No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Camp 2023
The CCC sees no other option than to cancel the Chaos Communication Congress again this year. Instead, we call on local groups for decentralized and independent alternative events. The Chaos Communication Camp will take place in Mildenberg near Berlin, Germany from August 15 to 19, 2023.
None of us know what the pandemic situation will be in December – but it is foreseeable that strict hygiene requirements will be necessary and in all likelihood mandatory – if an event of the size of the Congress can be approved at all.
What might be possible would not be a Congress
Perhaps an event would be possible under strict hygiene regulations and correspondingly large logistical challenges. But at what cost? It is to be feared that these conditions would dominate the entire event and its atmosphere beyond recognition.
The result of a discussion lasting several hours with almost all important contributing teams was clear: If a potential event does not meet our standards for the informality, safety and freedom of a Congress, the community’s motivation to volunteer for it will also crumble.
Camp in August 2023
It is with a heavy heart that we put our advanced plans for 37C3 in the drawer and now begin preparations for the Chaos Communications Camp. This will take place from August 15 to 19, 2023 at Ziegeleipark Mildenberg near Berlin, Germany.
Decentralized local events
Since 2022, we have observed that the general pandemic situation is improving. While no large event may be possible this year, nothing stands in the way of smaller events. We are therefore looking forward to decentralized events of a variety of local groups between Christmas and New Year. We are looking forward to talks, workshops, art, music and certainly one or the other surprise.