Description We'll have a discussion about the state of situational awareness technology - which has been developed by military contractors and is now being sold to law enforcement agencies for use in city-wide spy centers.
Type Discussion
Keyword(s) social, political, hardware, software, security, safety
Processing assembly NoisySquare
Person organizing Mfb
Language en - English
Related to EFF
Other session...

Starts at 2013/12/30 06:30:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/30 07:30:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location NoisySquare

We'll have a discussion about the state of situational awareness technology - which has been developed by military contractors and is now being sold to law enforcement agencies for use in city-wide spy centers.

The Domain Awareness Center in Oakland, California will serve as a case study in spy centers, which are billed as anti-terrorism and anti-crime but in fact, according to internal government memos, seem to primarily serve the purpose of monitoring and managing political dissent.

How are local activists fighting back against the domestic spy apparatus which threatens our civil rights?

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