U.S. and International Anti-Surveillance Activism: How we can work together, and what obstacles we face
Description | Discussion about how anti-surveillance activists in the US and Europe can share knowledge and work together. |
Website(s) | |
Type | Discussion |
Kids session | No |
Keyword(s) | social, political |
Person organizing | Ontological |
Language | en - English |
Other sessions... |
Starts at | 2014/12/29 12:00 |
Ends at | 2014/12/29 13:00 |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Location | Hall 13 |
Activism against overbroad NSA surveillance takes place across the globe, in a variety of ways. Some of that work is policy work. Advocates in the U.S. often come from a U.S. Constitutional perspective. Outside the United States, advocates have worked together on policy based on international human rights laws and treaties. Many activists and policy advocates outside the United States have been critical of the domestic policy work—unsurprising since domestic NSA reform addresses very little of the massive violations of rights perpetrated by the NSA against non-U.S. persons.
Additionally, activists in the United States and internationally are engaging in a variety of tactics against more local surveillance—but don't always know about the work happening around the world.
We hope this conversation will address the obstacles facing reform in the United States government, how that reform relates to the Necessary and Proportionate principles and international law, and will open a frank discussion about how we can best work together.