Big Brother Awards Germany 2024: Nominate now, until 31 Dec 2023
Which companies, government bodies, projects or politicians have acted in the highest disregard to our right to privacy and thus urgently deserve a Big Brother Award? Digitalcourage will be happy to receive your nominations for the next German Big Brother Awards until 31 December 2023. Every year the Big Brother Awards highlight data offenders in business and politics. It’s worth it, because a Big Brother Award provides for critical publicity!
Submit nominations for Big Brother Award – securely and, if you wish, anonymously: https://bigbrotherawards.de/nominieren
The gala for the German Big Brother Awards will be help on Friday, 12 April 2024.
A joint project by Digitalcourage, CCC, and Netzwerk Datenschutzexpertise.
Photo: Matthias Hornung, CC-BY 4.0