
Project Blinkenlights: Stereoscope

Stereoscope at Toronto City Hall

Stereoscope at Toronto City Hall

Everyone loves buildings that go blinkity blink. Following the long tradition of blinking houses, Blinkenlights comes to the North American continent for the first time ever this weekend.

Designed as a birthday present to ourselves for the 20th anniversary of the CCC, Project Blinkenlights was an interactive installation by members and friends of the Chaos Computer Club.

The CCC decided to turn the famous Haus des Lehrers{.linkfilter-urlfull} building at Berlin Alexanderplatz into world’s biggest interactive computer display. That was in 2001. For …

Say hello to


We’d like to use this channel to announce a recently created blog from the CCC orbit. Its purpose is to communicate the German political discussion revolving around netizenship, freedom of information, surveillance tendencies etc, to a non-German/non-German-speaking audience.

Several recent events led to the creation of the Bitkanone: One is just generally the tightening bonds with net activists from around Europe and from across the Big Pond. Having the Camp Anaconda over at the CCCamp was really cool, and we are looking for ways of staying in touch.
Another thing that fueled the Bitkanone …

ICMP in Münchsteinach


Die dritte ICMP hat heute in Münchsteinach begonnen. Der Fahrplan des familiären Camps des Erlanger CCC zeigt, dass das Programm der ICMP eher freizeitorientiert ist. Es gibt allerdings durchaus interessante Workshops rund um das Motto: “ICMP 3 – Die Freiheit nehm ich mir!”. Außerdem steht eine Brauereibesichtigung an und die Teilnehmer können sehen, wie Club-Mate entsteht und abgefüllt wird. Im Preis ist ein “ewiges Frühstück“ enthalten, aber es wird auch gegrillt. Zudem gab es heute leckeren vegetarischen Dal. Ein Access Point liefert dem ganzen Platz ausreichend WLAN und das Phone Operation …

ICMP3 – Anmeldung geöffnet


Wer möchte, kann sich jetzt seinen Platz auf der ICMP3 reservieren. Die Eintrittspreise sind gewohnt günstig, für die kompletten 6 Tage muss man 60 €, für Freitag – Sonntag 40 € berappen. Der Preis beinhaltet Kaffee-/Tee-Flatrate, ein tägliches Frühstücksbuffet, Strom, Telefon und Internet. Die Plätze sind auf 200 beschränkt und am ersten Anmeldetag sind über 50 Anmeldungen eingegangen. Also nicht zulange warten.

HOPE Number Six: Announcement list and blog up and running


The HOPE team has launched two services for those of you interested in getting the latest news about HOPE Number Six.

The HOPE announcement list is sent to everyone involved in the conference – from speakers to volunteers to attendees – and it contains the latest updates on this July’s (21st – 23rd) conference.

The HOPE blog contains this information as well as an opportunity for you to give us feedback, ask questions, come up with ideas, etc.

To subscribe to the HOPE announcement list, simply do the following:

  1. Compose an email to
  2. In the body of this message, enter …

Call for Participation: HOPE Number Six


HOPE Number Six

July 21-23 2006

The Hotel Pennsylvania

New York City

HOPE Number Six ( is this summer’s hacker

conference sponsored by 2600 Magazine. Presenters and artists from all

nationalities and disciplines are again invited to participate in this

forum. HOPE Number Six covers all aspects of hacking, the community

surrounding it, and its effects across the world.

For three days, The Hotel Pennsylvania will be the nexus of discussion,

planning, and activity for hacker ideas, opportunities, and


There are several ways to participate:

  • Speak: Presentation …

HITBSecConf 2005 recordings


While you are anxiously waiting for the 22C3 recordings why not take a look at the just released lecture video recordings of the last HITBSecConf2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that took place last September. HITBSecConf is an annual security related conference in Kuala Lumpur that’s worth checking out run by a charming team. You’ll find some speakers there that have been giving a lecture at 21C3 and 22C3 as well.