
Vom Halfnarp zum Fahrplan

Vom Halfnarp zum Fahrplan


Vielen Dank allen, die den halfnarp ausgefüllt haben. Dank euch und vieler helfender Hände der Referentinnenbetreuung und der Content Teams können wir euch heute die erste Version des 38C3-Fahrplans präsentieren!

Das offizielle Programm des 38. Chaos Communication Congress wartet mit 7 Tracks auf, die 140 Vorträge mit 6625 Minuten Programm beinhalten. Da ist definitv für jede:n etwas dabei! Der 38C3 beginnt am 27. Dezember um 10:30 Uhr mit der Opening Ceremony und endet am 30. Dezember um 18:00 Uhr mit “Return to legal constructions”.

Diejenigen unter euch, die jetzt händisch …

Are you ready to haaaaaaaaaaalfnarp?

Are you ready to haaaaaaaaaaalfnarp?


In what has become a cherished tradition, the 38C3 content teams want to take the pulse of our community and offer you a deal that’s really hard to refuse: You get an early look at what our teams think are the best talks and presentations that will make for a well-rounded 38C3 Fahrplan, and in return you allow us to identify clusters of talks that we should avoid scheduling at the same time.

All you have to do is 1) click on all the talks you want to see, 2) hit submit and 3) skip step three! We’ll take it from there and let the number crunchers generate a collision map that will magically …

I remember doing the halfnarp!

I remember doing the halfnarp!


The 37C3 content teams have been sorting, discussing, ranking, shuffling, haggling and hustling for more stage-hours and are proud to present you a preliminary look at the first 104 confirmed of around 125 accepted lectures and performances at this year’s Congress.

It’s been an exhausting process with 600 submissions in six tracks and a handful of invited presentations meaning that some tracks had to chose 1 lecture from 10 others not making it into the final Fahrplan. If you are among the ones getting a sad email, rest assured that you are in excellent company and encourage you to …

Camp 2023 – Fahrplan 0.9 release

Camp 2023 – Fahrplan 0.9 release


After many hours of reviews and haggling over the proposed entries, the content teams are proud to present you version 0.9 of the Fahrplan.

Find the schedule on pretalx

We and our awesome speakers and artists present you about 150 Talks, over 60 workshops and almost 50 performance gigs on 10 stages and areas.

For the Chaos Communication Camp 2023, we took a new approach to create this programme, with stages being run by multiple villages. We had to learn a lot while running this approach, so this first schedule comes pretty late. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused …

Meet the 36C3 track team “Resilience and Sustainability”


We’re 36C3’s Resilience and Sustainability content team and want to show you just our bit of work that helped making this year’s Fahrplan as amazing as it has turned out.

Our team consists of hackers and scientists, tinkerers and PhDs and was formed for 34C3 when we felt that the conference was developing a blind spot between complete destruction of all the IT things and the fascinations for the resulting apocalypse. We wanted to give a stage to new and shiny useful technology for a better and more resilient world – with actual prototypes!

This year’s motto “resource exhaustion” added a …

36c3: Have your say

36c3: Have your say


We would like to ask you, again.

The survey has been closed. Thanks for over 2000 submission!

You will be as surprised as we are: A new Chaos Communication Congress and its Call for Participation are coming up really soon now. And as we still wipe the Camp’s dust from our sleeves, we noticed that we might ask you for support.

Building a Congress Fahrplan requires working through a lot of submissions in our frab from people responding to our Call for Participation. But our restless curation teams will be also busy approaching potential speakers for topics not yet covered. However, from time to …

Fahrplan nach Euren Wünschen: Let’s do the halfnarp – agaaaaain!

Fahrplan nach Euren Wünschen: Let’s do the halfnarp – agaaaaain!


Tl;dr: Please read the FAQ and do the halfnarp!

It’s that time of the year again: We’re going to gather in Leipzig at the Chaos Communication Congress with our fellow mad hatters and get lectured. But before we can have the time of our lives, we need you, you, you to make the Fahrplan as frictionless as possible – we have to shuffle around a record-breaking number of around 160 lectures.

Without further ado, we present the 35C3 halfnarp and would kindly ask you to lose yourself in the options, then mark and submit the lectures you plan to attend. We’ll take your data into account when …

PrivacyWeek 2017: Der Vorverkauf läuft


23. bis 29. Oktober, Volkskundemuseum, Wien

Die PrivacyWeek des Chaos Computer Clubs Wien geht in die zweite Runde. In diesem Jahr expandieren wir auf einen zweiten Saal im Volkskundemuseum im 8. Wiener Bezirk und freuen uns auf zahlreiche Besucher. Das Volkskundemuseum ist in der Laudongasse 15-19 in 1080 Wien.

Das Programm

Das Programm der PrivacyWeek wird am Freitag veröffentlicht und umfasst Vorträge, Workshops, …

33C3 halfnarp: The talks that ‚work for us‘

33C3 halfnarp: The talks that ‚work for us‘


The 33C3 content committee is proud to announce a lecture selection that ‚works for us‘. Our five hard-working 33C3 track teams have hand-picked a set of around 150 excellent lectures to be formed into the best four day, six track programme possible.

Having to select talks from an impressive lot of more than 500 submissions was a hard and sometimes frustrating task. But we have been amazed by the overwhelming interest in volunteering to present at 33C3. We’re thrilled to see that support and enthusiasm to contribute to this year’s event is as high as it ever been. Some speakers even refuse to …

32nd Chaos Communication Congress: First version of the Fahrplan


Fasten your seatbelts! We have a Fahrplan here. Like in the last years, we used many hours to review all the submissions, communicated with potential speakers, let you do the Halfnarp to avoid collisions – and now we have it!

We are happy to present version 0.9 (The Line Runners) of the

Fahrplan of the 32nd Chaos Communication Congress. Please note that this is not the final version. …

MRMCD 2015: Keynote durch Dr. Paolo Ferri


Liebe Sportsfreunde,

ganz stolz und getreu dem Motto „Schneller. Höher. Weiter.“ können wir Euch den besten Speaker präsentieren, mit dem Ihr schneller, höher und weiter kommt: Dr. Paolo Ferri, Head of Mission Operations der ESA (Leiter aller unbemannten Missionen der ESA).

paolo ferri

Paolo Ferri – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/mfrissen

Er wird uns über das Ende der überaus hoch oben ausgetragenen Rosetta-Mission auf dem …

Let’s have a camping Fahrplan!


There are only a few days left and we are late but finally it is here: the Fahrplan for the Chaos Communication Camp 2015. Due to circumstances we had some lags, but finally we made it!

Please note this safety advices by going through the Fahrplan to pick your sessions:

  1. There is a new track: Failosophy. Read more about it in the Call for Papers.
  2. Mind the gap between 12:30 and 16:00. This is siesta-time where no lecture will be held in the lecture-tents. We decided to do so as this timeframe will be incredibly hot and we do not want to constipate you in tents while the heats is rushing over …