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Website https://31c3.microfx.de
Contact IRC: #MicroLabs (hackint) user: deg0nz, Licher, mycel, microfx

E-Mail: 31c3@microfx.de

Description We are a bunch of visualists, lightjockeys, musicians and electronics-geeks. We are planning to bring video projectors, microscopes and if possible also some music for live video sessions while drinking lots of mate and or beer - join us! Bring things we can inspect under the microscope and make use of them as visuals. Furthermore we will present our recent hardware hacking projects as well: controlling dmx- and midi-data via audio mixing desks is on our schedule as well as taking an electronic drum-kit and driving a strobe with it. We’ll probably pack our soldering irons and tons of electronic components and gaffa tape to see what we can put together on the fly.
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags video, microscope, hardware hacking, mate, grandma onpc, midi, visuals, vj, osc, organic, hacking, vdmx, madmapper, art, music, kunst, forensics
Registered on 30 November 2014 20:31:43
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes inspecting chips under the microscope - bring a chip, we try to look into it!
Other assemblies by tags...
Location ,
Orga contact jan@microfx.de
Brings videoprojector, fabric to project onto, microscopes, hardware projects, lights - maybe music (live hardware synthesizer chiptune stuff)
Seats needed 10
Extra seats 5
Assembly specification 1. All we want is some space for our group in the hackcenter., 2. We'd like to come together with a lot of people, a spot with lot's of people passing by and good visibility would be nice.
Planning notes [[Has planning notes::Contact deg0nz, mycel or microfx @ irc hackint #MicroLabs or find us in #31c3-*

Wir haben gestern im IRC mit sva geschnackt wegen des Standortes bei den Assemblies. Da wir einiges mitbringen werden an Licht und Stoffen und Projektoren / Mikroskopen, wäre es super, wenn wir wenn möglich Ankerpunkte für unsere Projektionsstoffe haben könnten. Da der Großteil des Lichts / der Stoffe am 26. noch gebraucht wird, hatten wir beredet, evtl. schon am 21. mal zu schauen, was man vorbereiten kann (für die Abnahme letztendlich).

"[03:27:11] <sva> haette auch nen besonderen platz, nich im assembly gerummel" "[03:31:47] <sva> deg0nz: hm... und wie waers zb am 21.12 zu kommen um die rahmen zu machen und alles anzuschaun wg platz und so?"

Achja.. ich bräuchte noch 'n Ticket - hatte kein Geld auf dem Konto und hatte deswegen gezögert mit der Bestellung - könnte man da am 21. evtl. was machen? Würd das Geld mitbringen.]]


We are a bunch of visualists, lightjockeys, musicians and electronics-geeks. We are planning to bring video projectors, microscopes and if possible also some music for live video sessions while drinking lots of mate and or beer - join us! Bring things we can inspect under the microscope and make use of them as visuals. Furthermore we will present our recent hardware hacking projects as well: controlling dmx- and midi-data via audio mixing desks is on our schedule as well as taking an electronic drum-kit and driving a strobe with it. We’ll probably pack our soldering irons and tons of electronic components and gaffa tape to see what we can put together on the fly.