No Ticket? Try Congress Everywhere!

Can’t be in Hamburg? No Ticket? No Problem. Try Congress Everywhere!

congress everywhere

Congress everywhere
CC BY 2.0 via flickr/Morgan

There are still various reasons to experience the Congress from a safe distance. Family, job, travel expenses or this year again, no ticket. We are very sorry but the capacity of the building is limited. But we invite all interested people to attend the 32C3 via Congress Everywhere. Watch the

streams, participate via twitter or IRC, celebrate your own Hackcenter experience, drink Tschunk, cook together and have a good time.

You can ask a question to a speaker via IRC or Twitter, you can listen the audio streams and the simultaneous translations via phone (also SIP). You can join the 32C3 network via VPN. You can dispatch a signal angel to an area in the CCH. For an online interactive coming together just use the IRC-channel #32C3-everywhere at hackint.

No 32C3 location in your city? Create a new Congress Everywhere space and add the location in the wiki. During 29C3 we had 34 places in 9 countries, last year even so 31. This year we are very happy to say hello to the already announced spaces in Graz (Austria), Antwerp (Belgium), Sofia (Bulgaria) and in Germany: Berlin, Bochum, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Freiburg, Heilbronn and Siegen.

Please, participate and add your own location!