Description How can you contribute to the protection of human rights in a digital world? This session is a follow-up to the lecture "Human Rights and Technology - 'A New Hope' or 'The Empire Strikes Back'?" at 1:45pm in Hall 6 (see URL below). We would like to engage with you in a dialogue about how you can take action within Amnesty International, and what Amnesty and you(r NGO) can do to join forces so as to render the fight for the protection of digital rights more effective.
Type Discussion
Keyword(s) social, political
Processing assembly FIfF
Person organizing Amnesty
Language en - English
Other session...

Starts at 2013/12/30 03:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/30 04:00:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location NoisySquare

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