
GPN11: Call for Participation


4 Tage. Du. Wir. Zeug. Auf der 11. Gulaschprogrammiernacht vom 23. bis 26. Juni in Karlsruhe — wie immer mit Hack­center, Abend­programm, Programmier­spiel, Lock­picking, Party, Lasern, Arcade, Beats, Kunst, interessanten Leuten und Tschunk.

Du machst die GPN: Wir haben viel Platz für deine Ideen, Projekte, Workshops und Vorträge. Auch längere Coding- und Bastelprojekte sind dank langem Wochenende möglich. Melde dich per Mail an

Auf kannst du dich freiwillig unverbindlich anmelden und uns damit bei der Planung helfen. Dort kannst du auch …

May 7th: Camp 2011 – Field Day


We invite everybody to join us for a public visit to the location of the Chaos Communication Camp 2011 at Luftfahrtmuseum Finowfurt 1. Everybody who wants to do a project, put up a really big tent, build a village or do anything special in one way or the other should come.

The visit takes places at Saturday, May 7th, 2011 at 14:00h CEST. We will spend around two to three hours at the site depending on interest. Be careful to be on time as we won’t explain things twice.

If you plan to come, please drop your name in the wiki [2]. There you will also find driving instructions, aerial photographs …

Camp 2011 Needs Your Help


Preparations for this year’s Chaos Communication Camp have started.

If you don’t know about the Camp in general have a look at the 2007, 2003, and 1999 web sites. You should also watch these great videos in order to get a first impression: Camp 2007 and Camp 2003

Actually, we’ve been working on Chaos Communication Camp 2011 – Project Flow Control – for quite some time, but finally there is a web site now. Since we’re a bit late already, we really need your support.

First and foremost we need your help in distributing the Call for Participation and the Call for a Space Program of the Hacker …

Camp 2011 will happen


After receiving some concerned inquiries we want to state again:

Yes, the Chaos Communication Camp 2011 will take place. It will be from August 10th thru August 14th 2011 in Finowfurt near Berlin. There will be enough tickets for everybody. You may start your travel preparations by booking flights, applying for visas, charging your transcontinental teleporter’s capacitors, etc. We will be there.

Crypto Talk at 27C3: Die gesamte Technik ist sicher, Day 1, 21:45, Saal 1


NPAThe new national id card Neuer Personalausweis (NPA) was one of the biggest IT projects in the German government in the last years. Compared to the old id card, the new id card is a RFID smart card, which can also be used on the internet to prove your identify to a remote party (Ebay, Paypal, or Amazon for example) and to sign binding contracts. For example, you can use the card to buy a new house or car, or open up a bank account or apply for a credit.

When using the card over the internet, the card is connected to a reader, which is connected to a (potentially insecure) PC, which is …

Change of Plan — Video Streams For Peace Missions


In one of our last posts we’ve invited all peace missions to register their IP addresses by mail. Registered IP addresses will be granted access to a dedicated video streaming relay.

We’ve received mails from lots of people, who’d like to set up a peace mission and gave us their IP address. So far, so good – it’s cool to see so much interest. Unfortunately, now you’ve invested time for sending us an email, we do change the registration procedure.

There will be a web site, where peace missions can register. After we’ve acknowledged a registration you may add or change your IP address on the …

Bring Your DVB-T receivers


Beim 27C3 werden alle Vorträge live und in Farbe im und um das bcc via DVB-T ausgestrahlt. Den Besuchern des 27C3 ist es damit möglich, Vorträge auch von außerhalb zu folgen und damit die überfüllten Vortragssäle zu vermeiden.

Zum Empfang eignet sich jeder PC oder Laptop mit DVB-T-Stick, Fernseher mit DVB-T-Tuner, Handy mit DVB-T-Funktion, etc. Im Wiki werden wir evtl. notwendige Konfigurationsdateien hinterlegen und eine Liste mit gut und weniger gut funktionierenden Empfängern pflegen.

Die Bundesnetzagentur hat uns Kanal 22 (482MHz) zugeteilt, auf dem wir mit 6 Watt ERP senden werden. …

Drittes Ticket-Kontingent und Eintrittsregelungen für Pressevertreter


Am 11. November lief der Verkauf des zweiten Kontingentes der Tickets für den 27C3 über unser Presale-System an. Außer einem kurzen Datenbankschluckauf und einer Verwirrung beim Zahlungsabschluß der Kreditkartenkunden gingen für rund zwei Stunden die 2.000 Karten problemlos über die Theke, der weitaus größte Teil innerhalb der ersten vier Minuten.

Wie angekündigt halten wir zum Dämpfen des Schwarzmarkts bis drei Wochen vor dem Congress ein Kontingent Tickets zurück. Dies wird in der letzten Runde des Vorverkaufs am Samstag, den 4. Dezember 2010, um 16 Uhr nachmittags freigegeben. Wieviele …

Bessere Congress-Videos — Spenden für die FEM


Ein Hinweis in nicht nur eigener Sache:

Die FEM, welche uns bereits seit mehr als 6 Jahren mit dem Filmen, Schneiden, Streamen und Archivieren des Congresses unterstützt, möchte ihr Equipment und damit die Qualität der Videos verbessern.

Daher geben wir deren Bitte um Unterstützung mit Freude an euch weiter. Weitere Informationen und einen Spenden-Button finden sich auf deren Webseite:

Chaos Communication Camp 2011


We found a date and we found a place:

10|11|12|13|14th August 2011
at Finowfurt (near Berlin), Germany

Since 1999 the Chaos Communication Camp has taken place every four years – and we will keep this rhythm. It is an international, five-day open-air event for hackers and associated life-forms. The venue is the same as in 2007, so some of you might know it already.

If you don’t have a clue about the Chaos Communication Camp, you might probably want to watch these videos:

Some history of the Camp is also available:

27C3: We come in peace – Call for Participation

We come in peace

We come in peace

We come in peace, said the conquerors of the New World.
We come in peace, says the government, when it comes to colonise, regulate, and militarise the new digital world.
We come in peace, say the nation-state sized companies that have set out to monetise the net and chain the users to their shiny new devices.
We come in peace, we say as hackers, geeks and nerds, when we set out towards the real world and try to change it, because it has intruded into our natural …

SIGINT10 recordings available


Some of you might have already noticed that the biggest part of this year’s SIGINT recordings were published on These videos are also available for online viewing in your web browser in our media archive.

The last bunch of videos will be available after manual cutting and reencoding. Unfortunately this needs some time. But it will not be forgotten. This is the list of those 28 missing files to complete the 68 recordings in total:

  • “cognitive_cities”
  • “the_medium_is_the_messiah”
  • “computer.spiele.politik”
  • “buying_privacy_in_digitized_cities”
  • “future_3.0”
  • “heart_of_gold” …