Description Julian Assange was accused with several rape crimes. Anyhow the committee decided to let him speak at the 30c3 with the slogan "Sysadmins of the world, unite!" Is it okay, to let a person speak at Haal 1 on such an important topic who might have comitted a serious crime?
Type Discussion
Keyword(s) social, political
Processing assembly NoisySquare
Person organizing Casper
Language en - English
Other session...

Starts at 2013/12/29 02:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/29 02:45:00 PM
Duration 45 minutes
Location NoisySquare

Julian Assange was accused with several rape crimes by different women. At the same time he's wanted by the US government and fearing extradiction to US grounds. The commitee of 30c3 decided that it is suitable to let him speak in the big hall. Some people discussed this controversy before the congress. If we deny the force of the state, we need to find other means to regulate our communities and collectives. Those other means are missing in this case. Why was no other and less controversial people asked for a talk with such an important topic? We don't want to deny the good things Assange did and we're not saying that Assange should hand himself over to the US, but we're quite sure that it is wrong to make him our hero and give him a podium. If it is common sense to make fun of victims of rape and celebrate their attackers in our scene we don't need this scene at all and rather don't want to be part of this.

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