
Website 2019
Description Sustainability village with self-organised sessions and workshops.
Members Anton, Blipp, Coco, Guenther, Julika, Nos, Rainer, Trailblazr, Yolo
Projects E-waste study, Electronic Waste Recycling Station, Tent and Mattress Repair
Self-organized Sessions Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende, Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter, Discussion on privacy-friendly green policies in the European Union, Estimate and calculate carbon footprints, Forderungen des B & B, Join CCC Sustainability (c3sus) and help make CCC events sustainable, Let's go there by land not by air, R5 Meeting (CCC working group), Visit Zehdenick Farmer's Market by Bike
Subvillage of About:freedom
Related to village About:freedom, Extinction Rebellion, Forum Informatik für Frieden & gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF), Fridays For Future (FFF), Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (KNOE)
Tags sustainability, climate action, hacc
Registered on
Location for self-organized sessions No

This page lists Related Projects at Camp and provides a Calendar of Related Events at Camp. With these, you can create your own sustainability-focused programme for this year's Chaos Communication Camp.

Related Projects at Camp

This is a list of events that seem related to the cause of Bits&Bäume. At this point this is just a collection, no endorsement whatsoever, use at your own risk :) Eventually this can turn into a schedule for a sustainability-related virtual programme.

Travelling to Camp

Self-organised Projects

Alternative Power

Calendar of Related Events at Camp

Lectures, workshops, all kinds of sessions. Manually updated, please use with care.

The type main indicates mainline lectures, thm an event at the Three Headed Monkeys stages, lt a lightning talk, self an independently organised session, not only but also by Bits&Bäume.

Date and Time Title and Subtitle (with direct link) Type Recording
2019-08-20 16:00–18:00 Chaos Microgrid Working Group self
2019-08-21 14:00–14:30 Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis von Klima und Wetter self
2019-08-21 14:00–14:45 Hambacher Forst #hambibleibt main rec
2019-08-21 15:00–16:00 Sozial-ökologische Dimensionen von Digitalisierung thm rec
2019-08-21 15:15–17:15 Einblicke in die Wettervorhersage thm
2019-08-22 18:45–19:30 Forderungen der Bits&Bäume vorstellen self
2019-08-21 16:15–17:15 Konviviale Software vor und jenseits des digitalen Kapitalismus thm rec
2019-08-21 16:30–17:00 Digitale Werkzeuge zum Verständnis der Energiewende self
2019-08-21 17:00–18:00 Let's go there by land not by air self
2019-08-21 18:00–19:00 Estimate and calculate carbon footprints self
2019-08-21 18:30–19:00 Wo lässt Du zwecklose Widerstände? – Einladung zu einer qualitativen Studie über den Umgang mit Elektroschrott auf dem CCCamp thm rec
2019-08-21 19:15–19:45 FridaysForFuture was, wie, warum? thm rec
2019-08-21 20:00–20:45 Aufstand oder Aussterben? Ein Vortrag über die Klimakrise, ökologischen Kollaps und zivilen Ungehorsam main rec
2019-08-21 21:10–21:40 Über die Nachhaltigkeit von Software thm rec
2019-08-22 11:00–13:00 Visit Zehdenick Farmer's Market by Bike self
2019-08-22 12:30-12:35 Lightning Talk: 7 October 2019 - International Uprising - Movement of Movements - Extinction Rebellion lt rec
2019-08-22 14:05-14:10 Lightning Talk: Announcing “Shutdown for Climate”: The internet joins the global climate strike on September 20 lt rec
2019-08-22 15:00–16:00 Blockchain: Proof of ignorance thm rec
2019-08-22 16:00–18:00 How to shape a responsible world? – Starting Panel self
2019-08-22 20:00–23:55 CiTiZEN KiNO #81: Embedded Dystopias - A situationist cinema for our futurist-fed times. self
2019-08-23 10:30–13:00 How to shape a responsible world? – Follow-up self
2019-08-23 12:00–12:45 Nachhaltige Blockchains statt Digital und Dreckig main rec
2019-08-23 13:30–14:55 C3Sus Ride excellent with each other – Making a better hitchhiking matching platform for chaos events self
2019-08-23 17:00–17:45 Mapping Doomsday – Using OSINT to monitor and predict environmental conflicts main rec
2019-08-23 17:00–17:30 Cryptography of Killing Proof-of-Work thm rec
2019-08-23 17:30–18:25 R5 Meeting (CCC working group) self
2019-08-23 19:45–20:45 Elektroschrott – Welchen letzten Weg geht mein PC? thm rec
2019-08-24 10:30–13:00 How to shape a responsible world? – Follow-up self
2019-08-24 10:30–11:55 Discussion on privacy-friendly green policies in the European Union self
2019-08-24 12:00–13:00 Permaculture for hackers self
2019-08-24 15:00–16:00 Global Warming Sucks! thm rec
2019-08-24 16:15–17:15 Climate breakdown – the bleak reality thm rec
2019-08-24 18:00–18:45 Power-to-X – How to make (nearly) everything from electricity main rec
2019-08-24 20:00–20:45 Deaths per TWh – The Price of Energy and Reducing CO2 Emissions main rec
2019-08-25 13:00–13:45 Why Nobody cares, and only You can save the World – Technology, Intuitions & Moral Expertise main rec
2019-08-25 16:00–16:45 c3Power Monitoring CCCamp 19 – Strom in Bits und Bytes visualisiert main rec
2019-08-25 17:00–17:45 Infrastructure Review main rec