DiVOC: Call for Worlds

DiVOC: Call for Worlds


Let’s build bridges between our accustomed bubbles, places to exchange ideas, to meet new creatures or just to see old acquaintances again.

There’s more than enough space, and we hope that this divoc’s world will be as colourful as last year’s (at least!).

To bring some amount of cohesion to this chaos, we’ve decided to publish a styleguide on bb3-style.betalars.de

There’s also a Logo-generator on bb3.tils.pw

If you want to dock your map to our lobby, please send an email with the name of your assembly and a publicly-reachable link to a git-repository of …

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Expertise

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Expertise



  • The CfP has been extended until 20.3.2022
  • We’re making Putins Ukraine war the topic for a whole day (Saturday 16.04.)
  • Looking for: qualified contributions about help for refugees, OS intelligence, fact checking, open flow of information, protection against cyber attacks, hacker ethics, reconciliation
  • Contributions to other serious and fluffy topics still welcome!

We are devastated by Putins military invasion of Ukraine. We could have never wanted our theme - bridging bubbles - to be as urgent. Because we will need to build bridges between Ukrainians, Russians and the …

20. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

20. Gulaschprogrammiernacht


factory reset … done: hello, world

You have been eagerly awaiting it, a few panic-stricken inquiries have already reached us. Now the time has finally come: We want to invite you - one week earlier than usual - to the 20th Gulaschprogrammiernacht!

Save the date: 19.05. - 22.05.2022 at HfG and ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Baden, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe, Earth, Sun, α-Quadrant, Milky Way, Laniakea.

This GPN will take place under new and special conditions. Probably we will have some clarity of the actual local regulations regarding the COVID19 pandemic at some point in April …

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Participation

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Participation


tl;dr Talks, art projects and music for the stream of DiVOC bb3. Deadline for submissions: 13.3.2022, Event 15.–18.4.2022.

During the pandemic, the bubbles and echo chambers all of us inhabit seem to have gotten even tighter and more impermeable. We look forward to your talks about technology, science, politics and society. We’re particularly interested in talks addressing current social debates, questions of participation, accessibility, science education and science denial, and “fake news”.

And this time we would like to try out a new format: each day, we want to a have panel on a …

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Collaboration

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Collaboration


tl;dr A hybrid event: online and in your hackspaces. Do weird things to coax people out of their bubbles and to connect them with others. Contribute on the Wiki and IRC #divoc-bb3, to help plan this. From 15.-18. April 2022.

During the pandemic, the bubbles and echo chambers all of us inhabit seem to have gotten even tighter and more impermeable. We want to interact and merge the bubbles. DiVOC has to replace Easterhegg for the third time, but this time around we hope that the situation allows for small groups to do things together in person. So let’s use the chance to network the …

rC3 merch update

rC3 merch update


These are quite challenging times. We hope you all get well through this actual situation.

Meanwhile, this year’s rC3 Merch is in production. As you can see here: youtu.be/VXCo-6Dl4YA. Since January with a very reduced team. Due to the current situation, the merch will probably be sent out in February.

For all other interested creatures of the rC3 2021 Merch collection - the shop will remain open until the end of January - merch.rc3.world. Please, take care for yourself and stay healthy!

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Time to Say Goodbye

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Time to Say Goodbye


The remote Chaos Experience 2021 NOW/HERE is coming to an end. 96 hours passed from opening to closing. And we’re taking it further this year.

The end of the rC3-world is postponed to 2022. Our marvellous infrastructure will remain online on a best-effort basis until January 1 at 11:00am. With world chats, Jitsi & BBB, you’ll have the opportunity to celebrate New Year’s Eve with your favourite nerds.

We thank everyone who worked for months to make this event possible. And all of you who populate the here and now, doing great things together.

Stay safe, be excellent, even if the coming year …

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Your Workshops: How to SoS

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Your Workshops: How to SoS



An important part of the real life Congress are the numerous self-organized sessions (SoS). We’re eager to make this possible for you at rC3.

It’s easier than you think. You open the engine room and at the tab “selforganized” you click on “create SoS”. Then you enter the details of your self-organized session. You can use Markdown in the description field. Remember to tick the box “public”, so your session shows up in the schedule as well as via search.

After saving your session it will appear on the overview page as well as via the search …

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Rahmenprogramm

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Rahmenprogramm


Good evening,

surely you have already been waiting. Here’s the info about the program that’ll be produced by the channels.

First things first: The opening of this year’s #rC3 is happening at 11:00am and will be broadcasted by ChaosWest-TV, FeM and xHain. The same channels will also host the Infrastructure Review on the last day of the event at 6:15pm. Directly followed by the closing, streamed by ChaosWest-TV and FeM.

Newly introduced this year will be the format of c3newsshow, which you’ll see in the program of about:future, FeM and xHain. Several times a day, the …

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Fahrplan released

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Fahrplan released


Good Nighttime,

Other than last year, this time we won’t have a main track. Instead, several independent channels will be producing the content of rC3.

We are happy to announce that together with our channels haecksen, xHain hack+makespace, CWTV, R3S, c-base, FeM, Chaosstudio Hamburg, ChaosZone TV, franconian.net, about:future / hackers against climate change München, gehacktes from hell and Sendezentrum, we created a shared schedule (v0.1 SOMETHING) for the rC3 NOWHERE.

Let’s have a look at the Coronavirus Structural Task Force with haecksen, or investigate the The Rise and Fall …

rC3 Merch

rC3 Merch


Happy Xmas dear ones <3

It became late. But for now the time has come. We open the RC3 NOWHERE Merch. We hope that there will be something suitable for every human, hacker, maker, activist or interested creature.

All orders will be collected by the end of December. The production begins in mid-January. Everything should be shipped by the end of January hopefully.

So this is Christmas and what have you done? Another year over, a new one just begun. by John Lennon

Happy Xmas to all of you. Enjoy this year’s RC3 NOWHERE merch: merch.rc3.world

Lightning Talks at rC3 2021 NOWHERE


Lightning Talks for last-minute participants

Once again, we’re doing everything differently and yet a little like last year. Perhaps people are running out of time to prepare a talk or you have always wanted to give a “small” talk: Here is our offer.

All beings are welcome to #nowhere at #rC3 on the R3S stage to give short lightning talks. And how is that going to work so close to the event? Sign up (in the pad).

You have time for one of the following sessions:

  • Session 1: 27.12.2021 - Day 1: 23:00 - 00:00 hrs.
  • Session 2: 28.12.2021 - Day 2: 23:30 - 00:30
  • Session 3: …