No, Mister Bond. I expect you to die. - Newton's Laws in a rotating System

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Description en: Not strapped to a centrifuge I'm able to construct Newton's (third) law in a rotating system.

And then you'll know why the centrifugal force is a REAL force!

de: Ich zeige, dass die Zentrifugalkraft sehr wohl eine reale Kraft ist. Es kommt nur drauf an, in welchem Referenzsystem man sich befindet.

Kids session Yes
Person organizing TD-23017
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2014/12/28 01:00
Ends at 2014/12/28 02:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Hall 14

You spin me right round baby, right round, in a manner depriving me of an inertial reference frame. Baby.

This session contains a bit math. But the beautiful end result es worth the hassle!