Village:Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz

Contact kire(ät)
Description The Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz (Digital Society) is a charitable organization that is committed to fundamental and human rights, an open knowledge culture, as well as transparency and participation in social decision-making processes.
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Subvillage of About:freedom
Tags censorship, digital rights, freedom of communication, freedom of information, fundamental rights, human rights, net neutrality, privacy, surveillance
Registered on
Location for self-organized sessions No

Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz Village

The Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz (Digital Society) is a charitable organization that is committed to fundamental and human rights, an open knowledge culture, as well as transparency and participation in social decision-making processes.

We are part of the about:freedom cluster.

There'll be a meeting/discussion about «Netzpolitik in der Schweiz» (likely on day two).