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Website https://C3S.cc
Contact info@c3s.cc
Description The Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S) is a European Cooperative (SCE) officially founded in 2013. We aim to become a pan-european collecting society/PRO for works of music, i.e., a modern alternative to GEMA in Germany, with full support for Creative Commons Licensing, amongst other things. The C3S project was launched in 2010 as the main project of OpenMusicContest.org e.V., a friendly society for the support of free and open art, culture and science.
Members 93J9dyAeBnyn3, Sarah
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions C3S: Konkurrenz für die GEMA
Tags music, creative commons, c3s, free culture, gema
Registered on 12 November 2014 18:25:10
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Location ,
Orga contact m@c3s.cc
Brings we will bring a 2m*3m stand-up display which we'd like to place behind us; a beamer; lights (mostly LED); about 1m^3 of merchandising
Seats needed 10
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification 2. We'd like to come together with a lot of people, a spot with lot's of people passing by and good visibility would be nice.
Planning notes we've learned from the past two congresses that there's often times when several people want to talk to us at once, and we were really happy we always had enough space for that. since we also bring a lot of merchandising stuff, it would be awesome to again get two of those large CCH cloakroom tables.

we've heard the fsfe is planning to officially be at the congress -- would be nice to be in the neighborhood ;-)


Meet the people behind the C3S! Since last June we're busy programming the infrastructure for our forthcoming collecting society, so if your interested in hacking for us, come by and let us show you how to get started. Also, if you're interested in the state of the project, are curious about our plans or have questions about music licensing in general, be our guest.

You can also become a member of the European Cooperative (C3S SCE) on site, or support the project (and demonstrate an acquired taste) by checking out our T-shirts and zip-hoodies.