Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!

Visiting the 32C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 32C3 like no other tour guide would. We’ve selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):


DESY – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/Kay_B


If you’ve ever wanted to stand next to a particle accelerator, DESY is the place for you. One of Europe’s leading accelerator research centers, our tour will give you an idea of how particle physics and a host of other sciences are advancing with the help of scientists from all around the world. No special physics background necessary!



U-434 – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/destinyuk*

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, more than 150 submarines have been decommissioned, the most in 1995. Only very rarely are they handed over by the Russian government, in consultation with the intelligence, into museum operations. As a spy submarine U-434 (Russian B-515) was used for special purpose secret spy missions off the east coast of the US and long patrols in the territorial waters of the Soviet Union.

MS Stubnitz

The MS Stubnitz is a large ex-fishing Vessel, made in the GDR and commissioned in 1964. She is one of the last examples of the shipbuilding-skills of the socialist countries and she remains mostly in her original configuration. She has been used for Fleet-fishing of herring.


MS Stubnitz – CC BY-NC 2.0 via flickr/Rain Rabbit

During that times she was able to deep-freeze 60 tons of fish per day and to store nearly 2000m³ of deepfrozen fish. After the fall of the Wall, the MS Stubnitz was transformed into a cultural arche. The Cargoholds got emptied of fish-production machinery and were transformed into concert venues with an impressive soundsystem. The electromechanical main-engine, the bridge, the ship hospital, the enormous DC-system to freeze tons of fish and the radioroom remain unchanged and are still in original and working condition.

Miniatur Wunderland Backstage

miniatur wunderland

Miniatur Wunderland – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/Norman Z

Get an in-depth view of the internal wiring, decoders, computers etc. Explore the details of the ‚intelligent‘ car system and the process behind it. During the tour one of the guides will give you details on concepts, model building, construction and technology. You are encouraged to take photographs any time! Included in the price is a day-pass for the whole exhibition.

German only:

Deutsches Zusatzstoffmuseum

Zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln werden Tausende von Zusätzen beigemischt. Im Deutschen Zusatzstoffmuseum in Hamburg erfahren Sie vieles über die Funktion, Herstellung sowie Risiken und Nebenwirkungen von Zusatzstoffen. Lernen Sie anhand alltäglicher Produkte die Welt von Emulgatoren und Stabilisatoren, von Farb- und Konservierungsstoffen, von Aromen, Backmitteln und Geschmacksverstärkern kennen.

Cap San Diego

cap san diego

Cap San Diego – CC BY-NC 2.0 via flickr/Sabine Nüsch

Die Cap San Diego ist das größte fahrtüchtige Museums-Frachtschiff der Welt. Ihre elegante Silhouette gehört zum Hamburger Hafenpanorama wie die Speicherstadt und der Michel. Touristen lieben sie, die Crew und 45 ehrenamtlich tätige Seemänner im Ruhestand halten sie mit viel Engagement in Schuss. Die Cap San Diego ist das letzte noch erhaltene Schiff einer Serie von sechs schnellen Stückgutfrachtern, die 1961/62 für die Reederei Hamburg Süd gebaut wurden und bis Ende 1981 vorzugsweise nach Südamerika gefahren sind. Seit 1988 ist die Cap San Diego ein Museumsschiff, seit 2003 zudem maritimes Denkmal und schwimmendes Hotel, das heute seinen Liegeplatz an der Überseebrücke in Hamburg hat.

See you soon!