How Freifunk Rheinland became an ISP

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Description We are a Local Internet Registrar, member of RIPE. We are one of the very few community LIRs.What does it mean "Autonomous System"? How the Rheinland Backbone technically works? What about Rheinland Backbone Policy? Q&A about our Usage Policy. We offer default routing for your Freifunk Community! Fibre to the Roof!
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) network
Tags Freifunk, ISP, DIYISP
Processing assembly Freifunk
Person organizing Nomaster, Takt, ThomasDOTwtf
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2014/12/28 15:00
Ends at 2014/12/28 17:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall 13