25C3: Nothing to hide (2008)

25C3 and the press


This year, the CCC will issue invitations to journalists and bloggers to attend the 25C3. We will send out all invitations from now on until a week before the event.

Of course, this doesn’t mean the 25C3 will be an invitation-only event: Every journalist who wants to participate is welcome, but there will be no accreditation process or special treatment except for name badges which will indicate that the participant is a member of the press.

There will be an exception for photographers and TV teams. Since we know that the event can provide interesting pictures but we don’t want dozens of …

Sorting through submissions, first round

Sorting through submissions, first round


This weekend, the content team held the first round of talk selection. Some people had even gone to the pain of traveling to Berlin to participate. Kudos to them. We met, we were holed up for 17 hours total, much Club Mate was obliterated, benign (and evil) laughter and agitated shouts were echoing through the CCCB as we argued over which talks to accept, which to reject and for which to postpone the decision.
We managed to look at each and every submission we got – there were many funny and interesting submissions, and to all of you who submitted something: we thank you all for offering to …

25C3: Choosing the talks


Just a small status update: The deadline for handing in talks is over. Over 200 proposals await the content committee, which means we can unfortunately only pick about 50% of all submissions. Thank you for your work if you handed something in, it is very much appreciated. You will hear about the status of your submission on November 7th, 2008 or very possibly earlier than that. November 7th is also the earliest date that you should expect a published schedule for 25C3. And now: Back to work!

25C3: This is your last chance


Imagine the following to be spoken in a deep, dramatic voice, not unlike the one of Laurence Fishburne:

This is your last chance

This is your last chance

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You decide to NOT hand in a talk for 25C3 — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe …

Status report


You still have lots of time to hand in your talks for the 25th Chaos Communication Congress, as submissions are due October 5th, 2008 (Midnight UTC). Then again, you may not want to wait too long.

We currently have about 70 submissions in our queue and there is definitely room for more. Some of the proposals for talks we received are very good and will probably make it into the final program of the Congress. However, some make us scratch our heads: With nothing more than a title and a name of a speaker entered, it’s rather tricky to decide if the submission is any good.

Please take your time …

25C3: Nothing to hide


Achilles had overtaken the Tortoise, and had seated himself comfortably on her back. Their race to the Berlin Congress Center, where the 25th Chaos Communication Congress was about to take place, had come to an end.

“So you’ve gotten to the end of our race-course?” said the Tortoise. “Even though it does consist of an infinite series of distances? I thought some …

25th Chaos Communication Congress: Call for Participation


Spread the word! Invite exciting people! Hand in amazing talks and workshops!

It’s time to announce the Call for Participation of the 25th Chaos Communication Congress 2008 (25C3). The Chaos Communication Congress is the annual four-day conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and taking place in Berlin, Germany. The Chaos Computer Club has always encouraged creative and unorthodox interaction with technology and society, in the good tradition of the real meaning of “hacking”. You can find the preliminary agenda and additional information on our 25C3 website at …