Enjoy and Celebrate Creativity and Curiosity!


We have 2 main music spaces for you at this years camp: Rockmore Booth, and Kemistry Lounge. “Rockmore Booth” will be playing from 2pm to 8pm daily (except on Day 1 starting at 5pm). The “Kemistry Lounge” will be playing from 8pm-5am daily.

With the majority of artists coming from the midst of our community and family we present you an on many levels diverse line-up of various artists. Please check all the dirty details here in our Abfahrplan, you’ll also find further links for most sets. We just updated from 303 to 606, there might be another version 707, 808 or even 909 in the next days. …

Enhanced Hearing at CCCamp19


For those of us with enhanced hearing, the VOC has set up an induction loop* in tent Meitner at the FOH (tech desk).

It is run in test mode and the VOC is happy to receive your feedback!

  • What is that? An induction or inductive loop is an electromagnetic communication or detection system which uses a moving magnet or an alternating current to induce an electric current in a nearby wire. Induction loops are used for transmission and reception of communication signals, or for detection of metal objects in metal detectors or vehicle presence indicators. A common modern use for induction loops is …

CCCamp19: Anreise mit PKW und Campern


Das Gelände des CCCamp19 darf in der Zeit von 20 Uhr bis 10 Uhr nicht befahren werden. Wer nach 20 Uhr ankommt, parkt bitte auf dem Wiesenparkplatz und läuft von dort zum Lieferanteneingang beim LOC.

Fahrt auch tagsüber zuerst auf den Wiesenparkplatz und laßt euch von den Engeln dort einweisen.

Camper mit Camperticket werden von dort zu den Camperflächen geleitet. Autos werden einzeln und nacheinander zum Campgelände durchgelassen, da die Anzahl der Autos, die gleichzeitig auf das Gelände fahren dürfen, begrenzt ist.

Wenn es möglich ist, transportiert euer Gepäck zu Fuß und mit den vorhandenen …

MRMCD2019: Das Ende (des Vorverkaufs) ist nahe!


Verehrte Spielefreunde,

es ist weniger als ein Monat bis die Spiele beginnen und wir uns auf den MRMCD2019 in Darmstadt sehen. Nun ist es so weit: Die Würfel sind gefallen! Auch dieses Jahr freut sich die Spieleleitung wieder über viele spannende und spielerische Einreichungen für Vorträge und Workshops.

Eine deutlich dreistellige Anzahl von Reviews später haben wir den Einreichenden gerade die Entscheidung des Programmkomitees mitgeteilt. (Check your Inbox!) Die MRMCD bieten dieses Jahr ein sehr vielfältiges Programm. Passend zum Thema Gesellschaftsspiele werden wir zum Beispiel etwas über …

Mobilfunk auf dem Camp


Good news everybody. There will be a mobile phone network at the camp.
We will setup a 2G/3G network and experiment with 4G as well.

Our network will support general data and voice services. The mobile
network will be connected to the POC, IOW it’s possible to call between
DECT and GSM numbers as usual.

Number registration is done via the guru UI.

Additionally we’re planning to add an interface to send and receive SMS
over HTTP. So you can create your own SMS-IRC gateway!

You will need to use a congress or camp SIM card to connect to our
network, so please bring your SIM cards from previous …

PrivacyWeek 2019: Vorverkauf und Vorschau


From October 21-27 it’s PrivacyWeek again!
Ticket presale just started:

  • ticket for the whole week: only € 48,- during presale!
  • business ticket: € 256,-

The program will be marvellous, again. So coming to Vienna will be worth it! A sneak peek is online already.

In case, some of you are upset, because they can’t make it to Vienna this year, most of the talks will be streamed and recorded – in German and English! And there will be stream-supporter-tickets, so you can support us from far away.

More information on privacyweek.at, at @PrivacyWeek@chaos.social on twitter at @PrivacyWeek.

The Chaos …

c3auti: Autism Support at #CCCamp19


As wonderful as Camp is, it can be overwhelming at times. For people in the autistic spectrum, this can be a challenge. The c3auti team is dedicated to support you if this is the case.

In close coordination with the Awareness Team and the CERT, c3auti is ready to support you. We assist in challenging situations or provide a silent refuge if one is needed.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are in the autistic spectrum. Together, we can work on individual solutions for you. Sometimes it is easier to know a contact person beforehand, so please don’t hesitate to contact us now. …

Küchenengel oder Villageküche? Macht euer Frikadellendiplom!


Was brauche ich für ein Frikadellendiplom?*

Als erstes brauchst du eine Hygienebelehrung nach„§43 Infektionsschutzgesetz vom Gesundheitsamt (in einigen Städten dürfen auch einige bestimmte Ärzte diese Belehrung vornehmen). Für dich zuständig ist das Gesundheitsamt an deinem Erstwohnsitz oder an deinem Arbeitsplatz (Erfa-Kreis). Einige sehen das lockerer, andere nicht. Bei manchen muss man einen Termin ausmachen, bei anderen kann man einfach vorbei kommen. Manche zeigen dann einfach ein Video, bei anderen ist es ein Vortrag. Suche zum Beispiel nach „deineSTADT Hygiene Belehrung“.

  1. Auf dem Camp …

Hey, we’re going to Mildenberg!


Whoah! We’re going to Mildenberg
Whoah! Back to the campground
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! In the Brandenburgische Seenplatte

We’d like to make your travel to camp as smooth and relaxing as possible and have therefore in the following blog post done a detailed writeup of the different modes of travel to camp. A big thank you to everyone who took part in our survey! It’s been a great help.

Bassliner Shuttlebus from Berlin and Hamburg
Following a similar route to last Camp, we’ve organized shuttle services from Berlin and Hamburg. All tours will get you directly to Camp location and …

Crate Sale


The camp is approaching fast, and we are excited! Most of us have already started planning, and a serious question arises: where do we get our Mate?
If this question keeps you up at night, we have good news: you can buy your mate at the camp! For the duration of the camp , you can buy crates of cold drinks directly from the BOC! We provide Mate, beer, a variety of lemonades and cola.
All Information will be published on our Wiki Page very soon(tm):


For the most consumed beverage types, we have set up a presale for you to facilitate our …

Use more bandwidth and less Diesel!

Use more bandwidth and less Diesel!


Sunny fields, beautiful avenues, starry nights – and a refreshing dive in river Havel. This his how we all know and love our Chaos Communication Camp. But when 5.000 people go on vacation in uncharted territories, there are certain challenges for local infrastructure:
Energy and water supply are simply not designed for such a large number of people.


Although we try to save energy, our consumption will be higher than the local energy grid’s capacity. This ist why – just like last time – we have to rely on mobile diesel generators. These generators provide audible feedback on our energy …

Being an Angel at Chaos Communication Camp 2019


Hello fellow life form.
Let’s get it out of the way: We need lots of volunteers, especially for teardown. If you want to help, become an angel.

I want to help
That’s easy. You just need to register on Engelsystem and come to heaven on camp. You’ll find more details in our wiki.

I want to help with buildup
There are not as many different tasks during buildup, so please don’t arrive early without talking to us first. If you are resilient, love to to tackle even heavy work and want to arrive early for buildup please contact us at ticket@c3heaven.de so we’re able to plan for you accordingly. Be …