
Description People from Romandie region in Switzerland (Lausanne, Geneva, etc)
Members Francois, Mc odr, Mic, Ndesir, Polto, Rash, Rorist
Projects DAB+ Digital Radio, MicroBerghain, Unlikely tricycle who would like to become autonomous
Self-organized Sessions Bitcoin, Lightning Network, Ethereum for newbs, Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices, Decentralized Autonomous Organization.
Related to village HackLeman, CCC-CH
Tags switzerland, hackerspace, fixme, sdr, opendigitalradio, radio, dab+, broadcast, ham radio, berghain, bluetooth, robotics
Registered on
Location for self-organized sessions No
Location 53.031657 N, 13.3069091 E

SDR and DAB+ Digital Radio

People from Opendigitalradio community will be here.

Static:ROC got a licence and we will setup a low power DAB+ transmitter to broadcast over the camp.

Otherwise, we have various projects involving Software Defined Radio (SDR) and will have SDR platforms.

Other (crazy or not) ideas:

  • Reduced spectrum DAB (for other uses)
  • DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) tests. Datacast
    • use another audio codec
    • Crazy/stupid idea: A worldwide teletext service: embedd teletext/information in a DRM shortwave transmission and decode it on raspberry pi and render it on TV screens.
  • SpaceAPI
  • Yotaphone 2 Hacks
  • Wifi doorlock RE

Any other projects, Human brain CPU and time available is the limit.

Micro Berghain


There was a a very small triangle remaining between the border of our village closed by a fence (we are neighbour to all water infrastrructure) and our tent. Someone from the UK came up with the idea of creating a small version of very exclusive club Berghain in Berlin. Well, it was just a joke between us and we put a poster and a small loudspeaker and cheesy music. It quickly became popular until the point we didn't control anything,many improvised DJ coming, attracting more or less people. Security finally came to ask us to lower sound.


We are sorry if we have caused any trouble but we are amused that such a crazy thing emerged. This is the Chaos Communication Camp after all.....

Conclusion 2: it seems people enjoy such tiny places that mimick serious exclusive clubs. There's hope !

You can contribute to playlist here: Projects:MicroBerghain