Wastun gegen Überwachung

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Website http://wastun.jetzt
Contact info@wastun.jetzt
Description Fighting against mass surveillance. Protests, action, information and events.
Members Cycomad, Ingox, Thorsten
Projects Camheads
Self-organized Sessions Build your own camhead!, Ein Bündnis gegen Überwachung schmieden - Forging an alliance against mass surveillance, Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit gegen Massenüberwachung - Improving inter-organizational work on mass surveillance
Subassembly of Noisy Square
Related to assembly StopWatchingUs, CryptoParty, AK Vorrat, Digitalcourage, FIfF, Amnesty International, Bündnis Demokratie statt Überwachung
Tags bgu, politics, activism, wastun, surveillance, privacy
Registered on 2 November 2014 23:01:21
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes Workshops for discussion, networking and planing of protest action.

Together with StopWatchingUs we like to organize two events for political activists and interested people. It would be great if we could get room for such events on two days (possibly on the second and third day).

Other assemblies by tags...
Location ,
Orga contact info@wastun.jetzt
Brings Bastelmaterial
Seats needed 8
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification 3. We need something special or in between those options: Please specify in the field planning notes.
Planning notes In addition to a desk and together with StopWatchingUs, we like to create a space for political activists and interested people to discuss the current situation and maybe to organise some workshops. A room for that on one or two days would be great.

Also, it would be great, if our assembly can be together with the one of StopWatchingUs. Thanks!


Based in different parts of the republic, but mainly in berlin, our activist group is conducting various activities against mass surveillance. We organise meetings, protests and campaignes, build infrastrukture and work towards a united protest of all activist groups. Our assembly is a place for meeting and coordination. We bring material to build tools for protest actions and we like to make some action during the congress.

Our assembly will be held together with Demokratie statt Überwachung, the alliance against surveillance from Darmstadt.

We build camheads! Join the assembly and build your own! Here is what it looks like: http://ingostock.de/camheads And here some ideas for an action in Hamburg during the congress: https://wastun.tem.li/31c3_camhad-aktion