
Datenspuren 2024: 20 Jahre Datenspuren

Datenspuren 2024: 20 Jahre Datenspuren


Liebes Chaos,

die Datenspuren feiern ihren 20. Geburtstag und laden euch zu drei Tagen Chaos in Dresden ein.

Es wird wie immer eine bunte Mischung an Vorträgen und Workshops rund um Technik und Gesellschaft geben.

Save the Date!

Wann: 20.09. - 22.09.2024
Wo: Zentralwerk, Heidestraße 2, 01127 Dresden
Wie viel: Eintritt frei.

Bleibt auf dem Laufenden:

Chaos Computer Club Dresden:

Diskordische Grüße,
euer Chaos Computer Club Dresden

37C3: Have your say

37C3: Have your say


Haven’t you ever thought about becoming a 37C3 content ambassador?

When in 2019 we reached out to you with our first round of “have your say” for suggestions on how to make our congress Fahrplan the best ever, we received an overwhelming 2000 submissions ranging from exciting developments in hardware security, net politics to helpful remarks on how to better synchronize breaks between presentations.

So we want to repeat that experiment and ask you again:

  • Are there any recent developments in one of our six tracks that might be overlooked but needs to be on our radar?
  • Are …
37C3 Call for Participation

37C3 Call for Participation


The Call for Participation has started

As we announced on our website, the Call for Participation for the Congress has started. We ask you for your talks and presentations, to make this Congress the most exciting and interesting hacker event of the year. You can find the Call here, please familiarize yourself with the notes before submitting something.

According to the motto “37C3: Unlocked” we offer three stages for a total of about 100 contributions, divided into six main topics, that want to give impulses for exchange and making this world better.

The deadline for submissions is …

Camp 2023 – Our content teams need your feedback

Camp 2023 – Our content teams need your feedback


Our content teams are about to draft the first release of the schedule for the camp. We have many exciting submissions and we would like to compile a schedule that allows everyone to attend every event he or she is interested in. To get close to that, we have created a content feedback tool where you can indicate your preferences and we will use your feedback to optimize our schedule and schedule events preferred by the same audience not in parallel.

Please go to where you will see a list of confirmed submissions with their abstracts. …

Camp 2023 – Village Reminder

Camp 2023 – Village Reminder


Dear villages,

Since the third and last ticket round ended last Saturday, you should now have a good picture of how many people your village will involve. Also, you should have developed some ideas around now on what you want to do and what you need to bring.

Don’t miss the registration deadline

If you haven’t registered your village yet, it’s high time: Registration closes this Friday, 30 June 2023 at 23:42 CEST (UTC+0200). Don’t wait until midnight.

The original Call for Villages is here:

Register your villages here: …

IGER in Bamberg: 20.–23. Juli

IGER in Bamberg: 20.–23. Juli


Kein Ticket für das CCCamp23 bekommen? Kein Problem! Kurz vor dem Camp findet vom 20.–23.7. die zweite Intergalaktische Erfahrungsreise (IGER) in Bamberg statt, für die es noch Tickets gibt ;)

Die IGER ist ein kleines Chaos-Event des backspace e. V., dem CCC-Erfa in Bamberg. Die Veranstaltung wird in diesem Jahr im Sommer und an vier statt drei Tagen wieder in den ehemaligen Industriehallen vom letzten Jahr (Ohmstraße 8) stattfinden.

Tickets sind noch bis zum 5.7. im Ticket-Shop erhältlich. Weitere Infos gibt es auf der Website, Mastodon oder Twitter.

Für Kurzentschlossene (und alle anderen) …

MRMCD-CfP: Who Owns Reality?

MRMCD-CfP: Who Owns Reality?


Our reality is undergoing radical transformation. The global climate is changing, and that doesn’t just affect the weather.

The products of machine learning have reached a quality that makes it impossible for most people to distinguish between what is real and what is fake. “Facts” are generated as desired and accompanied by appropriate evidence in words, images and sound. The line between fact and fantasy becomes blurred and is controlled by whoever has the biggest following.

This situation inevitably leads us to the question: Who owns reality?

We are looking for talks and workshops that …

Camp 2023 – Call for Culture!

Camp 2023 – Call for Culture!


The Call for Particpation has been extended not only in terms of the deadline, but also its scope. We want to inspire you to use the stages for more than just talks! Two new tracks have been added for this purpose: “performance” and “entertainment”. These can include practically anything that can happen on a stage beyond a regular talk (or DJ set).

Among the things we had in previous events were code readings or beautiful Fnords – there also were poetry slams or lyrical code. Games, contests or audio features have been staged regularly. Maybe you would enjoy reenacting your village …

Camp 2023 – Call for Participation extended

Camp 2023 – Call for Participation extended


Dear people,

we have received requests – especially from international speakers – to extend the CfP until after the pre-sale rounds. Additionally, some potential submitters wanted to wait to see if they would get a ticket before doing so.

We have therefore decided to extend the Call for Participation. It’s possible that some stages no longer have openings in their schedules and cannot accept any more talks. In this case, submissions will be released to any other stages that have more capacity left.

Camp 2023 – Call for Villages

Camp 2023 – Call for Villages


Camp 2023 is getting closer – villages, what’s your plan? Cool f00 that is sustainable and reusable? We can’t wait to find out how Chaos envisions a society of tomorrow.


Once again this year, we want an event that is safe for everyone. Please discuss your plans with the village coordinators early on, especially for large villages and elaborate structures. For example, a permit is required for canopies larger than 75 square metres or structures taller than 5 metres. Structures must be constructed in such a way that they are not a fire hazard. Let us know in your …

Camp 2023 - Call for Participation

Camp 2023 - Call for Participation


It is one of those special years again – a Chaos Communication Camp is going to happen. We invite you to submit talks for this hacker event that only takes place every four years.

There will be five channel stages where talks will be held over five days at Ziegeleipark Mildenberg. The stages are managed by multiple groups, each with their own focus. We are looking forward to your submissions on topics around technology, hacking, InfoSec, decentralised networks, Free Software, sustainability, digital & human rights.

We welcome all content proposals and submissions. In particular we want to …

Camp 2023 – Call for Art

Camp 2023 – Call for Art


The Chaos Communication Camp is a platform for countless forms and beings, a laboratory for experiments, a forum for open questions of our time.

Hereby we call upon to participate artistically in the design. There is plenty of space on the grounds of the Brickyard and the process for the Call for Art is hereby opened.

Do you have ideas for installations, performances, concerts or other art forms that you would like to realize on the premises? Get in touch!

At this link you can submit your proposal until 01.06.2023, a contact person will get back to you for the details and on 15.06.2023 it will …