Description Daily General Assembly for the Noisy Square organizers, volunteers and anyone else who is interested to join.

Everyday we'll evaluate and discuss

  • what has been done so far
  • what needs to be done now
  • What need to be done tomorrow or later

It's a great time to get to know each other, find out what we think is important and how we are going to be even more excellent.

Type Meeting
Keyword(s) social, political
Processing assembly NoisySquare
Person organizing Dosch
Language en - English
Other session...

Subtitle Day #1
Starts at 2013/12/27 12:01:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/27 01:01:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location NoisySquare

Subtitle Day #2
Starts at 2013/12/28 08:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/28 09:00:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location NoisySquare

Subtitle Day #3
Starts at 2013/12/29 08:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/29 09:00:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location NoisySquare

Subtitle Day #4
Starts at 2013/12/30 08:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/30 09:00:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location NoisySquare

Welcome to the General Assembly of Noisy Square!

The Noisy Square is a horizontally organised group of individuals. There are no leaders, spokespersons or other alien stuff representing the whole group apart from the General Assembly.

Everyday the GA will take place at 20:00 (8pm) at the Noisy Square to get to know each other, discuss the organisational stuff and divide tasks among the volunteers. It is also the place to come up with new plans or discuss old ones.

Depending on the size of the group the GA will be lead by up to three facilitators who while try to give everyone time and opportunity to speak. This is at times a difficult task, so give them more slack then you have.

We'll have a mic, but you are free to resort to the human mic if it seems more fit to you.

The GA is open to everyone to join and voice their opinions. We follow the 'be excellent' guidelines that are valid for the whole congress.

We look forward to meet you!

Some GA Guidelines taken from #occupywallstreet

Please change when not good or if you have better ones

General assemblies have been the leading de facto decision making body of the Occupy Movement right from its inception. Designed to facilitate the formation of consensus, they typically reflect egalitarian principles. They are often organised so as to ensure everyone gets the chance to have their say rather, to counteract the natural tendency for the most forceful to dominate disorganised discussion. In larger assemblies, such as some of the ones taking place in New York, this can be done by formal mechanisms such as the progressive stack.

Another organisational feature form many larger general assemblies is to limit speaking mainly just to representatives of smaller working groups.[4] This means that each individual gets a chance to speak and ask questions at work group level, while at assembly level the discussions are kept at a manageable length. In the smaller assemblies, anyone is able to make proposals for discussion. In larger assemblies, the audience get to make brief spoken responses to proposals from working groups. A queuing based system called a stack can be used to manage this, with the facilitators indicating when its a particular occupiers turn to speak. Even at the largest assemblies, individuals can always feed back to speakers and the crowd by means of hand signals.

Occasionally the hierarchical relationship between general assembly and the working group is reversed – a working group will make decisions for the assembly rather than merely feeding into it. For example, with confidential decisions that the assembly wish to hide from possible government agents or other informants, the assembly may delegate executive function to a direct action committee, which is "empowered" by the assembly to plan actions such as publicity grabbing stunts that are best kept secret from the authorities until they have been executed.

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