
Håck ma’s Castle findet statt!

Håck ma’s Castle findet statt!


TL;DR Håck ma’s Castle findet statt; Merch Verkauf endet am 1.8.; Call for Sessions/Art/Projects/Party; Auf/Abbau-Infos

Von 28.8.–1.9.2024 wird in Österreich das Håck ma’s Castle stattfinden! Grundlegende Infos zu Ticketverkauf, Camping/Schlafsäle und Atmosphäre vom Event findet ihr in unserem letzten Blogpost oder in der Einladung in Österreichischer Gebärdensprache.

Call for Sessions

Während draußen gecampt wird, gibt es im Schloss Vorträge, Workshops und weiteren Austausch, jedoch nicht im klassischen Konferenzprogramm mit festem Fahrplan, sondern durch selbstorganisierte Sessions.

Im …

Håck-ma’s Castle

Håck-ma’s Castle


Das österreichische Chaos lädt euch herzlich ein zum Håck-ma’s Castle. Dem magischen Chaos-Event, das die Grenzen zwischen Drinnen und Draußen, zwischen Camp und Barcamp, Hackathon und Slackathon verschwimmen lässt. Ein Sommer-Event im Schloss. Mit oder ohne Camping, je nach Vorliebe.

Datum: 28.8.–1.9.2024 im idyllischen Waldviertel auf Schloss Ottenschlag.



Am Sa, 11. Mai ab 14:00 startet der Verkauf und bleibt online, bis es keine Tickets mehr gibt.

Was könnt ihr klicken?

  • Ticket: 161 € ist der durchschnittlich notwendige Ticketpreis. …
Datenspuren 2024: 20 Jahre Datenspuren

Datenspuren 2024: 20 Jahre Datenspuren


Liebes Chaos,

die Datenspuren feiern ihren 20. Geburtstag und laden euch zu drei Tagen Chaos in Dresden ein.

Es wird wie immer eine bunte Mischung an Vorträgen und Workshops rund um Technik und Gesellschaft geben.

Save the Date!

Wann: 20.09. - 22.09.2024
Wo: Zentralwerk, Heidestraße 2, 01127 Dresden
Wie viel: Eintritt frei.

Bleibt auf dem Laufenden:

Chaos Computer Club Dresden:

Diskordische Grüße,
euer Chaos Computer Club Dresden

#clubsAREculture: Kickr-off event in Frankfurt (Main) on 25th Aug 2023

#clubsAREculture: Kickr-off event in Frankfurt (Main) on 25th Aug 2023


The campaign #clubsAREculture aims to advance the recognition of clubs as cultural venues and to safeguard club culture in times of serious crises and important political decisions.

#clubsAREculture is a joint platform for protagonists who are committed to the recognition of club and music clubs as culture. These include the Bundesstiftung LiveKultur (Federal Foundation Live Culture), the LiveMusikKommission with numerous affiliated member associations and the Chaos Computer Club.

CCC events such as the latest camp would not be possible without the support of the club and festival scene. We …

The first Hacks on the Harbour #hoth23

The first Hacks on the Harbour #hoth23


Hacks on the Harbour is a Maker & Hacker Festival right at the harbour of Sønderborg (Denmark). There is a beautiful view, a varied programme, many workshops and talks – and of course lots of space to make new contacts! Tickets are free, but we would appreciate a donation to cover costs, e.g. for our big dinner.


This event is for anyone who is interested in or passionate about making, programming, hacking, tinkering, soldering, 3D printing, chaos and net politics. You don’t need to be an expert or have any previous knowledge to take part in this event.

The best thing to do is just …

21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht


ch(ea|i)p alternatives

The time has finally come: We want to invite you to the 21st Gulaschprogrammiernacht!

Save the date: 08.06.2023 - 11.06.2023 at HfG and ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Baden, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe, Earth, Sun, α-Quadrant, Milky Way, Laniakea.

You will find anything the hearts of hackers and haecksen long for at the Gulaschprogrammiernacht: talks, workshops, a demo show, blinkenlights, a big hackcenter, Karlsruhe’s yearly supply of mate and Tschunk, an epic …

Winterkongress der Digitalen Gesellschaft Schweiz

Winterkongress der Digitalen Gesellschaft Schweiz


We are pleased to invite you to the sixth Winterkongress on Friday evening, 24 February and Saturday, 25 February 2023. During two days, topics around information technology, digitalisation and their impact on our society will be covered in various lectures and workshops. The programme is online. Tickets are also available now.

The Winterkongress is the annual meeting of the Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz: On Friday evening, 24 and Saturday, 25 February 2023, hackers, programmers, activists and interested people will come together for the sixth time in Zurich (temporarily) at the Volkshaus to …

Decentralized End-of-Year Event


As announced earlier, there will be no Congress and no centrally organised rC3 in 2022. This is a challenge that the community was happy to accept. Various groups are organising decentralised events with talks, workshops and other things in the usual Congress season. Parts of these events can be visited in person and other parts can be followed online.

We have prepared an overview of all these events, sorted by (physical) location. This list might be expanded in the coming weeks. All broadcasts will be viewable on live and as recordings later.

Please remember that the individual …

Forum für Freiraum - Gib Uns Mehr!

Forum für Freiraum - Gib Uns Mehr!


From December 26th to 31st, 2022, the Bündnis Freiräumen will host a forum for free space in a former 6000sqm vacant lot near Munich’s main train station.

There will be free workshops, lectures and discussions as well as exhibitions and a cultural program. The topics will center around the activation and use of (public) spaces, content-related, creative and political dimensions of and about free spaces, self-organization and much more.

This year’s program will cut across social themes and concerns, but will continue to focus on free spaces, the empowerment and strengthening of …

Connecting the Dots – Visions for independent Multiverses

Connecting the Dots – Visions for independent Multiverses


The XRevent.Labs Operation Group invites you to xrelog22. Discussions, lectures, music, art, performance and the joint creation of independent multiverses will take place from December 28 to 30, 2022. We not only want to raise socio-political, ethical and creative questions, but also actively develop own spaces and content for an interactive, cross-reality live experience.

Anyone who is interested in joining or visiting us can do so either with pre-registration for the real stage at FTZ - Digital Reality at HAW in Hamburg or virtually in the digital-twin at XRevent platform, or the …

FireShonks - ein remote Jahresend-Event 2022

FireShonks - ein remote Jahresend-Event 2022


FireShonks 🦈💥

A Remote End of Year Event 2022 🎆 27. - 30. 12. 2022

We’re organizing a full remote event during the season of “nerd gatherings”:

  • 🎙️ Talks
  • 🔧 Workshops
  • 🍿 Rants
  • 🧉 Socializing

More infos:


Here’s how it works:

You have an idea for

  • 🎙️ a talk (we’ll listen to you eagerly),
  • 🔧 a workshop (we want to learn everything),
  • 🌉 an exhibition (we’ll take a look),
  • 👾 a social event (come play with us),
  • 📢 a rant (let’s be honest, you need to get this off your chest),
  • 🦈 Shork(s) in their natural …
DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Expertise

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Expertise



  • The CfP has been extended until 20.3.2022
  • We’re making Putins Ukraine war the topic for a whole day (Saturday 16.04.)
  • Looking for: qualified contributions about help for refugees, OS intelligence, fact checking, open flow of information, protection against cyber attacks, hacker ethics, reconciliation
  • Contributions to other serious and fluffy topics still welcome!

We are devastated by Putins military invasion of Ukraine. We could have never wanted our theme - bridging bubbles - to be as urgent. Because we will need to build bridges between Ukrainians, Russians and the …