Description Language frames the discussion. Thus it is necessary to understand the words we use, their context, and the way they are used by others. So let's talk & let's play "Copyright Debate: The Conference Game"
Type Other
Keyword(s) political
Processing assembly NoisySquare
Person organizing Drg, Movonw
Language en - English
Related to Copyright Debate: The Conference Game
Other session...

Starts at 2013/12/28 06:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/28 08:00:00 PM
Duration 120 minutes
Location NoisySquare

In the copyright debate, it doesn’t only matter what we say, but also how we do it. Language frames the discussion. Thus it is necessary to understand the words we use, their context, and the way they are used by others. It may happen that we win this or that battle in the copyright war, but if we allow the industry to shape the language we think in, the entire war will be lost. That's why we created "Copyright Debate: The Conference Game" There are 52 cards in the deck. Each card refers to a single popular word used in the copyright debate. Every card in this deck has been tagged with appropriate alignment: chaotic (red), neutral (yellow) or lawful (green). The colors are to distinguish words which should be avoided from those which should be used extensively.

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