32C3: Gated Communities (2015)

Das 15. Türchen der #35C3 Memory Lane: Herbe Verluste

35c3-calendar 15

Das fünfzehnte Türchen.

Der Chaos Communication Congress ist auch ein Ort, auf dem gefeiert wird: Gute Geschichten, hervorragende Hacks oder faszinierende Fortschritte der Technik. Im Jahr 2005 erdeten Rop Gonggrijp und Frank Rieger die allgemeine gute Laune mit ihrem Vortrag „We lost the war“. Schonungslos ehrlich stellten sie die Gesamtsituation auf den Prüfstand: Welche Erfolge können wir bei aller Arbeit und …

Das achte Türchen der #35C3 Memory Lane: Tief durchatmen!

35c3-kalender 8

Das achte Türchen.

Kreativität wird auf dem Chaos Communication Congress in vielen Formen, auch manchmal leicht abseitigen, gefeiert. Im Jahr 2015 wurde bekannt, dass ein deutscher Autobauer sich von dieser Kreativität ein Scheibchen abgeschnitten und mit technischen Kniffen im großen Stil Abgasgrenzwerte überschritten hatte. Über diesen Abgasbetrug berichteten erstmals auf dem 32C3 Daniel Lange und Felix Domke. Doch …

Call for Subtitles


As you might know, during 32c3 the Subtitles Angels created real-time subtitles for all the talks which took place in Hall 1 and 2. These allowed hearing impaired visitors to follow the talks, and also provided assistance to the non-native German or English speakers.

cch outside

Foto: CC public domain zero 1.0 by Sanpi via flickr

As the last recordings are being released, the task of creating subtitles for all recording has …

Service numbers at 32C3


On Chaos Communication Congress, more than a thousand volunteers, our angels, are helping out in order to make this enormous event happen. They are with building up and tearing down, supplying drinks, recording audio and video, supplying an internet connection, lighting, art installations and much much more.

Angels are here as well to assist you in case of emergency. Should you need assistance during the congress, dial one of the following internal congress-numbers (i.e. Congress-DECT or Congress-GSM, underlined in the text below):

General emergency: internal number 110

contact this number…
– …

Live Interpretations at 32c3


Following a couple of years of tradition, we will, at 32c3, interpret
all the talks.
Yeah, all of them. Live. German-English, English-German.
For you as a participant that means:

You can listen in on the streams by either selecting the appropriate
stream, or by changing the stream audio channel (if your player allows).
If you are on the Eventphone DECT network, you can dial in to various
streams: 8011 for Saal 1, 8012 for Saal 2, 8014 for Saal G, and 8016 for
Saal 6.

But that’s not all. In order pull this off, we need help. Never tried ?
Don’t worry, we’ll help you to find out if you’re …

#32C3 lecture streaming and recording


Dear Congress visitors and those who didn’t make it: Like in the previous years, the Video Operation Center will provide you with live streams and recordings of all main lecture halls (1, 2, G and 6) and the stage at Sendezentrum. As usual, you’ll find the video and audio streams at https://streaming.media.ccc.de and the recordings at https://media.ccc.de/c/32c3.
We also publish to our YouTube Channel “media.ccc.de” to cater to those with broken playback devices. We’ll continually be publishing the recordings there during Congress. Please avoid linking other channels which re-upload our work …

Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten

congress kino


In the course of the 32C3 a cinema nearby is going to show the documentary film „

Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten“ (mp4) on December, 29th. The Cinema is in a walking distance of about fifteen minutes away from the CCH, near the University of Hamburg. There is no need to worry about the German title, the audio will mostly be mixed between English, German and other European languages and there will be …

No Ticket? Try Congress Everywhere!


Can’t be in Hamburg? No Ticket? No Problem. Try Congress Everywhere!

congress everywhere

Congress everywhere
CC BY 2.0 via flickr/Morgan

There are still various reasons to experience the Congress from a safe distance. Family, job, travel expenses or this year again, no ticket. We are very sorry but the capacity of the building is limited. But we invite all interested people to attend the 32C3 via Congress Everywhere. Watch the …

32C3 Lightning Talks


Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you’d never do? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Well, you’re in luck because there will be Lightning Talks at 32C3.

Taking place at 12:45 on Days 2, 3 and 4, these fast paced sessions are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don’t have an …

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications


Ring Ring!

At 32C3, we will again provide to you a phone infrastructure operated by the Phone Operation Center (POC), so do not forget to bring your DECT phone with you (and the right charger, possibly a headset if you have one). In addition to many other features and easter eggs, the audio streams of the talks as well as the simultaneous translations will be available via telephone.

dect pizza

DECT in use – CC BY-Nc 2.0 via …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 32C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 32C3 like no other tour guide would. We’ve selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):


DESY – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/Kay_B


If you’ve ever …