27C3: We come in peace (2010)

Lightning Talks at the 27c3

Lightning Talks at the 27c3


Want four minutes on stage at the 27c3? You can have it! Registration is now open for the Lightning Talk sessions at the 27c3.

Taking place at 12:45 in Saal 3 on Days 2, 3 and 4, these fast paced sessions are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to share with the world.

Lightning talks are also good for getting publicity for your workshop at the 27c3, or for recruiting people to join in on things like a high calorie flash mob.

In order to maximize the available time, registrations will be granted to presenters who submit …

All-Day-Tickets sold out


On Saturday the last batch of 27C3 tickets were sold. There are no all-day-passes left.
We will make the actual tickets available to you via your presale account on December, 13th shortly. The tickets will contain all relevant billing data and can be used as invoice.

Please print your ticket and bring it to the cashdesk.

Those who did not get a ticket during presale, please do not travel to the congress. There are no all-day-passes available at the cashdesk. Our door policy is strict: Only visitors with valid ticket codes will be granted entrance.

As of day 2 (2010-12-28) a few day-passes will …

Yes, you can still get a ticket to the 27C3


If you don’t have a ticket to the 27c3, but want one:

  1. Create an account on the presale system NOW.
  2. Come back on Saturday, December 4 at 16:00 CET (That’s 10 AM Eastern USA/7 AM Pacific USA).
  3. Reserve and purchase one of the tickets that will (likely) be released at that time.

If you’re a member of the press corps who wishes to purchase a press ticket, e-mail presse (at) ccc.de with the details of your assignment and coverage plans. Press people also have to pay for their tickets.

(More information in German here)

Willkommen im Kindergarten!


Um auch Eltern einen möglichst stressfreien Kongressbesuch zu ermöglichen, wird es auch dieses Jahr wieder einen Kindergarten geben, in dem die Kleinsten bespaßt und betreut werden können. Neu in diesem Jahr: Die Betreuung wird von einer professionellen Agentur durchgeführt, und es wird einen eigenen Raum im Haus des Lehrers geben.

Der Kindergarten wird von Tag 1 bis Tag 4 von 10 bis 20 Uhr zur Verfügung stehen. Er befindet sich wahrscheinlich im HdL und ist somit gleich um die Ecke. Es können Kinder bis 14 Jahren betreut werden.

Da nur begrenzt Plätze zur Verfügung stehen, ist eine Anmeldung …



During all the years there were really great workshops at the Chaos Communication Congress. Unfortunately they were a bit hard to find, because we only announced them in the wiki and some workshops weren’t in there either. So it is clear, that the lack of attendees in some workshops was surely not because of uninteresting topics but merely because of our laziness to make them easier to find.

Our approach to that problem is to ask all visitors who want to give a workshop at 27C3 to hand it in before the conference so we can release an official schedule for workshops before day 1 of the …

Drittes Ticket-Kontingent und Eintrittsregelungen für Pressevertreter


Am 11. November lief der Verkauf des zweiten Kontingentes der Tickets für den 27C3 über unser Presale-System an. Außer einem kurzen Datenbankschluckauf und einer Verwirrung beim Zahlungsabschluß der Kreditkartenkunden gingen für rund zwei Stunden die 2.000 Karten problemlos über die Theke, der weitaus größte Teil innerhalb der ersten vier Minuten.

Wie angekündigt halten wir zum Dämpfen des Schwarzmarkts bis drei Wochen vor dem Congress ein Kontingent Tickets zurück. Dies wird in der letzten Runde des Vorverkaufs am Samstag, den 4. Dezember 2010, um 16 Uhr nachmittags freigegeben. Wieviele …

Problems with payment via credit card.


Unfortunately, if you chose payment by credit card an error was shown (“no content available”).
This is because the presale system does not deliver any content to the payment provider.
But don’t worry. The payment will be transferred but we have to manually add it to our database.

If a “payment confirmed” message is not shown in your account within 2 days, please don’t hesitate to contact 27c3-presale@cccv.de.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Content Meetings are over: Fahrplan released


This past Sunday, we concluded the second and final Content Meeting for 27C3. We’ve looked at all 223 submissions for talks and presentations and selected what we feel are the best 98 of them. We’d like to thank all submitters for the many interesting proposals that lightened up our work.

A lot of Pentacards

One card for each talk that was accepted for 27C3

But now, the schedule for the 27th Chaos Communication Congress is mostly done. So today we …

The main presale for 27C3 is beginning


Dear attendants in spe,

as announced earlier, the second batch of tickets for 27C3 will be available accompanying the initial Fahrplan release.

At Thursday, November 11th at 9 p.m. CET (that is 8 p.m. UTC), we will release the largest of our three allotments with 2,000 tickets. Log into our presale system. While the first batch was designated to hackers with rather long journeys to allow booking flights and hotels early, most tickets were sold to Germans. We have to rethink the policy for 28C3.

Please watch out for the booby traps below, so you won’t be left unhappy without a ticket:

  • To …

No more group orders available


We already got requests for 403 group tickets in 38 different orders. The majority are groups from foreign countries which want to visit the 27C3. We are really pleased to welcome you to the Congress!

On the other hand these group orders decrease the number of available tickets for individual visitors. Thus we concluded to end the group orders now. All group orders that have been requested by now can still buy their tickets, but we won’t raise the ticket limit for any more accounts. Thanks for your understanding.

Welcome to Heaven!


A lot of helping hands make the congress what it is: an unforgettable experience. Our volunteers are called ‘Angels’, because that is what they are. Without the help of the Angels the congress wouldn’t be possible. They are managing the preparation, network, recordings, first aid, security, entrance, ticket desk, information centre and lots more.

Do not consume, participate!

We’re always looking for volunteers to help us manage everyday tasks at the congress. If you want to help making the 27C3 a huge success, contact us at 27c3-himmel@lists.ccc.de or visit the “Heaven” (“Himmel”) at the …