
[hide]Participating organizations
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
- EDRi - European Digital Rights
- DFRI - Föreningen för Digitala Fri- och Rättigheter
- Cryptocat
- Hart Voor InternetVrijheid
- Puscii
- Wikileaks-Press
- Anarchist Village
- #youbroketheinternet + P2P HACAS (30-50 ppl)
- Cryptoparty
- I2P?
- Greenhost
- Tactical Tech
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- LEAP Encryption Access Project
- GlobaLeaks Project + Hermes Center
- Mailpile
- Meeting, Working and Chillout Space
- Podcast and Live Radio (probably at GF1/Podlove)
- Information Material and Memorabilia of all Participating Groups
Noisy Square Party
Noisy Square organises a great party for you and your friends.
Free entry with loads of chiptunes 8bit circuit bending style from the biggest micromusic collective of the world. for real.
N^2 Sessions
Here is the list of all sessions provided by people and groups related to NoisySquare
Session | Organizer | Description |
13 Principles Worldwide Campaign | Cindy Cohn | |
Amending the European Parliament draft report on mass surveillance | Ralf @Bendrath | The European Parliament has been conducting a special inquiry on the Snowden revelations. The draft report from this inquirywill be published on 3rd January. Until mid-January, there will be time to table amendments. This workshop is meant to discuss possible amendments which would improve the final report, assess their political viability, and in general discuss the way forward in EU politics around this. |
Amnesty International - Take Action on Digital Human rights | Amnesty | How can you contribute to the protection of human rights in a digital world? This session is a follow-up to the lecture "Human Rights and Technology - 'A New Hope' or 'The Empire Strikes Back'?" at 1:45pm in Hall 6 (see URL below). We would like to engage with you in a dialogue about how you can take action within Amnesty International, and what Amnesty and you(r NGO) can do to join forces so as to render the fight for the protection of digital rights more effective. |
Associated Whistle-Blowing Press RELEASE | Pedro | AWP´s kickstart release. |
Campaign Strategies | Simon Davis | bringing Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" into the 21st century |
Copyright Consultation: A Chance to influence EU policy | Astafish | The Copyright reform we've all been waiting for is here. The European Commission has a made a proposal for copyright reform which is now open for public consutation. That means, you can influence the process of the European Union. We are going to host around 2hour workshop where Amelia Andersdotter, member of the European Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party and Ásta Helgadóttir, alternate member of the Icelandi Parliament for the Icelandic Pirate Party are going to go through the important bits and help you out to influence EU policy! |
Copyright Debate: The Conference Game | Drg Movonw |
Language frames the discussion. Thus it is necessary to understand the words we use, their context, and the way they are used by others. So let's talk & let's play "Copyright Debate: The Conference Game" |
DFRI Meeting | Joelpurra | DFRI is a nonprofit organisation working for digital rights. This is an organization meeting, open to both members and the public. |
Data Mining for Good | Patrick | Using random sampling, entity resolution, communications metadata, and statistical modeling to assist prosecutions for disappearance and genocide in Guatemala
For over thirty years, human rights groups in Guatemala have carefully documented the killing and disappearance of many people in the early 1980s. There are tens of thousands of records in many databases, and over 80 million paper pages of police records available in the Archives of the National Police. Most of the prosecutions of the former military and police officials who committed the atrocities depends on eyewitnesses, specific documents, and forensic anthropologists' examination of exhumed bones. However, data analysis helps to see the big patterns in the violence. This talk will explain how data analysis illuminated the selective patterns among mass killings in the prosecution for genocide of former de facto President General José Efraín Ríos Montt. The talk will also explain how looking at the communications metadata from over 20,000 randomly sampled paper memos helped illuminate command patterns in a disappearance case |
DataSeal Firefox // Datendichtung Firefox | Undead engineer | In this workshop practical measures are presented to minimize the datatrace of Firefox during surfing, e. g. cookie-blocking, deactivation of cache, some useful plugins ... In dieser Sitzung werden praktische Maßnahmen gezeigt, um die Datenspur des Firefox beim Surfen zu minimieren, z. B. Cookie-Blockade, Abschalten des Cache, nützliche Plugins ... | | Kaie | DetecTor is an open source project to implement client side SSL/TLS MITM detection, compromised CA detection and server impersonation detection, by making use of the Tor network. |
EU elections 2014 | Kik1 | Hacking the EU election! |
Exploit and Crypto Regulations | Fukami | The discussions on export controls for "Digital Arms/Digital Weapons" is misleading to a wrong direction. We have seen for example that PI in UK got Gamma controlled by their use of crypto. This is a big danger for the security of civil infrastructure in the longrun. The talk focusses on the issues and tries to discuss better solutions. |
Export Controls on Surveillance Technology | Cindy Cohn | Session about Export Controls, recently introduced into the The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies |
FragDenStaat-de-Treffen | Stwe | |
GlobaLeaks Anonymous Whistleblowing Software | Naif Vecna Hellais |
GlobaLeaks Project since 2011 has been helping initiatives that want to Solicit Whistleblowers for public interests purposes. GlobaLeaks 2.0 has been released on May 2013 with more than different 7 initiatives using it.
It focus on simplifying the deployment, being fully configurable via web. During this talks we want to give an overview of current functionalities, showcase of different uses of globaleaks, how you can start using and you can start hacking to implement new cool features :-) |
How to get the Hacker Ethic out there? | Dorien Tessel |
In this session we want to make steps towards designing a course for interested adult non-geek computer users in which the hacker ethic is fully integrated in appealing, playful ways. |
How to help Tor? | Lunar | A discussion about the various part of the Tor project, where and how to help. |
IRMA demo and discussion | Xotoxot | Demo of IRMA (I Reveal My Attributes), a smart card implementation of Attribute Based Credentials. Discussing pros and cons, and possible options and extensions. |
Language & Power | Fabzgy | How is 30C3 dealing with this question? |
M3TA TA3M | Dosch | An meetup for people organizing TA3M of wanting to organise TA3Ms. |
Mailpile workshop | Smari | In this session, we'll be introducing participants to the plugin architecture of Mailpile, and helping people get into the gritty details of working with Mailpile's internals. At least a rudimentary understanding of Python is needed. |
Minimalist hosting configs exchange | Maxigas | Did you make your own Freedombox? Do you maintain a home server? Do you host services on a Raspberry Pi? Pimp up your stack! |
Net Neutrality | Socialhack Kik1 |
Net neutrality - why it is important, why it is under threat, why the EU is now deciding on the future of the internet as we know it - and what we can do about it. |
Net Neutrality laws around the world | Socialhack | The internet is asking for a law to be saved, how could it be and what went wrong? This Workshop is in addition to the general Net Neutrality session. Here we take a critical look at laws and regulations that try to tackle the problem of net neutrality around the world. We look at different approaches regulating the internet, loopholes in the various texts and consequences around the world. |
Noisy Square General Assembly | Dosch | Daily General Assembly for the Noisy Square organizers, volunteers and anyone else who is interested to join.
Everyday we'll evaluate and discuss
Noisy Square Paaaarty!!! | Dosch | Great Big party at the End of the Park - Free Entry! |
OpenKnowledgeMeetup | Mihi | We believe knowledge can empower everyone, enabling people to work together
to tackle local and global challenges, understand our world, expose inefficiency and challenge inequality and hold governments to account. We believe in diversity: epistemic, geographic, socio-demographic, of language and gender. Let's meet and discuss |
Phil. of hacking discussion | Groente | Philosophical discussion on hacking, approaches to technology and its instrumentality. Continuation of the program talk |
Postmodernism, social systems and whistle-blowing | Pedro | Philosophical forking trying to explain whistle-blowing under the light of social cybernetics and theories of post-modernism. |
Proper release practices | DrWhax | Best practices for responsible release process of circumvention tech tools | | DrWhax | Mieke van Heeswijk will explain how Publeaks got started, what it is about and what the plans are for the future.
The Publeaks Foundation and a large number of Dutch media outlets are today launching , a website for people to leak documents to the media securely and anonymously. The initiative is designed to protect whistleblowers, shed light on wrongdoings and encourage and support investigative journalism. Publeaks is a secure channel. It facilitates safe leaking to the press: the sender remains completely anonymous and he or she can choose which of the participating media outlets receive documents, sound fragments or photographic material. Recipient media outlets can process these files in a protected environment. Publeaks is based on the GlobaLeaks software package developed by the Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights. The Publeaks organization has no access to the leaked files, does not publish anything itself and has no means of identifying the informant. Participating media outlets have committed themselves to verifying the leaked materials, finding sources to support the content and hearing all sides before publishing anything. Journalists can put questions to the anonymous informant on a secure part of the site.. The informant decides whether or not to answer them. Journalists who receive material through Publeaks will know which other media outlets have received the same material and can decide whether or not to undertake a collaborative investigation. Publeaks is an initiative of the Publeaks Foundation. The foundation takes measures to support press scrutiny and is financed by the participating news media: AD, ANP, De Correspondent, De Groene Amsterdammer, De Volkskrant, Het Financieele Dagblad, het Parool, NOS, NRC Handelsblad, Nieuwsuur,, Pownews, RTL-Nieuws, Trouw and Vrij Nederland. This collaboration of almost all leading Dutch news organisations is a unique initiative without global precedent, in a time that safety, privacy and protection of whistleblowers is more relevant than ever. |
Researching Net | Drg | Short presentation of the results of a conference about the Polish Stop Acta Protest and discussion about social researching of the Net |
Should Julian Assange be welcome? | Casper | Julian Assange was accused with several rape crimes. Anyhow the committee decided to let him speak at the 30c3 with the slogan "Sysadmins of the world, unite!" Is it okay, to let a person speak at Haal 1 on such an important topic who might have comitted a serious crime? |
Situational Awareness Technology & Domestic Spy Centers | Mfb | We'll have a discussion about the state of situational awareness technology - which has been developed by military contractors and is now being sold to law enforcement agencies for use in city-wide spy centers. |
Stealth-sms | Ton | The Dutch police uses, like e.g. the German police, a silent or stealth sms to observe the locations of subjects. We will focuss on both the legal and the technical aspects of the stealth sms. |
Tor Relay Operators Meetup | Mo | invites Tor exit relay operators and organizations to a meetup. If possible, prepare some slides on your activities, we will do quick presentations on recent and future activities around |
WE - Whistleblowing Everywhere | Naif | Whistle-blowing Everywhere! is a coalition made up by different organizations seeking to provide pragmatic, objective and specialized support to whistle-blowing initiatives world-wide in their many levels, promoting coordination between them and seeking solutions to the many tasks and challenges of contemporary digital whistle-blowing. |
WLPress - volunteer-organized news | Mbourbaki | WikiLeaks-Press is a volunteer-organized and news aggregation website endorsed by WikiLeaks. Since 2011 we have researched the material that has been published by WikiLeaks. This includes Cablegate, the Iraq and Afghan War logs, the GIfiles and the Spy Files. There is a small core team of volunteers doing research and a larger group of volunteers who occasionally help out.
In this session we will explain the motivation behind the website, what we have published in the past and how you can find out how much fun researching the WikiLeaks material is! We are not official representatives of WikiLeaks – official WikiLeaks statements and information will only ever be given out over the WikiLeaks website and the @wikileaks twitter account. |
What is next for the EU Data Protection reform? | Katarzyna & Ralf | Discussion about the future of the EU data protection reform. This is a follow-up workshop of the keynote by MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht. |
Who is geek girl? Loaded words & politics | Mayameme | |
YBTI Crypto Names | Grothoff | The great shoot out panel of the name resolution titans. Does it make sense to patch the Domain Name System? Which strategy should we pick for a safer new Internet stack? Should we require cryptographic privacy of name resolution?
YBTI Cryptographic Routing | LynX Tg |
Cryptographic routing is the foundation of our GNU Internet beyond X.509, DNS, SMTP and XMPP. Even the IETF is now considering that Onion Routing should be a fundamental capability of the Internet. How would that look like in practice?
YBTI Hardware | Dan | If the hardware we are running our systems on is intrinsically insecure, we may be building a fortress on top of a house of cards. Let's OWN what we BUY so it doesn't SPY on us.
YBTI Introduction | LynX Grothoff Tg Nana Dan |
Somebody broke the Internet. We will meet in a series of workshops to discuss the layers of a new stack and motivate projects to work together on the common goal of fixing the net and implement the constitutional right of Secrecy of Correspondence. This is a short kick-off introduction to the event series just before the Crypto Names session. |
YBTI Meshnet Works | Dan LynX Hintjens Cven |
Cut out the service provider middle man. Projects like ServalMesh, Zyre, Briar, GNUnet and of course freifunk are already doing this. Let's make it a part of normality. Let's exchange public keys this way etc.
YBTI Operating System | LynX Lunar |
From safer use of cryptography over kernel magic to reproducible compilation up to a vision of a full security redesign of the OS.
YBTI Political Attack Vectors | LynX Amnesty Andreasdotorg Bendrath Burnoutberni C3o DrWhax Erdgeist Groente Grothoff Hellais Hellekin Infinity0 JeZc Kaepora Lutoma Maha MetaMate Mey Moeffju Samthetechie Tg Tomate Yncyrydybyl Zombb K3t |
How much damage can be limited by appropriate legislation? Is it okay for example to propose a law that makes unencrypted private conversation technology illegal after 2014?
YBTI Results | LynX Nana |
Presenting the results of the #youbroketheinternet sessions: - Which projects will participate in building the stack of a GNU Internet. - What architectural and security choices have we made. - Which jobs to be done have been identified, how you can help. |
YBTI Scalability | LynX | How can we build systems that are capable of scaling to hundreds of millions of users? Why is it so hard to do a distributed Twitter so that it actually works?
YBTI Strategic Choices | LynX Hellekin Nana Grothoff Mo |
Based on the sessions in the past days it is time to take some decisions on the future of #youbroketheinternet:
YBTI TNG Apps | LynX | The next generation on privacy and crypto apps all satellite around cryptographic routing. We'll discuss E-Mail replacements, secure telephony and DHT-based storage systems.
YBTI Usability | LynX | How can we make our technologies grandparent compatible and the exchange of cryptographic keys and shared secrets a natural everyday transaction? Does every piece of software have to be socially aware to be usable?
Zwiebelfreunde e.V. Mitgliedervollversammlung | Mo | Offizielle Mitgliederversammlung Zwiebelfreunde e.V. / Official Members Meeting Zwiebelfreunde e.V. |
There are 53 registered self-organized sessions.
By | Organization | Event | Topic | Duration | More info | in workshop programme? |
DrWhax | USEOTR | 0:45 | no | |||
Smari | Talk | Mailpile | 1:00 | no | ||
Smari | Workshop | Mailpile | 2:00 | no | ||
Kirsten | EDRi | Meetup | EDRi General Meetup | 2:00 | no | |
Jeremie | LQDN | Talk | Cyberpeace | no | ||
Ton Siedsma, Rejo Zenger | Bits of Freedom/EDRi | Talk | Hackers of the state (maybe reconsidered) | no | ||
Jaap-Henk Hoepman | IRMA project | Q&A, discussion | I Reveal My Attributes | Discussion after CCC-program talk talk. talk: 28 december 11:30 Saal 1; discussion 28 december 13.00 | no | |
Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Privacy & Identity Lab | Meetup | Collaborating on privacy friendly systems | no | ||
Naif / Pedro | Hermes Center / Associated Whistleblowing Press | Talk/Discussion | Whistleblowing Everywhere! | TBD | Whistle-blowing Everywhere! is a coalition made up by different organizations seeking to provide pragmatic, objective and specialized support to whistle-blowing initiatives world-wide in their many levels, promoting coordination between them and seeking solutions to the many tasks and challenges of contemporary digital whistle-blowing. | no |
Maxigas | n/a | Workshop | Minimalist hosting configs exchange | 1:00 | Did you make your own Freedombox? Do you maintain a home server? Do you host services on a Raspberry Pi? Pimp up your stack! | no |
paz, ng | schleuder | Workshop | Dev workshop for schleuder (encrypted mailing-lists) | 1.0 | How to write a plugin for schleuder? How to implement $feature? Discussion on design and future. | no |
paz, ng | schleuder | Workshop | Schleuder workshop for admins and/or users | 1.0 | How to setup schleuder? How to use it? What is it, anyways? | no | | | Talk | Introduction to LEAP | no | ||
DrWhax | Talk | proper release practices | no | |||
Fabzgy | COATI | Discussion | Language & Power | How is 30C3 dealing with this question? | no |
Events with location N^2
This is the calendar for Assembly:NoisySquare. You find the complete calendar on Calendar.
You may select one of the following filters:
Thursday, 27 Mar, 2025 |
Thursday 27/3 | |
User | I do/want to help with | stuff I bring | Arrival | Departure | Notes | Contact | |
Maxigas | Radio interviews | personal computer | Dec26th | Jan3rd | Disclaimer: I write ethnography on hackers. | maxigas* | |
Pedro | party! (and cleaning) | Advanced cocktail hacking expertise | Dec27th | ? | Disclaimer: Trained in 4 continents. | ||
Dosch | Party & M3TA TA3M | N^2 stickers | Dec24th | Dec30 | - | DECT: 3672 (dosc) - Jabber: | |
DrWhax | Off The Record | things | Dec26th | ? | - | DECT: 2424 - Jabber: | |
Tessel | build up | the excession | Dec 25 | Dec 30/31 | |||
fukami | build up | Dec 26 | Dec 30 | DECT: 2106 - Jabber: | |||
d | build up | when needed | ? | search in phonebook | |||
lynX | build up, chilled minimal disco djing, session coop | spatial decorations, if i get a car ride from Berlin | 26th or earlier if needed | 30th | Disclaimer: I do parties | Youbroketheinternet | |
mihi | build up | At least 1 Raspberry PI and a bit of electronics... (blinky stuff) | Dec. 26th (evening) | Dec 31st | GSM: 6444 Callsign: OE1VBS | ||
henk | GSD Getting Shit Done | Dec. 27th | Dec. 30th | ||||
dan | build-up/tear-down/general help | 26th, early evening | 31st | daniel at | |||
scribe | build up | Dec. 26th | Dec. 30th |
Desiderata (Needs/Wants list)
- A screen to beam presentations on
- Wireless Mic.
- A cloth or big sheet of paper for writing down the schedule of all the noisy square talks.
General Assembly Notes
General Assembly 2013-12-26 22:00
- Some folks have been here for a few days setting up the space – it looks great!
- Intros
- Please step up and suggest changes/improvements to the space, e.g. the lighting
- Original plan was for GA each evening at 8pm, but tomorrow's will be at 12 noon.
- Proposal for food corner.
- Next GA will be 2013-12-27 12:00
General Assembly 2013-12-27 12:00
- Introductions.
- Food corner implemented. Please contribute & Eat. Please avoid Dead Animals.
- Recording setup for assemblies suggested.
- Noisy Square Banner suggested.
- Rearrangement of space to unify groups suggested.
- Upcoming events promoted
- Crypto Party Assembly - Workshop on best practices. Room F. 3rd Floor. Tomorrow. 8pm.
- NoisySquare Party - Offsite party. Other side of the park at Gangen theater. Evening of the 29th.
General Assembly 2013-12-28 20:00
- The physical schedule has not been updated. Prominently displaying schedule and NoisySquare notices will help participation.
- NoisySquare Party Is tomorrow at 9pm. More information: Noisy Square Paaaarty!!!
- About 8 Volunteers are needed for shifts at the entrance and the bar.
- Need to consider additional promotion of the event.
- More unity in the group is needed
- Having volunteers notify all of the participating groups before the next general assembly to get status updates would be useful.
- Promote the Noisy Square IRC Channel: #noisysq
- A discussion on the implications of Assange speaking tomorrow was suggested -> Should Julian Assange be welcome?