Please note that the deadline for assembly registration was on December 9th, 23:59h! Assemblies registered afterwards will most probably not get space assigned, sorry. Please leave your stuff at home!
Over the last years we've seen a shift in focus away from group meetings and discussing topics at hand towards lectures and workshops. For many groups it was hard to find a decent home base to store their equipment and to get new folks interested in their community. On the other hand, for new hackers it became harder to find someone to talk to, as everybody was wandering around.
At the Chaos Communication Camp, we had a solution for that: villages. Groups of people sharing ideas, from hackerspaces or projects come together in what is called an assembly. So, if you're a group of hackers that likes to work and hang out together, bring your toys, work on Projects, have fun, let others participate in what you're doing, and present yourself to new hackers! See also the blog post from 29C3 on this topic.
We want to have workshops or talks at our assembly!
This is great! The assemblies are an integral part of the congress and make up a lot of the programme, sharing knowledge and presenting your projects is central for the conference. If your assembly also wants to offer workshops, sessions and other activities like lectures on a small scale, state that in your assembly registration page.
If you want to have a separate place in your assembly for sesions, tell us what you are planning and for how many people. Please be as specific as possible. We will probably not allocate extra workshop space for your assembly if your registration doesn't really show the requirement for large space. Publishing a schedule in advance, topics and speakers will definintely help.
For bigger self-organized sessions there will be separate smaller and larger workshop rooms you can register for on-site. If you only have one or two vague plans, please consider using them instead of requiring extra space for it at your assembly.
What should we consider when registering?
Please let us know what you are planning to do, how much space you'll need, what you'll like to bring with you, how much power your gear will consume, etc. Keep in mind: The more you tell us about your plans, the better your chances are that you'll actually get what you want and need. You should also mention what kind of space you want. If you only want to hang out with a few friends, you might be ambigous about your space, but if you want to present your assembly and discuss with people passing-by, you might want a public space. Be as specific and honest with your plans and requirements as possible, unrealistic requirements won't help anyone.
What should we bring, what will be there?
The only infrastructure provided by the congress will be:
- tables and chairs,
- a power line and a network cable.
Though there will be large number of power outlets and switches, you cannot rely on them being available to you. This means that you have to bring all equipment yourself, which is:
- power multipliers,
- switches and network cables,
- beamers and hackerspace/project swag.
Assemblies are invited to bring their toys and also to decorate their spots on the congress and its environment, as long as whatever you bring is not inflammable or blocks exit paths (This is required! Otherwise we are forced to remove them!). But please be aware that the location still has only limited space! If you want to bring bigger things or other uncommon stuff, please Contact us. There is also a special wiki site for large things you bring but cannot maintain yourself, so somebody else might take care of it during the congress.
For better orientation and finding the assemblies there is a map with the clusters and some major assemblies. You can download the map here. But be careful, the file is 2MB large.
Shared Spaces are tables that must not be permanently occupied. They are intended for those who don't have an assembly, but want to sit down for a moment, or for workshops. If you want to hold a workshop and you are close to a Shared Space and there are people sitting around, you might kindly ask them to make place for your workshop.
List of assemblies and their clusters
The assemblies here are the only ones which were accepted for 31C3. All other ones who registered later than the deadline, please just find another place .
Chaos West
- /dev/tal
- C3PB
- C4
- Chaospott
- Chaosdorf
- Chaostal
- Chaostreff Dortmund
- Das Labor
- Fnordeingang
- HaSi Siegen
- Warpzone
- V0id
- Freifunk
- CCCgoe
- Studentennetze
- Hackspace-Rostock
- Lübecker Clusterfuck
- Nordlab
- Offline Networks
- Toppoint e.V.
Noisy Square
- Noisy Square
- Anarchist Village
- CryptoParty
- CryptoParty orga exchange
- EDRi
- Free Software Foundation Europe
- Bündnis Demokratie statt Überwachung
- The Federation
- Wastun gegen Überwachung
- WeFixTheNet
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- FIfF
- Amnesty International
- AK Vorrat
- CameoNet
- StopWatchingUs
- C3S
- Renegatos Secuniatos Vigilantes
- Technopropaganda
- I2P
- CAcert
- c-base
- Hackerfleet
- MicroLabs
- Escape your Body: VR & Religion
- MindHacker-NeuroVillage
Software & Operating Systems
- Debian
- Moose
- Django
- Forth
- Gentoo
- CoreOS
- Pyneo
- Python
- Rubytown
- Suckless
- The (un)employed schemers & lispers guild
- The Document Foundation/LibreOffice
- Anti
- WordPress Community
- IT-Syndikat
- /dev/lol
- Chaostreff Salzburg
- Cypherpunk Austria
- Leiwandville
- FAUlty
- Computerwerk
- Luxeria
- R.E.I.S.U.B.
- Starship Factory
- Bastli
- Fc-slash-eight
- Edgeryders
- Swiss.asm
- Milliways
- 23x
- Leitstelle511
- Attraktor
- T42
- Hickerspace
- Initech
- 57North
- Bakka
- Eastern-European Hackerspaces
- Hackeriet
- Haiceálaithe salach
- Pasten
- Technologia Incognita
- TwenteSecurityLab
- Hacklab Toronto
- $(pwgen 10 1)
- 26 Years Attacks on Smartcards
- SwedishHouseMafia
- TUD-STG LangSec
- 404DeskNotFound
- Chaos inKL.
- Kölner Kreis
- Dragon Sector
- Polish Hackers & Warsaw Hackerspace
- H4x0rPsch0rr
- MEre
- Fail0verflow
- Eindbazen
- FPGA Hack
- Department of Hosting Service
- 3D printing & scanning
- Entropolis
- Munich Maker Lab
- RaumZeitLabor
- KoFfeIn e.V.
- FAU FabLab
- Shackspace
- Infuanfu
- Stratum 0
- Netz39
- WOBspace
- PaparazziUAV
- Multicopter-FPV
- Nerd2Nerd
- Labor23
- Awearness
- AA Hackers
- Mainframe
- Sigrok
- A2600
- GfUC
- Nodrama
- Forschung und Technik
- Flipdot
- Squirrel
- Anagrom Ataf
- Codius
- BTSec
- Bitcoin-Sofa
- Ethereum
- Utopia
(separately placed)
- La Quadra'teahouse
- Coffeenerds
- Linux-Call-Router
- Food Hacking Base
- Move that body
- Kidspace
- Comix
- Seidenstrasse
- QueerFeministGeeks
- KinkyGeeks
- Chaospatinnen
- Teckids e.V.
- Nordige Nerds
- Open Data @31c3/Jugend hackt
- Lockpicking Area
- Hackertours
- BlinkenArea
- Hardware Hacking Area
- Car Hackers
- Rgbhathacker
- Digitalcourage
- Wauland
- Chaoswelle
- CocktailBot
- Dead Tree Lovers
- Filmschieber
(separately placed)
- Model Play
- Brainpong
- OpenWTF
- C3D2 outdoorGCHQ
- Sublab
- /dev/zero
- AiF
- Freitagsrunde
- BHacker
- Backspace
- Hackzogtum
- Bytewerk
- Bacon
- Embassy of Nerdistan
- Geheimorganisation
- CTreffOS
- Chaos Darmstadt
- Compass
- Binary Kitchen
- Doubleoctothorbbuero
- Rautemett
- Some Engineers
- Spline
- FuWaR
- Geraffel Village
- Gesellschaft für technische Sonderlösungen
- Hacksaar
- Kitinfo
- MafiA
- Magrathea Laboratories (mag.lab)
- OpenLab
- Tab Village
- Team23
List of already registered assemblies
The list below is automatically filled using semantical information on the assembly pages. If you want to add your assembly to the list, just create it using the assembly form. If you like to update the corresponding information below, head to your assembly page and update it using the edit button. Note that it might take some time until the information below gets updated as the list contains cached information.
List of Assemblies
Name | Description | Tags | Website |
$(pwgen 10 1) | Some friends from Karlsruhe. | karlsruhe, crypto, security, social, it security, science | |
/dev/lol | Hackerspace from Linz/Austria | | |
/dev/tal | Hackerspace Wuppertal | hackerspace, wuppertal, hackerspace passport | |
/dev/zero | /dev/zero community and friends | hackerspace, android, coding, hacking, karlsruhe, electronics | |
23x | We are 23x we do stuff. We are the leading Experts in modern Communications-Design. We run a world famous blog with close to 0.002K Hits per Week and also produce a decent Pottkast as well as some very important webapps.
soundboard, podcast, security, youtube videoblogger, wordpress, php, joomla, drupal, angularjs, html5, berlin, seo, systemd, datenwolf, typo3, html6 proposed, pitching, letsplay, web | |
26 Years Attacks on Smartcards | Smart cards and RFIDs are widely used today in manfifold applications, like banking, mobile communications (GSM/SIM), identification and access control. The silicon chip they contain are subject to manifold attacks today and in the future. Newbies, Amateurs, Students, Experts, Nerds are welcome. Beginners Training: Preparation of a chip - removal of the silicon from an RFID label under a microscope. Discussion about historic, actual and new attack scenarios. Tips for the amateur - how to set up your own lab. Discussion round for experts. | smart card, hardware hacking, reverse engineering, security, attack, microscope | |
3D printing & scanning | Everything with 3d printers or 3d scanners. | cad, 3d printing, 3d scanning, dildogenerator | |
404DeskNotFound | We are a group of friends and colleagues with a background in pentesting. | pentesting | |
57North | Hackerspace from Aberdeen, Scotland. | uk, scotland, whisky, hackerspace | |
A2600 | A2600 is a small project run by 9 people who love their old Atari 2600 and think a cheap open source version of it would kick ass. Thats is why we want to meet at the 31C3 and continue our project of building an Atari 2600 clone based on a lightly modified uzebox.
This year we co-host an homematic homebrew developer event. Both projects are related to hardware and firmware hacking and, therefore, should generate some synergies. |
hardware, hardware hacking, opensource | |
AA Hackers | We are a bunch of (former) IT-Security students from Aalen University. | rfid, android, proxmark3, raspberrypi | |
AK Vorrat | Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung (German Working Group on Data Retention). | privacy, data protection, politics, activism, data retention | |
AiF | Das Assembly der Informatik-Fachschaften! Für alle, denen die Zeit bis zur nächsten KiF zu lange ist. | education, social, university | |
Amnesty International | We fight for human rights in the digital age. | human rights, ai, amnesty, digital age, surveillance, freedom | |
Anagrom Ataf | Sanctuary for some Muggs from Germany. Thou shalt not finkle backwards! | ||
Anarchist Village | A place to come for (Crypto-) Anarchists and Cypherpunks from all over the world. We love politics, tech, discussion, friendship and everything in between. Find us at the NoisySquare! | crypto anarchist, linux, politics, antifa, cypher punk | |
Anti | some remaining friends of legendary 2-fish | irc, angularjs, console, linux, programming, radio, fpga, electronics, perl |, |
Attraktor | Makerspace, located in Hamburg with focus microcontroller, sewing, wood crafting and more DIY. | soldering, workshop, electronics, hardware hacking, hackerspace | |
Awearness | A group of young hackers building a wristband that vibrates when surveillance cameras are nearby based on the GPS data from a bluetooth-connected Smartphone. | hardware, wearable, education, jugend_hackt | |
BACH | The Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces (BACH pronounced "bah-kh" as in Johannes Sebastian Bach) is a loosely-organized association of hackerspaces in the wider San Francisco Bay area. | hackerspace, bay area | |
BHacker | We are a group of friends working too much with IT from the Stuttgart area (and some international salt). | stuttgart, web, whisky | |
BTSec | BitTorrent Security | it security, network, research, p2p | |
Backspace | We're a bunch of hackers from the bamberg hackerspace "backspace". Visit our website for more information at | | |
Bacon | We're working on indoor navigation based on bluetooth-beacons. | bluetooth, beacon, android, navigation | |
Bakka | Happy hackers from Sweden | || | drum and bass radio station | | |
Bastli | Studentisches Elektroniklabor & Bauteileshop an der ETH Zürich | education, diy, university, science, electronics | |
Berndcon | Für Freiheit, Erdbeeren und Schweinehälften! | politics, sexuality, social, kids, internet culture | |
Binary Kitchen | Binary Kitchen / Hackspace / Regensburg | it security, led, art, electronics | |
Bitcoin-Sofa | A Place to meet People interested in Bitcoin and other Blockchain Technologie | bitcoin, blockchain, dogecoin, litecoin, crypto, freicoin | |
BlinkenArea | The BlinkenArea will show many blinking objects made with lots and lots of LEDs. There will also be a soldering workshop and we will sell some construction kits at cost. The workshop will take place all day, every day, whenever there is someone at the BlinkenArea who can answer any questions you might have. | soldering, workshop, led, electronics, hardware hacking | |
BrainFreeze | We are a bunch of people who meet up every year at the congress to hack together. | slush | |
Brainpong | We will bring some equipment for biofeedback signal aquisition and will use the data for an art installation. Highlight is a multiplayer (up to 5 participants) PONG game that you control only with biofeedback data (brain waves, heart and muscle signals). Due to time constraints most of the installation will be developed on site, so don't expect something perfect ;-)
Feel free to come around and help! |
eeg, ekg, biofeedback, art, pong, sleep hacking, lucid dreaming | |
Bytewerk | bytewerk - ein Raum für technisch-kreative Projekte in Ingolstadt | hackerspace, ingolstadt | |
Bündnis Demokratie statt Überwachung | | ||
C-base | c-base - The Spacestation Under Berlin Mitte | spacestation, social, art, diy, future, hackerspace, berlin, science | |
C3D2 outdoorGCHQ | Hacking in the valley of the clueless: CCC (Erfa) Dresden <<</>> | c3d2, dresden, gchq, pentaradio, opendata, dn42, erfa, hackerspace | |
C3PB | Erfa & Hackerspace Paderborn | hackerspace, subraum, paderborn | |
C3S | The Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S) is a European Cooperative (SCE) officially founded in 2013. We aim to become a pan-european collecting society/PRO for works of music, i.e., a modern alternative to GEMA in Germany, with full support for Creative Commons Licensing, amongst other things. The C3S project was launched in 2010 as the main project of e.V., a friendly society for the support of free and open art, culture and science. | music, creative commons, c3s, free culture, gema | |
C4 | Official assembly of the Chaos Computer Club Cologne members. | hackerspace | |
CAcert | is a community-driven Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free.
CAcert's goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically by providing cryptographic certificates. These certificates can be used to digitally sign and encrypt email, authenticate and authorize users connecting to websites and secure data transmission over the internet. Any application that supports the Secure Socket Layer Protocol (SSL or TLS) can make use of certificates signed by CAcert, as can any application that uses X.509 certificates, e.g. for encryption or code signing and document signatures. |
cacert | |
CCC-CH | Chaos Computer Club Switzerland
Member organisations: CCCZH Zürich, Chaostreff Basel, Eastermundigen Bern, Hackburg Freiburg, Ruum42 St. Gallen, Hackerfunk |
chaostreff, schweiz, ccc-ch, electronics, hardware hacking, hackerfunk | |
CCCAC | Aachen's finest hackerspace! | it security, ctf | |
CCCFFM | chaotic chaos from mainhattan | frankfurt, hackerspace, erfa | |
CCCFr | CCC Erfa Freiburg | ccc, hackerspace, 3d scanning, 3d printing, cnc, cad, neurofeedback, openbci | |
CCCHB | Chaos Computer Club Bremen | | |
CCCHH | Chaos Computer Club Hamburg | | |
CCCMZ | Assembly is platform for introduction of miscellaneous projects of CCCMZ (erfa Mainz/Wiesbaden), focus are on crypto, PKI and applications of an own PKI in a hacker space. We show our crypto phone installation as part of eventphone project. Session regarding CAcert applications and DNSSEC/DANE experiences are planned. | it security, wiesbaden, mainz, crypto, voip, hackerspace, erfa, network, freifunk, cacert, pki | |
CCCS | CCC Stuttgart e.V | | |
CCCgoe | Hackers from Göttingen | göttingen, freifunk, rust, computer, erfa, esp8266 | |
CSIRTs | Assembly of different CERT and CSIRT members. Located at the assembly Hall center, near the pneumatic delivery hub. | csirt | |
CTJB | Gathering of Czechoslovak hackers and hackerspaces such as brmlab, progressbar, base48 and v01d. | czech, slovak, crypto, hackerspace | |
CTreffOS | Chaostreff Osnabrück | osnabrück, rps, coding, contest, stein, schere, papier, programming, scripting | |
CameoNet | We will offer sessions for:
We would like to talk about Scala, Play Framework, mongoDB, AngularJS, JavaScript, PhoneGap/Cordova, OpenStack, Jenkins, Scrum, Jabber, OTR, PGP, Tor, ... We would like to meet other projects who do similiar things. Let's talk about doing thing's together: - message/public key exchange - ... |
privacy, messenger, communication, security, crypto, messaging | |
Car Hackers | We hack cars. Example car will be provided. | ||
Chaos Darmstadt | hackerspace | | |
Chaos West | Chaos West wird Ihnen präsentiert von diversen Hackerspaces des Westens. | | |
Chaos inKL. | CCC-Erfa in Kaiserlautern | erfa, hackerspace, kaiserslautern | |
Chaosdorf | CCC Düsseldorf | | |
Chaospatinnen | The Chaos Mentors take care of people that are completely new to the Chaos Communication Congress. | ||
Chaospott | CCC-Erfa in Essen | | |
Chaostal | Chaostreff Wuppertal with outsourced members in Swiss, Austria, Berlin and Bavaria | wuppertal, austria, swiss, berlin | |
Chaostreff Dortmund | The “Chaostreff Dortmund” is a hackerspace run by friendly people from Dortmund and the cities around. | hackerspace, electronics, social engineering | |
Chaostreff Salzburg | Assembly for the local Chaostreff group Salzburg | | |
Chaoswelle | Ham Radio group of CCC | amateurfunk, chaoswelle, antenna, hamradio, sdr |, |
CocktailBot | We bring our cocktailbot which is based on the bartendro b15 kit provided by california based Partyrobotics. we want to connect to other robotics nerds as well as provide visitors with cocktail drinks. We wont charge any money though donations are welcome. | ||
Codius | Codius is a platform for building decentralized applications that can interact with any blockchain or web service.
Codius is an open hosting protocol. It makes it very easy to upload a program, whether you want it to run on one host or thousands. It also has built-in billing. That means once a program is uploaded, anyone can pay to keep it running — the author, the users and even the program itself. |
smart contracts, blockchain, bitcoin, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralization, web, programming, security | |
Coffeenerds | Everything around coffee - from roasting over grinding to brewing (different methods) | ||
Comix | Bring your own Comix to the Congress or make them there. | images, art, animation, dialogue, comic, illustration, ink, brush, pencil, paper, drama, creative commons, public domain, rip off art | |
Compass | Assembly of the "Computerverein Passau e.V." (compass) | | |
Computerwerk | We repair computers and help people to repair their own machines. | repair, recycle, creative recycling, soldering, hardware | |
CoreOS | We're a Linux distro strong opinions. | linux, it security, etcd, clustering, docker, distributed system, container | |
CryptoParty | CryptoParty is a decentralized, global movement. Introducing the most basic cryptography software (and the underlying concepts) to the general public. This assembly is set up to spread and discuss the idea but also to provide a place where people can ask ALL the questions. | privacy, freedom, human rights, activism, it security, security, cryptoparty | |
CryptoParty orga exchange | A space where people who organize CryptoPartys can meet, exchange ideas and share experiences.
We plan to cooperate with the "CryptoParty"-Assembly, so that two Assemblies probably become one. |
cryptoparty | |
Cypherpunk Austria | Loose pack of internet and computer technology enthusiasts in the Austrian outback -- called the Alps -- trying to find birds of a feather in this vast mountainous territory. | security, programming, ics, privacy, crypto, networking, network analysis, reverse engineering | |
DIYISP | Do-It-Yourself Internet Service Providers in Europe and elsewhere | network, diy |, |
Das Labor | Hackerspace Bochum | hackerspace | |
Das Sendezentrum | Das Sendezentrum is a melting pott for podcasters, developers, audio hackers and listeners. People from the Podlove project mix with those from the Ultraschall project and the Shownotes-Team in a hacking area. A "Podcast Round Table" makes it easy for aspiring Podcasters to try recording stuff or for Podcasts without mobile equipment to produce an episode from 31C3 - just walk in, take a seat and start recording. A stage and audience area for up to 60 people gives room to Workshops (Podcasting skills, equipment, software, ...) as well as to fun and informative Podcasting shows like Die Sondersendung and others. At night, there will be some informal gatherings as well. | podcast, podlove, ultraschall, audio, audio-creation, shownotes | |
Dead Tree Lovers | The Dead Tree Lovers provide community space to discover, read, exchange, buy and sell books (aka dead trees). Bring books you love, and we will display them and, if wanted, sell or lend them to your other hacker friends (aka congress visitors). | books, exchange | |
Debian | A place for the Debianistas at 31C3. | linux, debian, opensource | |
Department of Hosting Service | USB harddrive hosting for all who can't bring their own server. Virtual machines, too. Also some kind of hardware hacking. Always a fresh brew of Pai Mu Tan. | hosting, politics, hardware, hardware hacking | | | Swedish nerds | | |
Digitalcourage | Digitalcourage Shop with nerdy gadgets, with the Lichtbildausweis (TM) and with the Speaker's Sofa. | lichtbildausweis, speaker's_sofa, privacy, bielefeld, politics, copyshop | |
Django | A place to meet for the Django community | django, python, coding, web, framework |, |
Doubleoctothorbbuero | Doing things, drinking tea. | hackerspace, social, tea, coffee, android, cyanogen, social network | |
Dragon Sector | An assembly of the Dragon Sector CTF team from Poland | ctf, security | |
EDRi | Members and friends of European Digital Rights (EDRi), a network of 34 civil & human rights organisations from all over Europe. You can find us at NoisySquare! | privacy, surveillance, net neutrality, data protection, freedom of expression, data retention, pnr, copyright, transparency | |
ES GIBT VIEL ZU TUN – HAU'N WIR AB. | interactive, installation, art, privacy, surveillance, curiosity, chaostreff, chemnitz | | |
Eastern-European Hackerspaces | A place for all the Eastern-European hackerspace people to hang. It was nice last year, we were at KIKA's table and now we're trying to get all of us together. | hackerspace |, |
Edgeryders | Edgeryders is a not-for-profit organization and a community platform for collaboration between people and projects all over the globe. Edgeryders is designed to be "living tech", co-evolving with the community using it. Instead of developing it first and using it later, we started from a standard installation of a software called Commons, used it a bit, changed what was obviously not working, used it a bit more, changed it again and so forth. | hackpoverty, sustainability, harmony, infrastructure, opendata | |
Eindbazen | CTF/security team | ctf, security | |
Electronic Frontier Foundation | Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows. | privacy, freedom of expression, freedom of information, censorship, activism, copyright, patents, net neutrality | |
Embassy of Nerdistan | | ||
Entropolis | This is the Assembly of the Entropia e.V. (CCC Karlsruhe) | ccc, 3d printing, hackerspace | |
Escape your Body: VR & Religion | We are a bunch of Virtual Reality enthusiasts from Berlin (organizing the VR Meetup in c-base). Our focus lies in experimental and artistic applications for VR. We welcome all VR nerds at the congress and will make sure to bring some Oculus Rifts with us. | virtual reality, open source, art, experimental, android |, |
Ethereum | This assembly is by and for people developing on and for Ethereum (, the future of the decentralized web! :-)
Come by and say hello! |
crypto, blockchain, ethereum, bitcoin, decentralization | |
FAU FabLab | There will be a laser(cutter)... and lots of discussions regarding Makerspaces and FabLabs. | maker, laser, lasercutting, large machines, fablab | |
FAUlty | A place for nerds somehow related to the FAU Erlangen. And friends. And anyone, really. | fau, erlangen | |
FIfF | A place to discuss social responsibility in information technology. Home of the Cyberpeace campaign. | politics, activism, peace, responsibility, critical, fair |, |
FPGA Hack | fpga, arm, xilinx, arduino, odd | | |
Fail0verflow | Like the previous years, console hackers and team fail0verflow are getting together for 31C3. We hope to have some table space at the Hackcenter to set up our consoles, show off our hacks, attempt to break into newer hardware and teach people about what we do! | hacking, hardware, hardware hacking, embedded, console, security, ctf | |
Fc-slash-eight | Encrypting the Internet, one peer at a time | cjdns, crypto anarchist, cypher punk, meshnet | |
Filmschieber | A small assembly shared by people with an Interest in analog technology. | ||
Flipdot | A bunch of members of flipdot hackerspace kassel, some quite hardware interested, as well as some people of CCC KS Erfa Kreis. | hardware, doorlock, bus system, raspberrypi, avr, can, bluetooth, quadcopter, led | |
Fnordeingang | tbd | | |
Foobar | just hang out | ||
Food Hacking Base | We are a bunch of hackers from all over the world who share the love for food, beverage and bio hacks! | food hacking, beverage, biohacking, fermentation, aseptic technique, experimental incubator | |
Forschung und Technik | Forschung und Technik e.V. | | |
Forth | We program in Forth | free software, vintage, software, microcontroller | |
Free Software Foundation Europe | The Free Software Foundation Europe is dedicated to spread software freedom as one way into a Free Society. We offer legal advice and interest representation of and for every Free Software project. This assembly is hosted for and by our Fellows, friends and suppers to offer a common space to discuss, meet, hack and organise. | free software, free society, politics, europe, gnu, gpl, open standard, free your android, privacy, encryption, gnupg | |
Freifunk | International Freifunk and wireless community assembly (formerly aka "wireless corner"), Part of the "Networks" (Netze) Cluster. | communication, community, networking, net neutrality, meshnet, freifunk, wireless | |
Freitagsrunde | Studierendeninitiative an der Fakultät IV "Informatik und Elektrotechnik" der TU Berlin | | |
FuWaR | We are a bunch of techies from the University of Furtwangen in the heart of the Black Forest in Germany. |,, | |
Fulldome | fulldome projection | fulldome projection, interactivity |, |
Fábrica-Session | On day 3 Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli will offer a one-time workshop at the Hardware Hacking Area for building a few DIY Phones (design: David Mellis), as a demonstration follow-up to the Fábrica project Gezi Park Fiction in summer 2014. Start: app. 16:30. | fair it, diy, fab lab, electronics, open hardware, soldering | |
Geheimorganisation | The Geheimorganisation is a secret organization of secret conspiracy. | | |
Gentoo | We will be there like every year! And compiling, compiling and compiling | linux, free software, open source | |
Geraffel Village | geraffel, voodoo, ?am?ayc | ||
Gesellschaft für technische Sonderlösungen | A group of young Devs and Hackers from Potsdam. | potsdam, young, hacking | |
GfUC | A chaotic bunch of random nerds from Munich | ||
H4x0rPsch0rr | TUM CTF-Team | it security, ctf | |
HaSi Siegen | Lagomorph Entities from the Dark Mines of Siegerland | siegen, hackerspace | |
Hackerfleet | Hacking the seven seas | | |
Hackeriet | We are the autonomous hackerspace in Oslo. | mechanics, fabrication, automatisation, creative recycling, socioeconomix, telecomix, filtering, heavy metal works, high voltage, biohacking, radio, code zen, free software, permaculture, social engineering, quantum fiziks, particle bendage, data love, wearable, cryptoparty, cypher punk, electronics | | | Assembly for Dutch Hackerspaces | hackerspace, netherlands, holland |,,,,, |
Hackertours | Welcome to HHackertours - your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!
Visiting the 31C3 and wondering what this city it is in has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 31C3 like no other tour guide. We selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites. |
hackerspace | |
Hackertours/Stubnitz | Big Ship in the Harbour. There will be Tours and there is a lot of space for spontaneous sessions. | stubnitz, hackertours, hackerspace, ship, reefer, gdr, harbour, hackship | |
Hacklab Toronto | We are members from Hacklab Toronto hackerspace and will be traveling with some little projects and our laptops from Canada. It would be great to have a meeting spot and place to hang out and invite other people to join us. Lots of people travel from Canada and don't know anyone, so we would like to have a little home for them if they're shy being at CCC for the first time. :) | hackerspace | |
Hacksaar | We are the Hackerspace Saarbrücken, short: Hacksaar | hackerspace | |
Hackspace-Rostock | hackerspace, web, openwrt, free software, freedom, linux, rostock, freifunk | | |
Hackzogtum | Hackerspace Coburg | | |
Haiceálaithe salach | A base for all Irish hackerspaces and makerspaces. We welcome members, potential members, visitors, friends, hackers, makers, everyone. Come and say hello! | hackerspace, maker | |
Hardware Hacking Area | The Hardware Hacking Area is a huge area in Saal 3/Hall 3 for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, teach, learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things. | ||
Hickerspace | Hackerspace in Hildesheim | | |
I2P | I2P is a mixed-license free and open source project building an anonymous network. The network is a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other. | | |
IT-Syndikat | IT Syndikat is Innsbrucks Hackerspace.
The place where geeks meet to drink club Mate, solder and hack |
hackerspace, innsbruck, austria | |
Infuanfu | Essentially we want to meet face-to-face to plan, review, and work on research projects. | science, citizen science, future, applied future, time travel | |
Initech | Did you get the Memo about the TPS records? | nerd, hackerspace, crypto | |
Institut für Skalarwellenforschung | Es wird immer weitergehen, Musik als Träger von Ideen. | radio, funk, skalarwellen, aldebaran, geheimbund | |
Kidspace | Open assembly to organize a place for kids and parents. | kids, children | |
KinkyGeeks | Kinky Geeks meet here. Find us in #BDSM in the hackint IRC network. | kinky, bdsm, bondage | |
Kitinfo | Lustige Versammlung von IRC-faehigen Mathe/Info-Studis der BESTESTEN UNFAIRSITAET! | kit, karlsruhe, irc, university | |
KoFfeIn e.V. | Ein Platz für alle Nerds, Hacker, Ponies, Eichhörnchen, ... aus Karlsruhe und dem Umland! | karlsruhe, it security, university, ingress |, |
Kölner Kreis | IT-Forensik / IT-Security Stammtisch! Monatliche Vorträge und Diskussionen im Bereich Hacking, Forensics, Social-Engineering in Köln.
Wir begrüßen jeglichen Austausch oder Diskussion zu Themen der IT-Forensik und IT-Security! Schnappt euch ein Bier und setzt euch zu uns! |
forensics, pentesting | |
LAG | hacklab | hacklab, linux, politics, diy | |
LSE | We are a small student lab from EPITA (a CS school near Paris) with interests in systems programming, computer security, etc. | lse, security, systems programming | |
LUGS | Linux User Group Switzerland | linux, switzerland, fressen, saufen | |
La Quadra'teahouse | La Quadra'teahouse is a warm space to chill out, drink and share tea, ideas and time. As we take our shoes off to enter this space, we hope to leave our armors of stress and anxieties outside of this harbor... Initiated by La Quadrature du Net, it shall receive participation and contributions by the fine people of Tactical Tech and many others! Come and join us for goodol' analogue cozyness! <3 | datalove, relaxing, teahouse, laquadraturedunet, crypto, privacy, massages, tea, cafeine, music, workshops, freedomfighting, jamming, netneutrality, <3 | |
LaQuadratureDuNet-and-TacticalTech-Tea-House | ||| | HamRadio, hacking and making. We do everything with electronics which makes fun, develop stuff which makes your daily life easier, help you to understand the matter of electronics and so on. We are the average maker with the need to overkill.
Amateurfunk, hacking und basteln. Alles was spass macht, den Alltag erleichtert, helfen bei verstehen und basteln und von bis. Wir sind die verschärften Durchschnitsfrickler mit einer dezenter Neigung zu übertreiben. |
maker, hamradio, hacking, hardware, microcontroller, electronics | |
Labor23 | Assembly of the labor23 in Wuerzburg | hackerspace, hardware | |
Leitstelle511 | CCC Hackerspace from Hannover | hardware, hardware hacking, erfa, hackover, retro, demo | |
Leiwandville | metalab's Leiwandville. | metalab | |
Linux-Call-Router | As every year, we provide outside telephone connectivity for the congress. Also we provide helpdesk for telephone questions. | | |
Lockpicking Area | We´ll provide Informations about non destructive entry methods (NDE) in general. There are always members at the table to answer questions and show basic lockpicking techniques. | lockpicking, knowledge, research, workshop | |
Luxeria | Hackerspace from Lucerne, Switzerland | hackerspace, opensource, free software, linux, switzerland, swiss, luzern |, |
Lübecker Clusterfuck | Spearheaded by the two local hackerspaces and the local CCC Treff this is where folks from Lübeck hang around. If you're from the region and want to get hooked up this is the place to go. Most likely you'll find here people from the Freifunk Lübeck Community as well. | lübeck, freifunk |,,, |
MEre | Reverse, break and document Management Engine of Intel, Intel AMT, IPT, vPro technology , ARC processor family Interested in joining and helping ? come join our lair and share experience and work | reverse engineering, hackerspace, hardware hacking, amt, ipmi, intel, vpro, mere, arc | |
MafiA | We are a group of (h)activists from the computer science department of the university of hamburg. | university, hamburg, ccc, 3d printing, beer, privacy, free software, politics, crypto | |
Magrathea Laboratories (mag.lab) | We are some random hackers from Fulda, Germany. | | |
Mainframe | This is the Assembly of Oldenburg's Hackspace AKA Mainframe and the related local Chaostreff ( | hackerspace, oldenburg, mainframe | |
MicroLabs | We are a bunch of visualists, lightjockeys, musicians and electronics-geeks. We are planning to bring video projectors, microscopes and if possible also some music for live video sessions while drinking lots of mate and or beer - join us! Bring things we can inspect under the microscope and make use of them as visuals. Furthermore we will present our recent hardware hacking projects as well: controlling dmx- and midi-data via audio mixing desks is on our schedule as well as taking an electronic drum-kit and driving a strobe with it. We’ll probably pack our soldering irons and tons of electronic components and gaffa tape to see what we can put together on the fly. | video, microscope, hardware hacking, mate, grandma onpc, midi, visuals, vj, osc, organic, hacking, vdmx, madmapper, art, music, kunst, forensics | |
milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Has appeared on several hacker events. |
social, international | |
MindHacker-NeuroVillage | Mind-Hacker Lounge for exchange and experiments, |
mindhacking, quantifiedself, neurofeedback, meditation | |
Model Play | A space to play around with modelling tools | art, education, modelling, science | |
Moose | Moose (or possibly meese) are a bunch of geeks with a shared story about our favourite forest creature. After successful villages at OHM and CCC camp, we feel we should assemble proudly under our proper name at CCC congress! Hacking between meals! | | |
Move that body | Change of plans .. Now we do some workshop's
and the Matt stay's home |
martial art, bodywork, taiqiquan, health, selfdefence, meditation, movement | |
MuCCC | Munich hackerspace and local chapter of the chaos computer club | | |
Multicopter-FPV | We will build/crash/repair & hack multicopters of all kinds. | ||
Munich Maker Lab | Hacker-/Makerspace in Munich | hackerspace, multicopter | |
Nerd2Nerd | Chaostreff Würzburg | | |
Netz39 | 1st and only Hackerspace in Magdeburg. | hackerspace, magdeburg, easterhegg2015, freifunk, maker, raspberrypi, soldering, led, knitting, cnc, food hacking | |
Nodrama | Sex oder Island. Für Freiheit und Omis! | redo, roguelikes, kunstgeschichte, poster, sex, iceland, systemd, python, linguistics, proto-indo-european | |
Noisy Square | Central meeting space for politics involving technology and vice versa. | ta3m, crypto, politics, critical, radical, discussion, censorship, activism, journalism, circumvention, opensource, security | |
Nordige Nerds | We are some mixed nordish (which means around Bremen) hackers, maintaining the engelsystem and doing different software projects. | bremen, aurich, engelsystem, beer, cacert | |
Nordlab | nordlab e.V. // Hackerkultur in Flensburg | hackerspace, flensburg, freifunk | |
OSAK | Open Source Arbeitskreis der Fachschaft 1/1 der RWTH Aachen und der Aachener Linux User Group | linux, python, open source, electronics, hardware hacking, amateurfunk, cacert, pgp keysigning |, |
Offline Networks | The future is offline! An assembly all about offline networks.
Everyone interested in the growing offline networks community is welcome! Basic concepts:
more links: |
offline, network, hardware hacking, privacy, p2p, wireless, usability, customization, art, raspberrypi, meshnet |,,,,,,,,,,, http://etc.. |
Open Data @31c3 | We are enthusiasts of the Open Data community in Germany who would like to represent open data hacks and cool showcases, give open data workshops to individuals and discuss with people passing-by about open data projects. Specifically, we want to create a place to go for young coders and other interested minors. Therefore, we would prefer a space which is easy to find. | opendata, jugend_hackt, kids, education, data, code for germany |,,, |
OpenLab | We are Augsburgs resident hackerspace (with heated floor) | free software, programming, 3d printing, hackerspace, electronics | | | We are supporters of the project openstreetmap, map the world, create maps, print maps, play with GPS, laser rangefinders | openstreetmap, opendata |,, |
OpenWTF | A few hackers from Germany. | embedded, linux | |
PING | Hackerspace Dortmund | hardware hacking, it security | |
PaparazziUAV | Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project intended to create an exceptionally powerful and versatile autopilot system for fixedwing aircraft as well as multicopters by allowing and encouraging input from the community. The project includes not only the airborne hardware and software, from voltage regulators and GPS receivers to Kalman filtering code, but also a powerful and ever-expanding array of ground hardware and software including modems, antennas, and a highly evolved user-friendly ground control software interface. | uav, electronics, quadcopter | |
Pasten | A gathering for hackers and CTF team from Israel. | ctf, pasten | |
Polish Hackers & Warsaw Hackerspace | Hackers from the Polish Hacker communities (mostly the Warsaw Hackerspace) | hackerspace, diy, linux, hardware, neuroscience, electronics, brain implant | |
Puredarwin | | darwin, puredarwin | |
Pyneo | Pyneo was the first mobile phone stack that successfully could issue phone calls on the FreeRunner. As there is no notable free smartphone nowadays many efforts are ongoing in other directions like looking at efl as a gui base on mobile devices, nice on-screen-keyboards and windowmanagers for tablets, free android variants, a free nlp and other useful apps. | efl, python, android, smartphone, tablet, freerunner, hackerspace | |
Python | Meeting place for all Pythonistas, Python projects and people interested in Python. | python, django, coding, clean code | |
QueerFeministGeeks | A home for all queer&feminist geeks ! | | |
R.E.I.S.U.B. | Redundant Array of Independent Nerds | ||
RaumZeitLabor | Assembly for hackers affiliated with RaumZeitLabor, Mannheim. | embroidery machine, cutting plotter, food hacking, sewing, 3d printing, art, diy, hackerspace, hardware, soldering, wearable, lasercutting, laser | |
Rautemett | Wir sind eine kleine IRC-Community die sich aus Namensmangel einfach #mett nannte. | irc | |
Recotak | Recotak is an evolving security framework for penetration testing. We have published the alpha release in November.
We are looking forward to develope, discuss and giving workshops on how to install, use it and integrate new code. Sorry, we are not joining CCC this year. Have fun! |
recotak, hacking, python, security framework | |
Renegatos Secuniatos Vigilantes | We want to meet and discuss current issues we face on a daily basis such as
how to unite for any sort of disclosures how to get immunity against legal persecution for dropping vulns ethics discuss amnesty Drink Pwn Fun engage with all at congress |
disclosure, legal, vulnerability | |
Rgbhathacker | Funny. It just seems I don't fit into the rules of chaos anymore.
I just need a desk, a chair, maybe, to showcase my kind of art and beauty, made with a/one/several computers. I do unreasonally large renders of 3d artworks, I do (not so) subtly humourous hardware hacks like the 600 sqaremillimeters troll keypad featuring just the caps locks key, I did the anagrammed public transport plan for Hamburg and I do strange clocks and lightstrips. Besides that, funny enough, there still are at least 3 machines out there that respond to $$#. After all these years :-) |
art, kunst | |
Rubytown | Ruby Berlin e.V. is an umbrella organisation hosting and supporting events around the Ruby programming language in Germany.
At 31C3 we want to gather Rails Girls, local user groups as well as all individuals interested in Ruby at an assembly and create a welcoming home base to hang around, hack on projects and get to know other Rubyists. IRC: #rubytown on |
ruby, programming | |
Seidenstrasse | Operation Center for the Seidenstrasse Network | seidenstrasse, silkroad | |
Shackspace | Assembly of the Stuttgart Hackerspace, shackspace. | hackerspace | |
Sigrok | Portable, GPL'd software suite for logic analyzers, MSOs, oscilloscopes, DMMs... | | |
Some Engineers | We are a bunch of random engineers | engineer, freifunk, virtual reality | |
Spline | Berlin Hackerspace, "Freie" Universität Berlin | berlin, hackerspace | |
Squirrel | A group of friendly squirrels from an IRC channel aiming for world conquest. | software, java, bitcoin | |
Starship Factory | Starship Factory is a small but growing hackerspace/makerspace in Basel City. | | |
StopWatchingUs | organizing protest against mass surveillance | politics, activism, ak vorrat, surveillance, privacy, bgu, responsibility |, |
Stratum 0 | Hackerspace Braunschweig and affiliated | 3d printing, hackerspace, ctf, diy, education, it security, cutting plotter, embroidery machine, soldering, sewing, etching, android, freifunk, easterhegg2015, electronics | |
Studentennetze | networks for students | | |
Sublab | sublab is the local hackerspace in Leipzig, Central Europe. We deal with different topics, and project, feel free to visit out website to find out more. | hackerspace, hardware hacking, radio, sdr | |
Suckless | We are the home of quality software such as dwm, dmenu, st and plenty of other tools, with a focus on simplicity, clarity and frugality. Our philosophy is about keeping things simple, minimal and usable. We believe this should become the mainstream philosophy in the IT sector. Unfortunately, the tendency for complex, error-prone and slow software seems to be prevalent in the present-day software industry. We intend to prove the opposite with our software projects. | unix, c, dwm, st | |
SwedishHouseMafia | Sandboxing and password management | ||
Swiss.asm | A small random group of Swiss geeks. Our members are into Open Source, game development, electronics and more. Come visit us if you want to talk! | switzerland, software, programming, podcast, game development, swiss, electronics | |
T42 | t42 | | |
TAMI | tel aviv makers insurgence hackerspace | | |
TUD-STG LangSec | As researchers we are often a bit focused on our publication goals. This is not always a good thing. In this assembly we would like to reach out to the CCC community to discuss and to learn. We bring all the cool stuff we are working on. Moreover, we are much interested what the communities views on the intersection of programming languages and security is. Take a minute, come to our assembly, and discuss with us over Mate, Coffee or whatever-floats-your-bloat. | langsec, pl, java, programming, vulnerability | |
Tab Village | Just a bunch of People mostly from Berlin | networking | |
Team23 | We have the "Mate-Server".
Bunch of former IT Students. Projects: FreiMate-Server, Vereins-fnord (KassenChaos) | | |
Technologia Incognita | Technologia Incognita is a hackerspace in Amsterdam. | netherlands, amsterdam, diy | |
Technopropaganda | cypher punk, data love, data protection, activism, philosophy, art, free society | ||
Teckids e.V. | Members and friends of Teckids e.V., a youth organisation around free software, science, hacking and related fun. | free software, social, kids, education | |
The (un)employed schemers & lispers guild | Lisp and Scheme Hackers from all over the world gather and discuss the state of the union. We welcome beginners and interested folks and will ignore trolling. Drop by if you always wanted to see and try out a practical and magical language with all these parentheses! | lisp, scheme, community, meetup, programming, hacking, functional, clojure, common lisp, compiler, workshop |,, |
The Document Foundation/LibreOffice | LibreOffice is community-driven and developed software, and is a project of the not-for-profit organization, The Document Foundation.
LibreOffice is developed by users who, just like you, believe in the principles of Free Software and in sharing their work with the world in non-restrictive ways. At the core of these principles are the four essential freedoms and the tenets of The Document Foundation's Next Decade Manifesto. |
programming, coding, education, free software, open source, open standard, c++, java, python, linux |,, |
The Federation | Assembly of everything federated, decentralized and social. Diaspora, Friendica, Red, GNU Social, Twister, and all other wonderful decentralized, federated projects welcome! | decentralization, federation, social, diaspora, friendica, social network | |
Toppoint e.V. | We are Kiel's hackerspace and home for ChaosKueste | freifunk, microcontroller, kiel, led, art, electronics | |
TwenteSecurityLab | Just a bunch of hackers from the Netherlands | | |
UAVP-NG | This is a community-driven open source project building a modern autonomously flying multicopter. | multicopter, uavp, quadcopter, c, embedded, software, hardware, diy, microcontroller, electronics | |
USB-Midi-Controller-Workshop | Just a little workshop to build a small USB-Midicontroller for several controlpurposes like DJing,VJing,etc.
Solderingexperience would be cool but programmingskills are not required. Limited to 15 People per Session. Cost for the hardware (arduino etc.) will be around 20 Euro. We will build funny cases and jogwheels with cardboard or LEGO(look at the homepage for examples). |
arduino, workshop, midi, soldering | |
Utopia | Building Utopia is project to re-create the mythical island of Utopia in Minecraft and Ethereum. We will create a studio and run contract workshops to develop the social rules of Utopia (crypto currencies, democratic systems etc), and explore their vulnerabilities. We're inviting artists, groups and project to discuss themes and ideas to be turned into requirements of features to be built into the game. In particular we are looking to explore the themes of privacy,and decentralisation. | utopia, ethereum, p2p, crypto, crypto anarchist | |
V0id | Assembly of Mini-Hackspace v0id at the University Duisburg-Essen / Campus Essen and for UDE students and neat people from Duisburg. | university, hackerspace | |
WOBspace | We want to build some 3D-Printers and Multicopters. | multicopter, 3d printing | |
Warpzone | warpzone e.V. Hackerspace Münster | | |
Wastun gegen Überwachung | Fighting against mass surveillance. Protests, action, information and events. | bgu, politics, activism, wastun, surveillance, privacy | |
Wauland | Wau Holland Stiftung | politics, free society, transparency, freedom of expression, moral courage, informational self-determination, freedom of information | |
WeFixTheNet | Last year, we raised our voice against the broken lot of things in the Internet by organizing #YouBrokeTheInternet assembly. This assembly is its follow-up. Here, we put forward our present developments towards fixing these things. | gnunet, taler, e-cash, anonymity, voting | |
WordPress Community | This Assembly is open for all WordPress related projects. Planing to do some WordPress Security Contributing like german hardening documentation or german ISP WordPress Security checks/benchmarking. You're working on WordPress related stuff, you're very welcome to step by an join us. | wordpress, security, cms, opensource, meetup, community, free software, software, it security, social | |
YPE | tbd | |
There are 235 registered assemblies. 223 of them registered before and 12 after the registration deadline on December, 9th.