A village is a distinct area of the Camp that is run by a certain group or community. Please browse through this list, but even more important: Browse through the camp-site and have a chat with the villages around!
Some villages are just a bunch of normal sleeping tents whose inhabitants feel a sense of community. Most of them have a public space to hang out together, work on a shared project, and present what they are doing. Many of them organize their own workshops or other events, everybody can participate and visit!
If you plan to cooperate with other villages, you should form a cluster. A cluster is a more or less close group of villages that share a common interest or background and thus are placed next to each other on the Campsite.
If you want to bring something big, like tents bigger than usual sleep tents, please mention it on your village registration so that we can get an idea of the size of your village. We will rent out big tents, tables, and chairs, more informations will come soon!.
A village is a distinct area of the Camp that is run by a certain group or community. Please browse through this list, but even more important: Browse through the camp-site and have a chat with the villages around!
Some villages are just a bunch of normal sleeping tents whose inhabitants feel a sense of community. Most of them have a public space to hang out together, work on a shared project, and present what they are doing. Many of them organize their own workshops or other events, everybody can participate and visit!
The deadline to get an assigned space for your village is 30.06.2019, 23:42 UTC. If you register in time we will try to find a spot on the campsite that meets all your requirements.
If you have a ticket for the camp, you can register your village at
For any village related questions please don't hestitate to contact us via Email
Public village pages
You can create a public village page on the wiki by using the form, Please only do so if your village is already registered. Keep in mind that the village orga will not conduct entries on the public wiki.
List of villages
List of Villages
description | |
/dev/base | A hackerspace from Unterzeitlbach, Germany |
/dev/lol | Hackerspace from Linz/Austria (+ SIGFLAG CTF Team + Salzamt) |
1komona | if you are komona you can make it work |
402 Payment Required | a place for all Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and alike |
528 Hz | "Da regt mich ja die Frage schon auf." - One small village of indomitable podcasters. |
AAAAAAAAAAAA | Amalgamut assembly of Austrian and close by Hackerspaces |
AFRA | Die Abteilung-für-Redundanz-Abteilung (AfRA) ist ein offener Hackerspace in Berlin. |
About:freedom | about:freedom is a cluster with a focus on digital (human) rights politics, freedom of information and Free Software. At this camp we extend our focus with the struggle for a social-ecological transformation. |
Anarchist Village | Village of anarchists |
Backspace | This is the village of the backspace which is the hackerspace and CCC Erfa in Bamberg, Germany. |
Belgian Embassy | A warm and welcoming village that will house many projects, several hackerspaces, the Hardware Hacking Area, Belgian beers, and evil garden gn'OHMs. |
BigWhoop | A hackerspace from Göttingen, Germany, Europe, Earth, Milky-Way |
Bits&Bäume | Sustainability village with self-organised sessions and workshops. |
BlackHat | Dect GSM 2701 |
BlinkenArea | The BlinkenArea is a village in the cluster Singularity City and a project group of people who are interested in computers and electronics and in a creative handling of both of it. We offer kits in different levels of difficulty and will also provide space and equipment for soldering. |
BmOP | Bundesministerium für Otter und Pfotentiere |
BornHack | A village full of BornHack organisers and participants |
Bytewerk | The bytewerk is Ingolstadt's first hackerspace, It also serves as a home for the local chaostreff, |
C-base | c-base, a crashed spacestation. Mission: Science (c-lab), chilling (nerd area) and fun (everything) |
C3H -- Außenstelle 511 | Collection point for the Hannoveraner Chaos |
C3pb | Hackerspace of Paderborn |
CCC Darmstadt | Chaos Computer Club Darmstadt |
CCC-CH | People from all around Switzerland and neighboring countries. |
CCC-CH-Outpost | Some CCC-CH People with Campervans |
CCC-HH | Chaos Computer Club Hamburg |
CCCFr | |
Chaos Balcony | Balkonien for old hackers - Waldorf & Statler style. |
Chaos Ballett Bett (Drahti Trampolin) | Argumente fühlen statt gefühlter Argumente |
Chaos-West | The wild west of the German hackerspaces. |
ChaosZone | ChaosZone is a loose collaboration of hackspaces mostly from, but not limited to Eastern Germany. |
Chaospott | Wir sind da was am hacken dran! |
Chaosvermittlung | As we have seen on the CCCamp2015, power cuts can happen. Therefore a power independent communication channel is a must have. Furthermore would it be nice to have a way to communicate from one Seidenstraßen Node to another one. All of this and a lot more is the Chaosvermittlung. |
Chaoswelle | Amateur Radio Operators of the CCC. We are those with the big antennas and who talk to the world without network infrastructure. |
Cool-village | SHARE-A-FRIDGE without transport hassle and much greener |
Cuddly Catgirl Collective | Collection of soft people from the internet |
Darksystem | This is just a Darksystem village. |
Das Labor | Das Labor - Hackerspace Bochum |
Digitalcourage | Coming together, exchanging, hacking and discussing - with Digitalcourage. |
Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz | The Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz (Digital Society) is a charitable organization that is committed to fundamental and human rights, an open knowledge culture, as well as transparency and participation in social decision-making processes. |
Dolphin Emulator 🐬 | A small village of Dolphin Emulator friends and retro gaming |
Dragon Sleep Pwn Sector | A joint village of Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat and Dragon Sector. |
EDRi | The EDRi assembly is a representation of every member of a diverse and wide network of digital rights defenders. We welcome you to pass by and meet us, exchange and discuss about the upcoming challenges for digital rights. |
EMF | EMF orga and other UK folks |
Ecohackerfarm | we mix permaculture with hackerculture for sustainable living |
European Safe Space Agency | Flying UAVs in a Safe and Secure manner |
Extinction Rebellion | Wir sind Teil dieses Planeten. Genau wie ihr. Wir stehen vor einer beispiellosen globalen Klimakatastrophe. Unsere Regierung tut nicht, was nötig wäre, um uns zu schützen, obwohl die Lösungen auf dem Tisch liegen. Das Überleben der Menschheit zu sichern, wird von uns nun alles abverlangen. Ihr braucht keine Erlaubnis, um mitzumachen und Aktionen durchzuführen. Ihr müsst lediglich unseren Prinzipien und Werten zustimmen und diesen folgen. |
Faken bis es rult | admins aus karlsruhe |
FeM | Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. |
Flying Objects | All about those flying thingies, fun and food. But also fun. |
Foodhackingbase | Place for food, beverage and bio hacking enthusiasts. |
Forum Informatik für Frieden & gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF) | Das Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF) e. V. ist ein deutschlandweiter Zusammenschluss von gut 700 Menschen, die sich kritisch mit Auswirkungen des Einsatzes der Informatik und Informationstechnik auf die Gesellschaft auseinandersetzen. |
FraMa | FraMa = CCC-Frankfurt + CCC Mannheim |
Franconian Village | colocation of franconian spaces and chaostreffs |
Free Software Foundation Europe | All you need is software freedom! We do lobbying & public relations and we offer legal guidance and interest representation in favor of Free Software. Let's put the hacking back into politics! |
Freie Maker e.V. | Freie Maker e.V. is a maker community mostly centered in Aachen, running a Makerspace in Lemiers (yay, European Idea). Mostly for building stupid things, some of these things can be found at this village, either complete or in the process of building. |
Fri3d Camp | Belgian Fri3d Camp crew |
Fridays For Future (FFF) | Wir sind eine Bewegung von jungen Menschen, die aus eigenem Interesse heraus die Aktion Fridays For Future in Deutschland umsetzen und verbreiten. |
Frubar | We are a Network of People who do some more or less creative projects to supply the digital community with new mindsets. While keeping balance between art and science we never forget the fun. The name Frubar is a mixture of foo bar and the german word for copious (fruchtbar). We thought it would describe best what we are doing. ;-) |
Geeks on vacation | A group of german speaking geeks |
Geheimorganisation | The Geheimorganisation is a secret organization of secret conspiracy. Open for all. |
Geraffel | Geraffel (orig. russ.: “БзґѳЎЎэф”) makes a lot of noise in the middle of the camp so you won't sleep at night. AKA a bunch of veteran nerds with a nasty setup, hosting a hacker camp every 2 years since 1999. |
Gold@ccc /dev | group of students of the Gymnasium Oldenfelde in Hamburg |
Graz@CCCamp2019 | Alternate Name of realVille |
HSNL | Dutch hackerspaces |
HackLeman | A group of friendly geeks primarily from the Geneva area, many with a loose or tight connection to CERN. |
Hackeriet | Hackerspace in Oslo |
Hacksaar | Hacksaar and Friends: TKS, LUGSaar, Ministerium für Landnerdschaft, syn2cat, Maschinendeck. A bunch of friendly nerds from Luxembourg, Saarlouis, Saarbrücken, Trier, Saarland. |
Haecksen | Haecksen is a group of female and non-binary Hackers. Curious? Come and talk to us! |
Harbor | Team Harbor - Boating Enthusiasts Hackers - Water Taxi Service - in Neuer Hafen |
HardwareHackingArea | The Hardware Hacking Area is a huge area in the Belgian Embassy Village / Milliways for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, teach, learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things. |
Haxko | A hackerspace and makerspace from Koblenz, Germany, Europe, Earth, Milky Way |
Helferlein | Helferlein - Rediscover your Limits! |
Hispagatos | Hispagatos is an Anarchist hacker collective that promotes hacker ethics and anarchism |
HowlNet | Decentralisation, warez, and howls. |
ICMP | Intergalaktische Club Mate Party - Every two years the ICMP takes place at the source of all Mate and we have a great time. So why not have fun the other years as well? |
IT-Kollektiv | If you're looking for information on collaborative economy, wonder what role cooperatives could play in changing our economic system or want to join/found a tech-cooperative then this is the place for you. |
IX Sthlm | Computer club from Stockholm |
IXP | An internet exchange point. Kinda. |
Infuanfu | Food. Drink. Sleep. Cook. Repeat. The future eats now! Free tea since 2016! |
Irish Embassy | A place people who live in Ireland or want to make friends with people who live in Ireland |
It-syndikat | Hackerspace from Innsbruck/Austria |
Italian Hackers' Embassy | Italian hacker community: Contents, Pasta, Grappa, Coffee and much more |
Jewelry Hackers | DIY Electronics Jewelry making workshop. |
Kidspace | It's for the whole family, so bring your kids! |
KinkyGeeks | Kinky geeks meet here. We are just some people that are somewhat kinky and like to combine that with being a geek (about it). |
Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (KNOE) | Wir stehen für eine neue Wirtschaft. Von allen, für alle. Ökologisch und sozial. | | Your friendly hackerspace in Jena. We will be part of the ChaosZone village. |
Königlich Bayerisches Amtsvillage | Some friendly $humans from south Germany. We have beer, music, hacking and soldering stuff |
LaTeX | Joint Village of Dante e.V. & ConTeXt Group. Users of TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt interested in Typography |
Labitat | Hackerspace in Copenhagen |
LeiwandVille | The "urleiwand" Village provided by Metalab and friends from all over Austria and the Solar System |
Lemanicus | People from Romandie region in Switzerland (Lausanne, Geneva, etc) |
Librehosters | librehosters is a network of cooperation and solidarity that uses free software to encourage decentralisation through federation and distributed platforms. Our values connect transparency, fairness and privacy with a culture of data portability and public contributions to the commons. |
Lockpicking | The big secret of lockpicking is that it's easy. Anyone can learn how to pick locks. Ted the tool (MIT-Guide to Lockpicking) Give it a try - learn basic lockpicking techniques - open your first lock - learn how to help yourself when you locked yourself out - what is a pin tumbler lock? - why is it working? |
LosFuzzys | CTF Team from Graz, Europe |
Luxembourgish Embassy hackyard | A bunch of hackers from Luxembourg. |
MOiN | Village von mehreren Orten aus dem Norden |
Maglab - Magrathea Laboratories | We are some random hackers from Fulda, Germany. Here to meet, learn, teach, share, drink |
Mainframe | HAckerspace from Oldenburg |
Metalab Dome | The Aluminium Dome of Metalab |
Milliways | milliways - the restaurant at the end of the universe. |
Mittelab | Mittelab village - hackerspace in Trieste, Italy |
Mobile Infoshop | We got Zines, Books, Stickers, T-Shirts, Mate, Coffee, Choco & Energy Balls and a nice place to hang out and read. |
Moose Hillhackers | We are just a bunch of people that got connected by crazy and various circumstances |
Muccc | |
Munich Maker Village | Collective of people from Munich |
NOP | Three Cycles of Nothingness |
NeighbourhoodNerds | A bunch of friendly nerds from Karlsruhe. |
Nerd2Nerd | Nerds from Würzburg and Friends |
NixOS | functional, declarative operating system |
Nomnom | Hacktivists from Berlin and hamburg. Kabelsalat, tofu freshly roasted over firewall and potatoes au aluhüt. |
OONI | Global community uncovering evidence of internet censorship around the world every day. |
Open Village | Wikipaka WG and friends |
Osmocom | People associated with Open Source Mobile Communications and SDR |
QueerFeministGeeks | This assembly is home to all queer/feminist/trans*/intersectional people who want to meet each other, hang out, feel safe, and make friends. |
RealVille | Village of realraum and Friends aka Graz@CCCamp2019 |
Reclaim Club Culture | Wir wollen: #sichere Vernetzung, Kommunikation und Rerssourcenteilung mit anderen Gruppen, gemeinsamer Aktivismus und Antifaschismus, praktisch, vernetzt, effektiv. |
RoboVillage | People who are involved in research on all kinds of intelligent robots, like soccer playing robots, autonomous cars, and various self built robot prototypes. |
Schaffenburg | Kehret ein in die Abtei der Brüder der perpetuellen Prokrastination! |
Scottish Consulate | We're a travelling hacker collective from Scotland who represent ourselves and our country at events round the world. |
Selfnet | Network for Students made by Students (and other technical things) |
Sft / pwnda village™ | |
Singularity City | Die Reinkarnation des Qualitätsvillage aus 2015 |
Social Dist0rtion Protocol | Social people, distorted interests. And the other way around. |
Solare Einsatzleitung | Solare Einsatzleitung |
SpaceVillage | |
Spanish village | Your friendly spaniards on the camp :D |
Spline | Studentisches Projekt Linux Netzwerke - Hackerspace der FU Berlin |
Stratum 0 | |
TDvenlo | The Hackerspace in Venlo. Hacking since the '70s. |
TEUrCamp | The American Hacker Camp (at CCCamp!) |
Tea House | Come and drink refreshing hot beverages with others |
The Cold North | A cluster of assemblies from the cold north |
The Commons | Welcome to "The Comedy of the Commons" -- short "The Commons (Village)", where we discuss, work and hack on blockchains, decentralised and p2p technology, encryption, privacy and security as well as social systems of coordination, like consensus, economics, game theory, elections and voting.Aside from a few social gathering formats, we are also offering a range of workshops and hands-on coding, hacking and making session. Stay tuned for updated. |
Three Headed Monkey | Stage, Workshop, Schiffsbar, Party |
TkkrLab | Hackerspace Enschede |
Tor Project | Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship. |
Trainshed Shared Office Space | We camp next to the long lorry shed and use it as a shared office space. |
Uchuuchuu Onsen 宇宙中温泉 | A small village from Japan (& elsewhere), creating a small onsen-style footbath. We'll be serving various hot & cold teas, please come for a sip and a soak! Also bringing and building a 4'x8' Maslow CNC--come by for routing needs or if you'd like to come help build! |
V01d | v01d is the new sh1t. We are a bunch of people around the world participating in Hacker Camps since HAL 2001. |
Verschwörhaus | Das Haus, das Verschwörungen macht. Ein Ort für Civic Tech, Back und Hack und Make, Retrofernmeldedinge und anderen Unsinn mitten in Ulm |
Video Cluster | A place for everything Video, hosted by FeM and C3VOC |
Warpzone | warpzone e.V. Hackerspace Münster |
Waternet | Only a loose union of people |
Westwoodlabs | A hackerspace and makerspace from Westerwald, Germany, Europe, Earth, Milky Way |
XHain hack+makespace | Hack+Makespace aus Berlin Friedrichshain |
XMPP | The open standard for messaging and presence | | Hackerspace from Malmö and friends. |
ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen | The glorious hackerspaces from Darmstadt, Fulda , Gießen, Kassel, Marburg and Wetzlar join forces to rock the camp. |
जुगाड़ | जुगाड़ Hardware Hackers from India |