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If you work on some project on 31C3 or just want to show on what you are usually working, you're encouraged to tell others about your presence and what you're doing.

So, if you like, create a page containing information about you and your project using the project form. You can also add a project section to your Assemblies page.

Reserving seats and table space for your project

This time there a lot will be different, as we want you to bring more of that Camp feeling to the Congress! There is this Assemblies thing, that should work much like Villages on the Camp, but not exactly the same way. So your project page will be for your project, but not for reserving seats.

But you feel your work will be interesting for others to come around and have a look at it or talk to you? Set up an Assembly as a home base for you and your fellow hackers and maybe even more of your projects.

List of projects

List of Projects

31C3 TalkguideA totally subjective non-official guide for 31C3 talks.
3D printingYou need help with your 3d printer? You need spare parts? Come over and we'll help you.3D printing & scanning
3D scanningGet things or yourself scanned in 3d and color!3D printing & scanning
AYABAYAB - All Yarns Are Beautiful The goal of the AYAB project is to provide an alternative way to control the famous Brother KH-9xx knitting machines.MuCCC
AlternativeLearningTankThe Alternative Learning Tank is a nomadic school and artistic organization that focuses in the research, creation and implementation of educational programs on progressive and radical fields of knowledge that are not contemplated by educational institutions. It strives for a reform of those institutions, embracing how knowledge is being produced and transferred in the XXI century. Drawing from precedents such as contemporary social movements, digital rights, hacker culture, new media and a general critical stand point about technology. ALT develops a practice of intellectual production and advocacy at the intersection between pedagogy, art and activism.Noisy Square
Bayrische HackerpostSome crazy Bavarians want to revive the idea of a Bayrische Hackerpost, a hacker magazine published in Bavaria in the 80sDead Tree Lovers
BeehiveAn incredibly modular source-sink-system for passing events and triggering actions.OpenLab
Bepastybepasty is a versatile pastebinPython
BlindstoreBlindstore is a private information retrieval data store. It provides an online lookup service which returns the correct answer without ever knowing what the question was. Based on homomorphic encryption.$(pwgen 10 1)
BlinkinvaderBlinkinvader is a bright LED Wall alternately showing two Space Invaders from the very famous game. It is an Invader and blinking. Yay!Chaos West
BodyscannerBodyscanner over two meters big. Scan your whole body and get an .stl file of your body.Shackspace
BombatuinoThe bombatuino is a wodden, arduino-based dj MIDI controller.
Borg16AVR based kit for building your own LED matrixDas Labor
Borgware-2DFirmware for AVR based two-dimensional LED matricesDas Labor
CaliopenCaliopen is a privacy-aware communication platform focusing on showing the user the confidentiality level of his/her communication.

Based on free software and being a free software, some of our contributors will be at 31c3, mainly in La Quadrature du Net's Tea House.

If you are interesting in free software to empower people in their communication and privacy, come and have a tea!
La Quadra'teahouse
CameoNetcameoNet is an open source end-to-end encrypted messenger, it can be used in a web browser or as a Android/iOS App.CameoNet
CamheadsWe build Camheads! Join the assembly and build your own! Here is what it looks like: And here some ideas for an action in Hamburg during the congress: gegen Überwachung
Caution.jsModule loader for tamper-proof web apps
ChaosVPNChaosVPN is a VPN to connect Hackers and HackerspacesMilliways
Circuit CircleCircuitCircle is a workshop session all around diy electronics and noisetoys. its about selfmade devices for experimental electronic music and fun.Hardware Hacking Area
Community CubeWe are creating a functional software, out-of-the-box ready, embedded in a hardware, to embrace all internet products that everybody we are using but in a freedomistic point of view.

Actually we are using “free” internet products such as dropbox, facebook, skype or gmail. But we are paying for it. Our hidden cost is our life, our data, our secrets and our privacy.

Community Cube it’s against this products, by creating a parallel internet ruled by citizens not by corporations.

Our goal it's to have all internet services with no central point mode of failure / harvesting / spying / mining / leaking
Computron 3000A Z80 based microcomputer using only 1970s and 1980s parts. No microcontrollers/GALs/PALs or other fancy shit.IT-Syndikat
ConpotConpot is a medium/high interaction server side Industrial Control Systems honeypot created by the honeynet project. It is designed to be easy to deploy, modify and extend. By providing a range of common industrial control protocols we created the basics to build your own system, capable to emulate complex infrastructures to convince an adversary that he just found a huge industrial complex (or the neighbours air conditioner).Cypherpunk Austria
Crocheting HyperbolesOnly in the 19th century the formal study of non-Euclidean geometry started and was not able to construct physical models. But yes: we can. We will crochet various hyperbolic planes as we found them in nature. Colored and beautiful. Use it as yarnbombs, decoration, space models, keyrings and many other things.CCCFr
CyberErrorism Tech Collectiveinformation gathering for the revolution - $ apt-get install anarchism
DO! NOT! TRACK!Einstellung des Browsers Firefox, um die Datenspur beim Surfen zu reduzieren. Massnahmen gegen kommerzielle Überwachung.
Setup for the browser Firefox to reduce the datatrace during surfing the web. Measures against commercial surveillance.
DVB-TDVB-T on Channel 22, 24, 26 from three location in CCH.

3 Transmitter SLX8000 with EIRP 27 dBm on selfmade J-Antenna.

Streaming from all talks will be packed in an ASI Stream.
Damn Bright Diving LampBuilding the world smallest/brightest diving lamp.Backspace
DchatDchat is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, full-featured, anonymous P2P group chat system using the hidden service feature of the Tor network.Cypherpunk Austria
Deep LabDeep Lab is a collaborative group of researchers, artists, writers, engineers, and cultural producers interested in privacy, surveillance, code, art, social hacking, and anonymity. Members of Deep Lab are engaged in ongoing critical assessments of contemporary digital culture and exploit the hidden potential for creative inquiry lying dormant within the deep web.
Dev-humandev-human is a collaborative blog, a virtual community, created by developers, for developers, focused on non-technical, or lightening content. Our goal is to promote other aspects of a programmer's life, getting over stereotypes and biased concepts often related to programmers.
Digitale SelbstverteidigungMoving on with enlightenment.Nodrama
Dn42internet via internet
DocPatchEntdecke das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland!Chaos West
DrunkenDebuggersDrunken Debuggers is a workshop pattern that provides space, ideas and booze for those who want to sharpen their reversing, coding and drinking skills during hacking events.

We collect ideas for micro-projects which can be accomplished in a few hours and result in useful code or knowledge by themselves or combined. By providing a meeting platform for people with different skills and experience we encourage everyone to learn, teach and cooperate.

Up to date information will be posted to the @DrunkenDebugger Twitter account
DuplonicThe goal ist to create a set of instructions and guidelines on how to make an electronics construction and demonstartion kit.CCCFFM
ELKstalkerTools for abusing the ELK stack to analyze meta-data in pcap filesOpenLab
EXperimental Robot ProjectThe goal of the eXperimental Robot Project (XRP) is to develop an open-hardware humanoid robot. Right now, the focus is on building a bipedal walking machine - arms and hands will follow (much) later.C4
EcobytesNon-profit, community-supported and -oriented IT collective with hosting and services for activists, researchers, artists, individuals and the solidary economy.
ErlangErlang is a programming language often used to develop scalable backend applications.
EveryCookEveryCook is an intelligent, connected cooking device based on Raspberry PiFood Hacking Base
Experimental IncubatorLets come join together again see our progress on the build up of an open source experimental incubator for variety of fermentations. We will share experience, discuss and prepare our plans for 2015.Food Hacking Base
FPGA Arduinomany ways of running Arduino on FPGA: PS Cortex-A9, or Microblaze in the FPGA Fabric, or AVR Softcore in FPGA fabric or AVR emulated in software running on..FPGA Hack
FTP CrawlerA piece of software that indexes FTP servers and offers the ability search and browse them.
FairmondoMit Fairmondo schaffen wir eine faire Alternative zu den Marktriesen im Online-Handel. Das ist keine kleine Aufgabe, doch in der Kategorie Bücher können wir bereits über 1,5 Millionen Artikel bieten - versandkostenfrei. Als Marktplatz ist Fairmondo offen für alle: Private und gewerbliche Anbieter*innen können jede Art von Artikeln verkaufen, denn wir möchten eine wirklich Alternative zu den Marktriesen bieten.
Fenrir ProjectThis project aims at replacing TCP,TLS,Oauth,Kerberos, while giving huge flexibility, federated environments,WeFixTheNet
FlipDotAgain to last year, we will also bring ouer big FlipDot Display to play with it.MuCCC
Floppy OrgelPlay MIDI files on an array of 8 floppy drives or more.C-base
Freifunk ForumForum for the Freifunk CommunityFreifunk
GEGVDAGebildete Europäer gegen die Verblödung des Abendlandes (GEGVDA) is a counter-movement to PEGIDA.FAUlty
GNUnetGNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Our high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy. GNUnet started with an idea for anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing, but has grown to incorporate other applications as well as many generic building blocks for secure networking applications. In particular, GNUnet now includes the GNU Name System, a privacy-preserving, decentralized public key infrastructure.Noisy Square
GlobaLeaksGlobaLeaks 2 is the first Anonymous Whistleblowing Framework, already used by 20 organization for investigative journalism, anti-corruption and antimafia purposes, that's fully configurable via a web administration interface and can be setup in 5 minutes.NoisySquare
GobandroidTVreplaying pro go ( aka weiqi , baduk ) games on a small beamer via an ouyaC-base
Hack'n'FunFerienfreizeit für Kinder und Jugendliche rund um den 31c3
Hacked vending machineA hacked vending machine which sells cool eletronic stuff you may need for the congress. Accumulators for your DECT, USB cables, microcontroller and other stuff like thatShackspace
HackerfunkA swiss-german podcast for Geeks, Nerds, Hackers, etc.LUGS
Hackers on a biketraveling to Hamburg by BikeParking space
HackerschnitzelcloudHackerschnitzeljagd returns, this time bigger, better, and with more interaction.
HackershipA learning retreat for coders. Self directed, hands on, FUN. Running this January in India(4 weeks) and Gran Canaria (9 weeks), Berlin this Summer. Look out for our flyers or Tweet @mamhoff to meetup, @hacker_ship for questions.Rubytown
HerbstluftwmHerbstluftwm is an innovative manual tiling window manager for X11.CCC-CH
Hillhacks: hacking and making in the himalayas + hackers without bordershillhacks is an event around hacking and making in Dharamshala, India, in the foothills of the Himalaya. It took place for the first time in October 2014: Two Weeks of Workshops with locals and kids, and 4 days of conference with the experts from India, Nepal and all around the world. Next edition will be 23th May till 7th June in 2015.
Hoverlay IIshow off an open hardware interactive midair screen at the c31c3Hoverlay II
HydraA dragon with many heads spitting out energy for a special kind of notebook.C-base
I2PI2P is a mixed-license free and open source project building an anonymous network. The network is a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other.Noisy Square
InvestigateIXInvestigateIX is a live-system for search empowering investigative journalists to setup an own open-source search engine on an encrypted external device to search in a large amount of documents, files and data
Ipsan attempt at a quick coarse grained "poorman's Internal GPS system" for the Congress Centre or "Dude, which room am I in?"
Irc-o-meterRetro Irc Channel Communication Volume o-meter.Chaos West
JunghackertagHands-on Technology & Data-Security
Kataraktkatarakt is a simple PDF viewer. It is designed to use as much available screen space as possible.FAUlty
Kerbal Space Program MPDMP is a Multiplayer Mod for Kerbal Space Program.
Klin Zha
KryoFluxKryoFlux is an USB floppy controller, which can read almost every floppy format ever created and can create preservation-quality dumps for emulation and writing back to other floppies.C4
LeapLEAP Encryption Access Project LEAP is a dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available. Like free speech, the right to whisper is an necessary precondition for a free society. Without it, civil society and political freedom become impossible. As the importance of digital communication for civic participation increases, so does the importance of the ability to digitally whisper. LEAP is devoted to making the ability to whisper available to all internet users.Noisy Square
Library SoftwareWhat open source library tools are there? Let's do a comparison of options, or start to spec a lightweight platform where people can interconnect their own libraries with friends and public hackerspace libraries to exchange books and other items.Dead Tree Lovers
Lsmountlsmount is a small program for formating the /proc/mounts outputFAUlty
LuciusLucius ist eine 4x2 Monitorwand auf der GL-Shader laufen können.Chaos West
LuftflotteWe aim to establish air superiority by having as many r/c objects in the air as possible. Show off your awesome drone, challenge others to FPV races and let them blinkenlights fly.Milliways
Luftschleuse2Live Demonstration of Hackerspace Access Control with Electromechanical Locks that installed on munich Chaos Computer Club. You can Build your own System there, a few Kits and and PCB are availble.MuCCC
Mate Hacking - producing (Club)-Mate by yourselfWe are going to brew our own mate.
MateShotsRevolutionary Mate-based beverage to keep all the lovely hackers awake.RaumZeitLabor
MensadisplayThe big LED display at the Stratum 0 assemblyStratum 0
MeshLinkA library providing secure mesh communication for your application.
MicroLabWe are planning to bring video projectors, microscopes and if possible also some music for live video sessions with microscopes while drinking lots of mate and or beer - join us! Bring microchips we can inspect under the microscope - we will have some hardware hacking projects as well!MicroLab
MoinMoin Wiki 2.0Hack on MoinMoin Code (moin2 new codebase which is still not ready). Introduce people into the code base.Python
MusicPlayersimple advanced extensible music player with intelligent queue is a dyndns server softwarePython
OKFN Open ScienceThe Open Science working group of Open Knowledge (OFKN). Some members and Open Science enthusiasts will be at the congress and we are planning to have a small gathering.
OMNiDOMEfulldome projection, interactivityFulldome
OTROTR, which stands for Off-the-Record messaging is a cryptographic protocol that provides strong encryption for instant messaging conversations. Originally designed by, among others, Ian Goldberg.Noisy Square
Obai BrauseMaking your own sherbet is really easy and not that expensive. OBAI Brause is aiming to give you that crucial caffeine dose you're craving for to get you through the event.Shackspace
OnionCatOnionCat is a VPN-adapter which allows to connect two or more computers or networks through VPN-tunnels. It is designed to use the anonymization networks Tor or I2P as its transport, hence, it provides location-based anonymity while still creating tunnel end points with private unique IPv6 addresses.Cypherpunk Austria
Open-BCI DIY-Neurosciencefor electronics and software hacking,

exchange and experiments, with brain-computer-interfaces
and biofeedback technology.
OpenKeychainOpenKeychain is an OpenPGP implementation for Android. It serves as a key management tool for encryption, decryption, signature generation, and signature verification. We are working together with K-9 Mail to provide email security according to the OpenPGP standard. It also allows encryption of files and provides an API for other developers to use.
OpenLieroXLiero clone / Worms realtime / 2D shooter
OpenageFree software reimplementation of Age of Empires IIStudentennetze
PGPAuthPGPAuth is a simple system to send verified requests over untrusted networks (i.e. the internet). We use it in our Hackerspace in Chemnitz to lock or unlock one of the doors (others will follow).
PapstehrenwortPapstehrenwort is a tool for the OpenLab Augsburg which lets members commit themselves to a (regular) taskOpenLab
Pennsemmel-PodcastTravel podcast in German by Venty and XTaranLUGS
Performante Enorm Nützliche Internet SuchmaschineSUPERFAST, SUPERFANCY, SUPERGEIL

Find files on Congress FTP servers within milliseconds!

Built without Node, iPage, Rails, Redis, MongoDB, PHP, MySQL, Regex, Perl, Cloud, FrontPage, AWS, Docker, Emacs, …

However, our search was not able to get us a real ElasticSearch expert to our assembly. So, if you're an Expert™ or know someone who's capable of configuring analyzers and cool things like this, please walk by at our assembly so we can improve the shitty search … :D

Code is OpenSource as usual, but please do not value us on this code, it is produced within hours at the congress and is still in a refactoring process! You're as always welcome to contribute some code, beer, knowledge, pizza, …

Your FTP seems to be missing? Contact us at 6742 (ORGA), check out our assembly or drop a line in #geheimorganisation at the hackint IRC network.
Photographic film workshopFilmschieber
PixelatedPixelated is a secure Open Source email solutionNoisy Square
PrivoxyPrivoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.
PyMLGameWrite Games for mate light.C-base
PyneoPyneo was the first mobile phone stack that successfully could issue phone calls on the FreeRunner. As there is no notable free smartphone nowadays many efforts are ongoing in other directions like looking at efl as a gui base on mobile devices, nice on-screen-keyboards and windowmanagers for tablets, free android variants, a free nlp and other useful apps.Pyneo
QutebrowserA keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 and QtWebKitCCC-CH
RFRadio communication and Software Defined Radio hacking
RIPE AtlasHost RIPE Atlas probes on the 31C3 network
Radio freies AldebaranA somewhat open and independent internet radio station.Institut für Skalarwellenforschung
Radio freies KrautchanA somewhat open and independent internet radio station.Berndcon
RandomFtpGrabberRandom FTP grabber
Rheinland BackboneRheinland Backbone is a community-driven provider project. Freifunk Rheinland e.V. is RIPE member and operates several routers to connect free wireless networks to (the rest of) the Internet.Freifunk
RoboKodingToy robot platform for children to teach building and programming robots.C-base
Rotary DECT PhoneBuild a 1940s rotary phone into a CCC/Eventphone compatible DECT phoneMobile
SBHDie Schwarzbeutelherausforderung

Ein Lockpicking-Geschicklichkeits-Spiel.

Tag 3 (Mo. 28.12), 20:30, Saal A

Noch werden Teams gesucht, Voranmeldung per E-Mail an <>
SDR CornerProject area with an antenna on the rooftop and lots of cable connections for real testing of you SDR equipmentChaoswelle
SRPLSScissor Rock Paper Lizard Spock on CubieboardFAUlty
Satellite-SDRListening to Satellites with software defined radioMuCCC
Secure Way To Connect To EPVPNConnecting Freeswitch/Gemeinschaft5 to EPVPN using SIPS and SRTP. There are some issues to care about.CCCMZ
SeidenstrasseA pneumatic tube system built from non-perforated (airtight) drainage pipe and vacuum cleaners. Being an Open Artwork, Seidenstrasse is a revision of the OCTO installation by the artist group Telekommunisten (, 2013). Features include decentralized mesh-style, push-preferred network with endpoints (no vacuum cleaners) and nodes (push-forward / pull on request). Seidenstrasse has been at 30C3 and will be developed to provide a reliable tube network for next years camp. New features for this year are: TBDSeidenstrasse
SelbstdatenschutzDigitale Selbstverteidigung und Selbstdatenschutz: Datenschutz, Datensparsamkeit und Verschlüsseln in Eigenregie
Sensing proximityPresenting our app nervousnet, that will provide an experimental indoor navigation at CCH and also build a social graph of people using the app and detected transmitter beacons. We will also give away some free beacons, so that people can participate without the app. Our long-term project, nervous, aims to enable scientific research for the public good — by transparently collating data from mobile devices, sensors and social media.
SguiA small, simple, minimalistic GUI library with a simple, object oriented design in plain ANSI C. Also has support for modern OpenGL(R) and Direct3D(R).IT-Syndikat
SiebdruckWe will do screen printing at the kidspace.Kidspace
SkarphedA megalomaniac attempt to tame all the webstuff into a native GUI, the webmanagement system.OpenLab
Sm@rtRNSJust use DNS to store your contact information in encrypted form. Update via API/smartphone-app. - One never changed domain name for all your changing contact information!
SmrenderSmrender is a powerful, flexible, and modular rule-based rendering engine for OSM data. It is mainly intended to creater paper charts for print-out but can be used for tile creation and other tasks as well. Because of its very generic and modular software design it is perfectly suitable for complex OSM data processing and manipulation tasks such as filtering, modification, and statistical analysis.Cypherpunk Austria
Start to knitHow to knit - for complete beginners. All you need are two sticks and a ball of yarn. All stitches are comprised of either a “knit” or “purl”. Once you know these two stitches, you’ll be on your way to knitting like a pro!CCCFr
Sticker ExchangeA big box of stickers. Put in two, Take one! :-)Dead Tree Lovers
Stoll-klangbrettDas Axel-Stoll-Klangbrett ist das Vorzeigeprojekt der deutschen Netzszene. Auf dem Kongress werden sich alle Contributors zusammenfinden um dieses großartige Projekt weiter zu entwickeln. Unter anderem ist einer Verfeinerung der Entwicklungskette geplant. Es soll in Zukunft nicht mehr möglich sein, am Projekt teilzunehmen, ohne mindestens Ruby, NodeJS, Grunt, Bower, HAML, SASS, Compass und Python auf seinem System installiert zu haben.23x
SubtitlesCreating live transcripts and subtitles by crowdsourcing!
TailsTails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity, and helps you to:
  • use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network;
  • leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly;
  • use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging.
Noisy Square
TardisWe will be bringing a life sized Tardis - the iconic blue POLICE public call BOX - with us for others to see and enjoy. It will also be usable as a public phone of course.Milliways
TincTinc is a daemon that allows you te set up peer-to-peer, decentralized VPNs.
UTdnsUTdns is a nifty tool which proxies all UDP-based DNS requests through TCP DNS. This is usefull if you have to tunnel DNS through TCP-only tunnels.Cypherpunk Austria
Uncanny societya talk and invitation to discuss Law and AI technology: anticipating a blended society with human and artificial agents.
VOIDVOID-Vorrichtung zur Organisation von ImmobilienDingen - collaborative search for real estate.OpenLab
WallDigital wall (display) that can be controlled remotely, for example via mobile or tablet.FAUlty
WaysomeHacking on the Waysome project, a wayland compositor written in C.FuWaR
Wiki AppThe first native app for mobile devices running iOS to give you convenient access to a lot of information from the wiki. This is the project page to give some more info about the project.
XMPP NotifyXMPP Notifier for the 31c3 FahrplanChaostal
YaCyWe bring a server to index the congress intranet and the public congress pages.
Yarnbombing 31C3This session, which is getting a tradition at XC3, will first give a colorful and practical introduction into the art of guerillaknitting, with many inspiring examples of global knit hacking - by individuals, local and global communities with trees, bridges, tanks, cars, planes, stones or power cords covered in knitting. Attendants will learn the basics of how to yarnbomb the 31C3 (or any other place indoor or outdoor). Bring knitting needles and wool but there will also be some material available (if you want to donate yarn, bring it along or bring it to the T-Shirt Shop). Lets join forces to beautify the congress centre! This time, I suggest we use the colour code of the 31C3 for yarnbombing (see long description for details on colours and measures).
Zello: automated messages
Zogftwzogftw (ZFS on geli for the win) creates redundant backups on encrypted external ZFS pools.

There are 147 announced projects.
