Description [[Has description::The relationship between the words 'technology' and 'woman' [also, female, feminine, female identified] has been a tense one and continues to be so. It becomes even more difficult if you consider gender *as* a technology, gender *as* economics and politics. Based on mostly non-EuroAmerican narratives of how gender and technology intersect and interact, and drawing on some EuroAmerican theory, this short and personal presentation is a story about discovering ways of seeing technologies.]]
Type Talk
Keyword(s) social, political
Processing assembly NoisySquare
Person organizing Mayameme
Language en - English
Other session...

Starts at 2013/12/28 05:30:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/28 06:15:00 PM
Duration 45 minutes
Location Hall 13

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