Camp 2023 – Call for Culture!

Camp 2023 – Call for Culture!


The Call for Particpation has been extended not only in terms of the deadline, but also its scope. We want to inspire you to use the stages for more than just talks! Two new tracks have been added for this purpose: “performance” and “entertainment”. These can include practically anything that can happen on a stage beyond a regular talk (or DJ set).

Among the things we had in previous events were code readings or beautiful Fnords – there also were poetry slams or lyrical code. Games, contests or audio features have been staged regularly. Maybe you would enjoy reenacting your village …

Camp 2023 – Call for Participation extended

Camp 2023 – Call for Participation extended


Dear people,

we have received requests – especially from international speakers – to extend the CfP until after the pre-sale rounds. Additionally, some potential submitters wanted to wait to see if they would get a ticket before doing so.

We have therefore decided to extend the Call for Participation. It’s possible that some stages no longer have openings in their schedules and cannot accept any more talks. In this case, submissions will be released to any other stages that have more capacity left.

Camp 2023 – Merch presale

Camp 2023 – Merch presale


Get your camp souvenirs in your size now!

For this Chaos Communication Camp, we want to give you the opportunity to buy t-shirts, hoodies, zippers and other camp memorabilia in advance. This is an experiment to make it easier for you to collect clothes of your taste and in your size at the stall later on - without having to wait in the queue for hours shooting fearful glimpse at the residual stock indicator. What’s more, you don’t have to hold on to your scarce cash holdings at the event to buy textiles, but can spend it on drinks and craft kits to your heart’s content.

The …

Camp 2023 – The flow3r Badge

Camp 2023 – The flow3r Badge


Music brings us together. Vibrant colors captivate us. The flow3r is an electronic instrument - it turns touch and gesture into sound and light. Its illuminated edge is a mesmerizing accompaniment to its music and serves as a canvas for all manners of light effects. The badge invites you to create art and beauty together.

Programming is primarily done in MicroPython. This makes it easy to directly modify the built-in programs or create completely new ones. The surface can detect touches on all of its petals simultaneously, allowing for a wide range of interactions. The flow3r can be anything …

Camp 2023 – Call for Villages

Camp 2023 – Call for Villages


Camp 2023 is getting closer – villages, what’s your plan? Cool f00 that is sustainable and reusable? We can’t wait to find out how Chaos envisions a society of tomorrow.


Once again this year, we want an event that is safe for everyone. Please discuss your plans with the village coordinators early on, especially for large villages and elaborate structures. For example, a permit is required for canopies larger than 75 square metres or structures taller than 5 metres. Structures must be constructed in such a way that they are not a fire hazard. Let us know in your …

Camp 2023 – Presale

Camp 2023 – Presale


Finally, we have all the solid facts we need to kick off ticket sales. Here we go:


As announced previously, we’ll have three presale dates for admissions tickets. All times are in CEST:

  • Tuesday, 6.6., 21:00
  • Monday, 12.6., 15:00
  • Saturday, 24.6., 12:00 (noon)

The ticket shop will be available at, and if we failed to answer any questions in the following post, we’re happy to help at

As always: be on time!


What are we even selling there? More than you’d think! Apart from the usual admission tickets at various prices, …

Camp 2023 – Infopages and Design

Camp 2023 – Infopages and Design


As already announced in the initial blogpost, we have summarized all important and so far known information about the Camp 2023 clearly for you on the info pages.

You can find the info pages here: They reflect the current state of information about the camp and are a good starting point to get an overview of all relevant information or to read individual information again. We will update them regularly during the next weeks.

We are thrilled, proud and excited to finally release this year’s camp design to the public. You can find the Style Guide on the …

Camp 2023 - Call for Participation

Camp 2023 - Call for Participation


It is one of those special years again – a Chaos Communication Camp is going to happen. We invite you to submit talks for this hacker event that only takes place every four years.

There will be five channel stages where talks will be held over five days at Ziegeleipark Mildenberg. The stages are managed by multiple groups, each with their own focus. We are looking forward to your submissions on topics around technology, hacking, InfoSec, decentralised networks, Free Software, sustainability, digital & human rights.

We welcome all content proposals and submissions. In particular we want to …

Camp 2023 – Prepresale


The Chaos Communication Camp 2023 presale is not ready to start quite yet, but we have some information for those who are eagerly waiting. Short and sweet:

  • We’re as impatient as you, but before the presale can start, we need a ticket price, and before we can figure out the ticket price, we need to get our budget planning done, so please bear with us a bit longer.
  • Tickets will definitely be more expensive than four years ago, to nobody’s surprise.
  • As always, there will be the option to apply for a Friends Ticket at a reduced price if the regular ticket price is not feasible for …
Hackover 2023 - What You See Is What You Get

Hackover 2023 - What You See Is What You Get


Listen up, Geekend enthusiasts!

This year, after prolonged hibernation Hackover is back! It will take place again at the regular location, the Stadtteilzentrum Nordstadt in Hanover. This year we’re bringing the event forward a little to catch some more sunshine than usual, and already meet on 14-16.07. for the summer edition.

Which year? That’s right, it’s ‘23 and everything is as it seems. The Leitstelle511 still has no escape tunnel to Mildenberg and there are more fish than golden submarines in the Maschsee. Everything is true, nothing is allowed. What You See Is All …

Camp 2023 – Call for Art

Camp 2023 – Call for Art


The Chaos Communication Camp is a platform for countless forms and beings, a laboratory for experiments, a forum for open questions of our time.

Hereby we call upon to participate artistically in the design. There is plenty of space on the grounds of the Brickyard and the process for the Call for Art is hereby opened.

Do you have ideas for installations, performances, concerts or other art forms that you would like to realize on the premises? Get in touch!

At this link you can submit your proposal until 01.06.2023, a contact person will get back to you for the details and on 15.06.2023 it will …

Chaos Communication Camp 2023

Chaos Communication Camp 2023


Hooray, hooray, soon it’s camp time again!


  • August 15-19, 2023.
  • Ziegeleipark Mildenberg.
  • Camp is outside, outside is (sometimes) cold, hot, dusty or wet, plan for that!
  • All important info is here in the blog

What is the camp?

Chaos Communication Camp is the Chaos Computer Club’s (CCC) quadrennial hacker meeting and open-air hack party, now in Mildenberg for the third time. Over the course of five days, thousands of hackers, technology enthusiasts, tinkerers, artists and utopians come together on the camp grounds in Brandenburg in the middle of summer to exchange ideas, …