobs | Get started with some simple Software Defined Radio. Please install GnuRadio. No hardware required, we will provide files with captured data. |
SEX | SEX -- Seed EXchange We provide a low profile platform for the exchange of __plant__ seeds. |
SHUMSHUM | Ali Kalaschnikoff & Zoran Zupanic originated from Donezk Ukraine |
SIM-Card Sharing | Just sharing some SIM-Cards. |
SIP und so: Mobil telefonieren ohne trackbar zu sein | Wir haben uns daran gewöhnt, dass wir mit unseren Handys jederzeit und überall erreichbar sind. Leider geben wir dafür auch jederzeit preis, wo wir uns gerade aufhalten. |
SMD soldering with stencils | In this Workshop you will learn how to solder an all SMD board using a stainless steel stencil, solder paste and a soldering oven. |
Secure your Android | You can turn your standard Android phone into a device which gives you significant more control over our data. It just needs a little bit of love and sacrifice. |
Secure your Android 2nd time | Due to the interest, we have our workshop a 2nd time: You can turn your standard Android phone into a device which gives you significant more control over our data. It just needs a little bit of love and sacrifice. |
Sensing proximity | Presenting our app nervousnet, that will provide an experimental indoor navigation at CCH and also build a social graph of people using the app and detected transmitter beacons. We will also give away some free beacons, so that people can participate without the app.
Our long-term project, nervous, aims to enable scientific research for the public good — by transparently collating data from mobile devices, sensors and social media. _Planned time: Day 2, 16.00-17.00_ |
Shétsou | Shétsou sind ein hamburger Trio bestehend aus Keys+Vocals, E-Bass und Drums. Musikalisch bewegen sie sich irgendwo zwischen den Grenzen von Jazzfusion und smoothem TripHop zum Wegträumen. Urban, feurig, chillig, bewegend. |
Skinnerbox | Skinnerbox have positioned themselves well above the inflationary electronic scene hailing from Berlin. Skinnerbox are also the makers of the "sbx 2049", a virtual drum machine software, officially released by “Ableton” and thus are the first artists to release their own self made - branded “Ableton” live instrument. |
Star Trek in Origami | Sadly I got a bad cold and cannot be there for you on the fourth day. Thanks for your great interest :) -Kostya |
Start to knit! | For all who couldn't attend the first workshop, and refreshers! We’re going to go through the process of knitting the knit stitch and the purl stitch step by step, and we’ll also cover things you need to know before you start knitting, and several important techniques (such as how to start your knitting and how to end it!). |
Storm and privateers ahead on the cybersea: Is there a safe harbor for the EU-ship? | A (nautical) discussion on data flow and trade agreements. |
Störerhaftung Meetup | Update zu aktuellen Feststellungsklagen und Möglichkeit Fragen zu stellen. Kommt vorbei, wenn ihr von aktuellen Abmahnungen betroffen seid |
Suprise DJs | Suprise, suprise. |
TTIP & CETA - let's troll it! | Workshop on how to troll two of the biggest threats to democracy and the rule of law, disguised as free trade agreements. 2015 will be the year of non/ratification and negotiation of two EU deals that could end western democracy as we know it. Let's try to analyse pro TTIP and pro CETA propaganda and gather best counter-arguments. |
Tamagotchi Hackers Unite! | Didn't get enough Tamagotchi Hacking at 31c3? Here's your chance to get your fix! |
The DCP Bay : Cinema, P2P and DIY ISP | The DCP Bay is a concrete example of what people can do with free software and community-driven Internet infrastructure: providing an alternative scheme for digital movie transport, from the distributors to the theaters. |
The Machine To Be Another | We will be setting up a version of "The Machine To Be Another" for everyone to play with. The session is open to everybody who is interested. We can discuss possible applications, collaborations, and start hacking even. We've booked Hall 14 for 15:00 for 2 hours as we needed a well lit space.
If anyone wants to help us get things set up early and has an assembly space let us know and we can show up there and start having fun up to several hours earlier. Any updates posted on twitter: @beanotherlab If you want to contact use beanotherlab -at- gmail or phone MEOW (6369)! |
The One Ring workshop | goldsmithing a silver ring |
The Surveillance State: closer to home than you ever imagined. | Undercover Police officers in the UK spent years living with activists, forming the most intimate relationships and infiltrating every single part of our lives. No matter how many layers of encryption you use, if your closest companions are cops, sharing your home, your details and your computer, there is nowhere to hide. This talk is by one of a group of 8 women suing the London Metropolitan Police over undercover abuses. It will look at the experience of police infiltration in the UK, some of our responses, and how that might relate to digital privacy struggles and resistance to other parts of the surveillance state. |
Tor Relay Operators Meetup | Tor relay operators meetup -- questions about running Tor relays? |
Trade Secrets | Trade Secrets, that means confidential business information. Let's meet up and discuss how an ongoing EU legislative process on trade secret protection may affect the fields of IT security and professional journalism and what challenges and opportunities may arise from that proposal. |
Traditional makgeolli brewing | Basic introduction into the "makgeolli" making, traditional Korean alcoholic rice beverage, bit about it's history, current use and importantly how to make it by yourself! |
Translate Tails | hands-on translations: how to set up a working environment to improve Tails in your language, it's easier than it sounds. |
U.S. and International Anti-Surveillance Activism: How we can work together, and what obstacles we face | Discussion about how anti-surveillance activists in the US and Europe can share knowledge and work together. |
UAVP-NG Developer Meeting | Meeting of UAVP-Developers |
USB-Midi-Controller-Workshop Session | Just a little workshop to build a small USB Midicontroller for several control purposes such as DJing, VJing, etc.
You can also use it to control your favorite music player (foobar2000 , etc.) Soldering experience would be cool, programming skills are not required. Limited to 15 People per session. Costs for the hardware (arduino, pots, encoders,...) will be around 15-20 Euro (depends on how many pots, encoders etc). We will build funny cases and jogwheels with cardboard or LEGO (look at the homepage for examples). |
Umbrella org meetup | The "Umbrella" group invites people interested in umbrella organizations (orgs handling multiple projects) to a meetup. |
Verarbeitung von OpenStreetMap-Daten | In diesem Hands-on zeige ich euch, wie man OpenStreetMap-Daten verarbeitet – Overpass-API, Overpass-Turbo, Imposm, Postgres+PostGIS |
Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit gegen Massenüberwachung - Improving inter-organizational work on mass surveillance | |
Vincenzo | Vincenzo started to dj in Hamburg's growing clubscene in the early 90's and had his first regular gigs at the Club Front. Soon he got into the production of own tracks, started working with artists like Duffer Swift, Rasoul, Elmar Schubert and delivers nowadays a fascinating blend of deep floating housemusic. |
Volca Workshop | I'm trying to get together some synthesizer users who want to play with their Volcas and similar, synchronizable synthesizers. |
Von PrismLabs und No-Spy-Konferenzen | Please DELETE this session |
Vorstellung des Freifunk Forums | Im Westen hat sich innerhalb von ein paar Monaten ein gemeinsames Forum etabliert, in dem bereits über 4000 Beiträge geschrieben worden. Mit der Software Discourse haben wir eine Lösung gefunden, die die Kommunikation der vereinzelten Communities stark verbessert hat. Lebhafter Austausch durch einfache Bedienbarkeit und Moderation durch ein Team von Engagierten können der gesamten Freifunk-Community helfen. Zunächst wird die Funktion der Software vorgeführt und die wichtigsten Vorteile gegenüber Mailinglisten dargestellt. Außerdem gibt es einen Einblick in die Erfahrungen, die wir beim Betrieb des Forums gemacht haben. Der Vortrag dient auch als Input zur einer Diskussion, ob das Newsgroups und Mailinglisten langfristig abgelöst werden können. |
WeFixTheNet | The "We Fix the Net" assembly" is to be the perfect place at 31c3 for all hackers to do something about replacing today's broken Internet with secure alternatives. We hope to have some talks and panels like last year. |
WeMixology | Playing with food while having conversations about what people are doing, which parts of the puzzle of well being they are contributing to, what kinds of infrastructures are missing for us to support each others projects, and live great lives ...p2p. |
What is Pixelated | |
What's next in the world of designing much needed secure protocols? | Brainstorm session about secure `binary reproducibility and verification protocol` protocols. How can we better protect users, leak less metadata and create a more pleasant experience? This workshop will focus on making a design for reproducible builds, what do tools lack for the moment? How can we improve those tools? However, users are not going to compile our software they download the binaries, how can they verify it isn't tampered with? I have a sketch laying in my drawer for months now that I feel should be refined for great benefit of users world wide. |
Whiskey tasting & culinary event | We will hold a Scottish whisky tasting event based on BYOD (Bring Your Own Drink) aka share your good whiskey with others, while the FHB crew surrounds this event with Scottish culinary gems like smoked salmon, cheeses, black pudding and haggis. |
Whisky | This is the fourth incarnation of the popular whisky evening. It's fairly simple: If you enjoy good whisky with nice people, or are planing to do so, join us. We'll have the virtual chimney fire going. |
Whisky Tasting | Whisky tasting for small groups or individuals will be available at the Chaos-West assembly. |
Wikidata: The free knowledge base | Have you heard of the biggest new project around Wikipedia already? Structured data to hack cool stuff? It's called Wikidata. Meet the people who make it happen. |
Working with W3C Social Web Groups | W3C hosts activity where groups work on standardizing technologies for decentralized social networking. Harry Halpin (W3C Staff) and elf Pavlik (Invited Expert) would like to meet with participants of 31C3 The Federation Assembly to discuss perspectives for future collaboration :) |
Zeitgeist | Dubstep DJ-Set |
Zucht und Ordnung | Drum'n'Bass Duo - Bonn/Heidelberg, Germany |
The following calendar shows all registered activities like workshops, talks at assemblies or in the workshop rooms, hand-ons, and stuff like mentioned above.
You can find a non-javascript version of the calendar formated as a table on the Timetable-Page. If the session-calendar does not work on your system, this is a place to go and check out the timeslots for all events.
This is the calendar for Static:Self-organized Sessions. You find the complete calendar on Calendar.
You may select one of the following filters:
Saturday, 27 Dec, 2014 |
Saturday 27/12 | |