30C3: ohne Motto (2013)

Get your Lightning Talk on!


Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you’d never do? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack today that you need to share? Well, you’re in luck because the Lightning Talks are back for the 30c3!

Taking place at 12:45 on Days 2, 3 and 4, these fast paced sessions are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don’t have an awesome idea or project to share, a Lightning Talk …

Capture the Flag


Dear Congress Visitors!

You’re tired of running around the Congress on the Schnitzeljagd (sounds like it’s fun!) or didn’t get a place? You’re like knocking your head on problems? Then we might offer something interesting for you!

Grab a few friends and join our capture the flag competition. These so called CTFs are hacking competitions in which participants solve various challenges – all based around gaining access to remote machines by exploiting vulnerable binaries, solving mathematical problems and completing various other tasks. This CTF will be run in “Jeopardy” style, i.e. challenges …

Experience the Congress at its best – join the angels!


Angels are the voluntary auxiliary carbon compounds making the whole congress possible. They run everything: introduction of speakers, audio/video streams and recordings, data, electricity and phone networks, bars, and even emergency services.

What makes being an angel so special, you may wonder. Let us answer this with a question: Are you able to run an event with thousands of visitors, creative minds, eager to discuss, explore and most of all: create?

Join the angels and find out! Doing so, you will join a community as old as the Congress itself. Since the very first Congress in 1984, …

“Hackerschnitzeljagd” – a scavenger hunt for hackers


For the 30C3 we have designed a scavenger hunt for hackers and geeks. You will be challenged with puzzles and tasks including writing code, printing 3D objects, solving riddles and much, much more… The hunt will take place on the second day of the congress (28th of December) from 2pm to around 8pm and is made for about 10 teams competing with each other. A team should consist of 3 to 6 members. All you need is a computer, a twitter and email account and a blog of your choice (soup, tumblr, etc.) for documentation purposes.

If you like challenging riddles and games, write to info (at) …

How to get power at 30C3 – bring ALL your multi-outlet power strips!


German summary: Unbedingt Mehrfachsteckdosen mitbringen! Außerdem: Cat5-Kabel, Lampen für Eure Assembly, Telefone, Werkzeug, etc…

Distributing power on 30C3 requires a lot of planning and effort, and of course a truckload of equipment. This year the setup consists of 5 kilometers (km) of CEE compliant three-phase and 8km of 230V/16A power cabling, resulting in a total of 13km of cables needed to distribute power at the venue. To connect all the cables there are also about 100 three-phase distributors needed, 25 of them being “big” ones with 63 amperes. On top of this power backbone we will …

The Speakers Corner


You have spontaneous thoughts on the current political state of affairs? You want to present the awesome project you made at the congress? You have an idea for a little barcamp for a theme that in your mind is not sufficiently presented at the congress? You want to have a public debate? You have a talk longer then 60 minutes? You want to hold a rejected talk anyways?

You have the opportunity to do all that and the congress orga team gives you an exposed stage for it. At the Speakers Corner you will be able to unbureaucratically express your mind in front of the congress audience. The stage is …

Call for Interpreters!

This year the Chaos Communication Congress is not only celebrating its 30th edition, it is also the fifth time that we, the translators group, are going to bring you live interpretations of congress talks from German into English. If you are an excellent speaker of the English language and have a sufficient grasp of German and perhaps some familiarity with the kind of content that the congress will feature, please contact us.
If you want to help us organising, please get in touch as well. If you know somebody who might want to help, point them towards our direction. This is the second …

Show & Tell


People from all over the world attend 30C3. Either in person or through the chaos everywhere congress streaming.  They get to know new friends and learn about cool hackerspaces, makerspaces and other communities from everywhere. Many People bring a lot of stuff to the congress and create a temporary home in the CCH. Unfortunately, even the greatest assembly can only give a faint idea, how special all the different communities are in their local space.

Last year we tried to create a back channel to the remote congress locations and let those who could not be in Hamburg show us their space. The …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 30C3 and wondering what this city it is in has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 30C3 like no other tour guide. We selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

The first tour we have to offer is a fascinating look behind the scenes of our harbor. For more tours to come check our assembly’s webpage or follow us on twitter.

Container Terminal Tour

The harbor tour “eye to eye with giants” takes you directly onto the container terminals of the second largest harbor in Europe. …

Seidenstrasse – a pneumatic tube system for 30C3


Besides the usual digital infrastructure with Wifi, telephone etc., 30C3 will feature for the first time a pneumatic tube system, with the pretty name Seidenstrasse. The installation OCTO, built from drainage pipe and vacuum cleaners, by the artist group Telekommunisten served as inspiration – some of you might remember it from the last transmediale.

The system will cover the major part of the 30C3 building. A preliminary net plan which takes into account the various limitations of emergency fire doors and escape routes can be found here:


Two kilometres of drainage pipe have been ordered and …

Online Ticket Sale is Closing Soon


If you still need a ticket for 30c3, your should order right now!

The ticket shop will not accept any new orders after December 10th, 23:59:59 CET.

We’re doing this in order to grant everybody enough time to make the payment. There will be an on-site sale too, but if you want to speed up the process at the entrance, better buy your ticket online right now. Keep in mind that we only accept cash at the venue!

If you have already paid for your ticket, but it has not been marked as paid on the website within 5 days of your payment, please contact us (be sure to provide some identifying information …