Show & Tell

People from all over the world attend 30C3. Either in person or through the chaos everywhere congress streaming.  They get to know new friends and learn about cool hackerspaces, makerspaces and other communities from everywhere. Many People bring a lot of stuff to the congress and create a temporary home in the CCH. Unfortunately, even the greatest assembly can only give a faint idea, how special all the different communities are in their local space.

Last year we tried to create a back channel to the remote congress locations and let those who could not be in Hamburg show us their space. The interviews with hackerspaces around the world were a great success, but due to the live approach a bit flaky. Neither video quality nor sound were perfect and the connection sometimes dropped. To make matters worse, we relied on a proprietary software called Skype for the live interviews. (Sorry!)

So let’s do it better this time!

For project C.H.A.O.S. 2013, we invite YOU to create a short video showing us your hackerspace, spaceship, home workbench, younameit. We will show those videos during the breaks between talks in the biggest lecture hall in front of a huge audience and live in the streams.

So grab yourself a camera and create a video that gives us an idea how your local space looks like and what people missed, that have not been there. After you’ve uploaded your video to the interwebz, make sure to link to it on the “List of participating locations“.