Contact kirsten
Description European Digital Rights Assembly. We are teaming up for a joint Assembly with Noisy Square and EFF.

This our common space where member organisations can meet, discuss, strategise and do ad hoc workshops - or simply to advertise and distribute material.

Members Ante, Aprica, Bendrath, Drg, Fukami, Kik1, Lipszyc, Malaclypse, Movonw, Redplanet, Socialhack
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions Amending the European Parliament draft report on mass surveillance, Net Neutrality laws around the world
Subassembly of NoisySquare
Registered on 19 November 2013 14:22:06
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes [[Plans sessions::NoisySquare]]
Other assemblies...
Orga contact
Brings Flyers, booklets and other material.
Seats needed 40
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification
Planning notes Part of N^2: We are planning, together with some EFF folks, to join the Noisysquare Assembly. The EDRi Assembly strictly aims at finding out how many people from EDRi are travelling to Hamburg and would be joining in.

This is the European Digital Rights Assembly / Sub-assembly of NoisySquare.

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