
Ticket Shop Closes Soon


The online shop for Camp tickets will close at 2011/07/20, two days from now.

If you didn’t buy a ticket yet, you should better go to our online shop now and buy one.

Since we don’t know, how many tickets we’ll still have left after online sales, we can’t promise there will be ticket sales at the door. Probably there will be, but if you want to be sure, better buy your tickets now!

Camp 2011: Rent a Tent – Last Orders


You’d like to rent a big tent, chairs, and tables for the Camp and did not tell us yet? Then you need to hurry up. We accept orders from you only until June 9th, and that’s tomorrow. For more details see the Rent a Tent page in the wiki.

Camp 2011: Ticket Shop Opened


We’re selling tickets for the Camp now. For more information, please read the Tickets page in our wiki.

Although the advance sale will be available until July 20th 2011, please order your tickets early. That helps us, because it tells us something about the number of participants and thus enables us to scale infrastructure to your needs.

May 7th: Camp 2011 – Field Day


We invite everybody to join us for a public visit to the location of the Chaos Communication Camp 2011 at Luftfahrtmuseum Finowfurt 1. Everybody who wants to do a project, put up a really big tent, build a village or do anything special in one way or the other should come.

The visit takes places at Saturday, May 7th, 2011 at 14:00h CEST. We will spend around two to three hours at the site depending on interest. Be careful to be on time as we won’t explain things twice.

If you plan to come, please drop your name in the wiki [2]. There you will also find driving instructions, aerial photographs …

Camp 2011 Needs Your Help


Preparations for this year’s Chaos Communication Camp have started.

If you don’t know about the Camp in general have a look at the 2007, 2003, and 1999 web sites. You should also watch these great videos in order to get a first impression: Camp 2007 and Camp 2003

Actually, we’ve been working on Chaos Communication Camp 2011 – Project Flow Control – for quite some time, but finally there is a web site now. Since we’re a bit late already, we really need your support.

First and foremost we need your help in distributing the Call for Participation and the Call for a Space Program of the Hacker …

Camp 2011 will happen


After receiving some concerned inquiries we want to state again:

Yes, the Chaos Communication Camp 2011 will take place. It will be from August 10th thru August 14th 2011 in Finowfurt near Berlin. There will be enough tickets for everybody. You may start your travel preparations by booking flights, applying for visas, charging your transcontinental teleporter’s capacitors, etc. We will be there.

Nächste SIGINT in 2012


Nach ihrem Debüt im Mai 2009 und der erfolgreichen Fortsetzung im Mai 2010 ist die Konferenz zu den Diskursen im digitalen Zeitalter – SIGINT – des CCC in Köln zu einer regelmäßigen Veranstaltung geworden. In dieser Tradition werden wir auch im Jahr 2012 wieder eine SIGINT ausrichten.

Mit der Pause in 2011 unterstützen wir das Chaos Communication Camp. Dieses findet alle vier Jahre (10. bis 14. August 2011) in Finowfurt bei Berlin.

Eine abgespeckte Version der SIGINT würde der thematischen Breite der Veranstaltung nicht gerecht werden. Die Planung wird im Sommer 2011 beginnen und an gewohnter …

Chaos Communication Camp 2011


We found a date and we found a place:

10|11|12|13|14th August 2011
at Finowfurt (near Berlin), Germany

Since 1999 the Chaos Communication Camp has taken place every four years – and we will keep this rhythm. It is an international, five-day open-air event for hackers and associated life-forms. The venue is the same as in 2007, so some of you might know it already.

If you don’t have a clue about the Chaos Communication Camp, you might probably want to watch these videos:

Some history of the Camp is also available: