DKRZ computer room tour

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Description We will make a tour to the German climate computing center (DKRZ).
Type Outside
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software, inside, outside
Person organizing Tjahns
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Other sessions...


Subtitle Please meet me in the entrance hall
Starts at 2014/12/29 15:00
Ends at 2014/12/29 16:30
Duration 90 minutes

After taking a 20minutes walk to DKRZ, I'll give a short introduction to what our computer is used for and how and finish with a tour of the computer hall.

I hope to give participants an outlook on what we use the computer system for and how it's operated.

I'll be in the entrance hall at the entrance closest to Hall 6 at about 14:45 and wait until 15:00 to start the tour. Because space in the computer hall is limited, I won't be able to take more than about 20 persons on the tour.

Since I got some inquiries: unless there is some reservation functionality in the Wiki I'm unaware of I cannot take reservations. In case I need to turn people away because of unexpected demand, I'll offer another tour next day morning.