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Description Codius is a platform for building decentralized applications that can interact with any blockchain or web service.

Codius is an open hosting protocol. It makes it very easy to upload a program, whether you want it to run on one host or thousands. It also has built-in billing. That means once a program is uploaded, anyone can pay to keep it running — the author, the users and even the program itself.

Members Eschwartz, Tdfischer
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Related to assembly Ethereum
Tags smart contracts, blockchain, bitcoin, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralization, web, programming, security
Registered on 9 December 2014 21:49:35
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes - Writing decentralized applications on Codius

- Running a Codius host on your own machine

Bunch o people sitting around and hacking!

Other assemblies by tags...
Location ,
Orga contact
Brings Just computers!
Seats needed 3
Extra seats 15
Assembly specification 2. We'd like to come together with a lot of people, a spot with lot's of people passing by and good visibility would be nice.
Planning notes


Codius is a platform for building decentralized applications that can interact with any blockchain or web service.

Codius is an open hosting protocol. It makes it very easy to upload a program, whether you want it to run on one host or thousands. It also has built-in billing. That means once a program is uploaded, anyone can pay to keep it running — the author, the users and even the program itself.

We'll be building decentralized applications, talking about smart contracts and blockchains, and showing people how to set up their own Codius host!