Status report

You still have lots of time to hand in your talks for the 25th Chaos Communication Congress, as submissions are due October 5th, 2008 (Midnight UTC). Then again, you may not want to wait too long.

We currently have about 70 submissions in our queue and there is definitely room for more. Some of the proposals for talks we received are very good and will probably make it into the final program of the Congress. However, some make us scratch our heads: With nothing more than a title and a name of a speaker entered, it’s rather tricky to decide if the submission is any good.

Please take your time and read through the submission guidelines carefully. At the very least, we need a description and an abstract for both the talk and the speaker. We also love to see pictures of the speaker and maybe a nifty title graphic for the talk. The more complete your submission is, the better. Now go and hand in that presentation that will change the lives of 25C3 visitors forever. The deadline is only a bit over one month away…