Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future

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Description Starting with Ai Wei Wei, this talk will explore the societal consequences of ubiquitous surveillance. Who is watching who? How does it feel to be a watcher? Does first-person recording change our perspective of the world? Can we escape looking at each other?
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political
Tags Noisy Square, surveillance, privacy, sousveillance, quantified self
Processing assembly Noisy Square
Person organizing Hansdezwart
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2014/12/30 17:00
Ends at 2014/12/30 17:45
Duration 45 minutes
Location Hall 13

Ai Weiwei has been living in our future. His movements are restricted and he is structurally being watched by the government. He lives in a world without privacy. His experiences and those of his guards can teach us about the world we are slowly moving into.

Ai Wei Wei: "The individual under this kind of life, with no rights, has absolutely no power in this land, how can they even ask you for creativity? Or imagination, or courage or passion?"

Hans will use many examples, mostly from 'the Valley', to show how near-future fiction struggles to keep up with reality. Among other things he will look at Disneyworld, Grindr and Tindr, Google's Glass, police body cams, quantified pets, Obama's anti-surveillance tent, Las Vegas and the new RE-CAPTCHA's.