From 31C3_Public_Wiki
31C3 will cost us much more than our standard tickets will cover. Thus we’ll sell supporter tickets again. Please consider buying one of these. Help us minimize our losses and support others who can’t afford paying much more!
For more information read our Blog Post.
Ticket Prices
Category | Price | Comment |
Standard | 100 EUR | no separate invoice, doesn't cover our costs |
Supporter | 120 EUR | no separate invoice, but good feeling included |
Supporter 140 | 140 EUR | no separate invoice, but even better feeling included |
Business Silver | 450 EUR | comes with an invoice that includes name and address |
Business Gold | 600 EUR | comes with an invoice that includes name and address |
Business Platinum | 750 EUR | comes with an invoice that includes name and address |
Up-and-coming | 25 EUR | birthday after 26.12.1996 (younger than 18 yrs.) |
Members of the CCC e.V. | 80 EUR | membership fees must be paid before Dec, 1st have your Chaosnummer ready at the entrance |
Day ticket standard | 35 EUR | cash only |
Day ticket up-and-coming | 10 EUR | cash only |
Day tickets
- From day 2 on there will be a limited amount of 300 - 500 day tickets available at the cash desk.
- Further information
- Children under 12 in attendance of an adult get in for free.
- A single person officially accompanying a disabled person gets in for free.
How to buy Tickets
You can buy your tickets at our on-line ticket sale.
About the Tickets
Supporter Tickets
- Hosting the 31C3 in Hamburg will cost a lot of money. As we know from 30C3, our standard ticket does not cover those costs. If we wanted 31C3 to make no loss, based on our current calculation, the price for a conference ticket should be something around 140 EUR.
- If you feel you can afford it, and if you feel that Congress might be worth it, please consider buying a supporter ticket. Which one you choose, if any, depends on you.
Business Tickets
- Including the good feeling to have supported a good cause. If you or your employer want to support our event, please consider buying one of these tickets. We try hard to keep the normal tickets very cheap. Financial sponsoring helps us in achieving this aim. By offering Supporter and Business Tickets we try to provide you with a convenient way of supporting us that usually does not even require involvement of your company's marketing department. These are the only tickets that come with an invoice including a name and an address.
- We are eager to support the young generation, so we offer heavily subsidized tickets for everybody up to the age of 18 (i.e. if you are 17 or younger on Dec 26th, you are eligible for an Up-and-coming ticket). Please bring a (sufficiently convincing fake of a) document stating your age.
All orders in the on-line ticket sale need to be paid till December 20th, 2014. If you know in advance that SEPA transfer will not make it in time, better pay via credit card or buy a ticket on premise.
The on-line ticket sale will end on December 12th at 23:59:59 CET.
See Tickets/FAQ.