Chaos Communication Congress

Rückschau auf den Azubitag des 37C3

Rückschau auf den Azubitag des 37C3



  • Azubitag auf dem 37C3 war toll!
  • Wir machen das wieder.
  • Wir freuen uns im August über Teamverstärkung.

Top Azubitag!

An Tag 3 des 37C3 fand der erste Azubitag auf dem Chaos Communication Congress statt. Es kamen 140 Azubis aus ganz Deutschland zusammen, um den Congress zu besuchen und den CCC kennen zu lernen.

Mit der Eröffnungsveranstaltung gab es eine kurze Einführung in den CCC, Hacking und wie eins auf dem Congress überlebt. Außerdem konnten wir mithilfe verschiedener zivilgesellschaftlich engagierter Organisationen ein Goodiebag mit Tassen, Druckerzeugnissen und Weiterem …

Chaosmentors at the 37C3

Chaosmentors at the 37C3


Chaosmentors will be at the 37C3! Interested Mentors and Mentees please registers HERE before the 8th of December at 23:59 o’clock.

It’s that time again - the Chaos Communication Congress is just around the corner! After a three-year break, we are back in Hamburg and, as always, we expect many new people to consider attending the Congress for the first time. Are you among them? Maybe you could use a little support to get off to a good start.

Who are the Chaosmentors for?

Are you a hacker or a member of another underrepresented group and are unsure whether you will feel comfortable at …

Accessibility at 37C3

Accessibility at 37C3


To answer questions regarding Accessibility at Congress:

In short:

  • Our venue, CCH, is accessible
  • simply bring your assistants to the entrance
  • Hidden Disabilities Badges and quiet hacking at QuietQube
  • Silent Room access and more Accessibility info at Helpdesk
  • Please: wear a mask, get tested, don’t come while infectious.

CCH recently got renovated. Therefore it has good barrier-free access. For instance: a tactile guide system, captions in braille, induction loops and modern toilets. All places will be wheelchair-accessible. Including stages.

More info on accessibility at the CCH website …

37C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2023-12-14]

37C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2023-12-14]


Auch dieses Jahr strebt der Chaos Communication Congress an, als Bildungsveranstaltung in einigen Bundesländern anerkannt zu werden. Damit sind Congress-Teilnehmer in der Lage, für die Zeit der Veranstaltung Bildungsurlaub zu beantragen, und müssen nicht ihren normalen Erholungsurlaub dafür verwenden.

Aktueller Status:

Bundesland Status
Baden-Württemberg nicht geplant
Bayern kein Freistellungsgesetz
Berlin abgelehnt
Brandenburg abgelehnt
Bremen nicht geplant
Hamburg bewilligt
Hessen bewilligt (Queranerkennung gemäß § 11 Abs. 4 HBUG)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern abgelehnt …
Press at 37C3

Press at 37C3


The Chaos Computer Club invites you, as previously announced, to the 37th Chaos Communication Congress at the Congress Center Hamburg from 27 to 30 December under the motto “37C3: Unlocked”. We warmly welcome press from Germany and abroad and ask journalists to register for accreditation in our accreditation system.

In order to organise the process as smoothly as possible, we ask you to create a short profile in our accreditation system with the background of the reporters and their needs. The more we know about these needs, the better we can organise speakers and interview …

Azubi-Hacker*innen-Tag 37C3

Azubi-Hacker*innen-Tag 37C3


Am 29.12.2023 lädt der CCC zum ersten Azubi-Tag auf dem jährlichen Chaos Communication Congress ein.

Eingeladen sind Auszubildende, die den Congress und den CCC kennenlernen möchten. Sie erhalten ein vergünstigtes Tagesticket.

Es wird eine Einführungsveranstaltung und ein Programm für Auszubildende geben. Außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit, als Engel (freiwillige Helfer*innen) hinter die Kulissen des Congresses zu schauen.

Die Auszubildenden können entweder eigenständig am Azubi-Tag teilnehmen oder die ausbildenden Betriebe können den Azubi-Tag als Fortbildungstag anbieten. Die Teilnahme am …

37C3 Call for Assemblies

37C3 Call for Assemblies


tl;dr: Register your assembly as soon as possible but no later than December 3rd 23:43 CET at

Each year we call on you: Come, gather, build, hack and be great! This time we are returning to our home for the 29th to 33rd Congresses: the Congress Center Hamburg. That means a little less indoor camping and more of a “hack center” feeling. In a total of 6 areas spread over 3 floors, assemblies will find places to show projects, hack together, discuss, exchange knowledge and network.

The huge exhibition halls in Leipzig gave your …

No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Camp 2023

No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Camp 2023


The CCC sees no other option than to cancel the Chaos Communication Congress again this year. Instead, we call on local groups for decentralized and independent alternative events. The Chaos Communication Camp will take place in Mildenberg near Berlin, Germany from August 15 to 19, 2023.

None of us know what the pandemic situation will be in December – but it is foreseeable that strict hygiene requirements will be necessary and in all likelihood mandatory – if an event of the size of the Congress can be approved at all.

What might be possible would not be a Congress

Perhaps an event would be …

Call for Interpreters: translate #rC3!


If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

We want to interpret ALL talks in the two main channels and content from other channels too, live and in real time. Our work is transmitted live in the streams, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. For each event we have two channels for interpreted content. In the first, German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. A second translation channel translates into languages other than English or German – what we do there depends on …

Resources exhausted: Tear Down

Resources exhausted: Tear Down


TLDR: Tomorrow its over, teardown starts at 18:15, don’t do anything stupid.

Dear life forms participating in Congress,

tomorrow, 36c3 will sadly come to an end and teardown awaits. For that, we need your help.

We ask all assemblies to start dismantling their installations after the Closing Event at 18:15 on December 30th. Please use gates Hall 2 – Gate 2.5, Hall 2 – Gate 2.6 and Hall 3 – Gate 3.6 for loading. There will be angels with pallet trucks to help to move your stuff to the gates. Entry to the premises has to happen via Gate Süd 1. We kindly ask you to first pack your stuff, move it …

Call for interpreters: translate 36C3!


Heading for Congress, unsure what to do there, interested in applying your impressive language skills? If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

We interpret ALL talks in the five main halls live and in real-time. German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. Our work is transmitted live in the lecture halls, streamed to the Internet, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. A second translation channel will be operated in the same way.

That is a lot of material to translate and in …

36c3 Assembly Anreise

36c3 Assembly Anreise


Dear Assemblies,

please be aware that you need to have your congress-wristband to enter the premises starting from 27.12. Furthermore we need the number plates of the cars with which you intend to deliver stuff. Please send them as a mail to or call us at 0341-39294864, the gate will only let declared cars pass.

Entry to the premises has to happen via Gate Süd 1, from there you’re able to drive directly to the halls. You can look up which hall your assembly is placed in using c3nav. Please use the logistics area in front of Hall 2 – Gate 2.5, Hall 2 – Gate 2.6 and Hall 3 – Gate …