
Real soon now: Fahrplan-Release

34c3 halfnarp

fullnarp impression

The 34C3 Congress schedule (Fahrplan) needs proper planning and is an incredibly complex task. And it’s all about you: Offering over 500 submissions, sharing your knowledge and important political and technical insights for free. We’re using sophisticated tools, and a lot of manual work to end up with a well-planned schedule. You helped not just with providing your preferences on talks you want to see, but also …

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms


Anyone who ever experienced the distinct feeling of „wow!“ on the first Congress knows: There’s an outside world and then there’s Congress. Even though the event copes with challenges that come with growth, we think we’ve built a space that promotes tolerance, curiosity, fun, open-minded communication, friendliness and cooperation. Unlike traditional conferences, where visitors receive full service for paying an entrance fee, CCC events are run by volunteers. The whole event is organized by people who buy their own tickets and spend their holidays to make it happen. Visiting 34c3 means to …

PrivacyWeek 2017: Der Vorverkauf läuft


23. bis 29. Oktober, Volkskundemuseum, Wien

Die PrivacyWeek des Chaos Computer Clubs Wien geht in die zweite Runde. In diesem Jahr expandieren wir auf einen zweiten Saal im Volkskundemuseum im 8. Wiener Bezirk und freuen uns auf zahlreiche Besucher. Das Volkskundemuseum ist in der Laudongasse 15-19 in 1080 Wien.

Das Programm

Das Programm der PrivacyWeek wird am Freitag veröffentlicht und umfasst Vorträge, Workshops, …

34C3 Tickets: Status and Open Sale


Since August, the first tickets for 34C3 can be bought using a voucher. This voucher phase will continue until October, 15th 2017 or until the ticket quota assigned for this phase is empty. At this point, all issued vouchers will be invalid with the exception of Angel vouchers which are valid until November, 15th 2017.

After the end of the first phase, we will open the ticket shop to everyone interested. To distribute chances to buy a ticket more fairly, we will distribute the remaining tickets into three quotas on three dates:

  • Thursday, 2017-10-19 20:00 CEST,
  • Sunday, 2017-10-29 15:00 CET …
34C3: Call for Participation und Leitfaden zur Einreichung

34C3: Call for Participation und Leitfaden zur Einreichung


Wir rufen hiermit zur Einreichung von Vorträgen zum

34C334. Chaos Communication Congress des CCC auf, vom
27. bis 30. Dezember 2017 in der Leipziger Messe in Leipzig.

Das Event

Der Chaos Communication Congress ist die jährliche Konferenz und Hackerparty des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC). An vier Tagen zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr kommen tausende Hacker, Technikfreaks, Bastler, Künstler, Utopisten oder einfach Interessierte in Leipzig zusammen, um sich auszutauschen, sich zuzuhören, voneinander zu lernen und miteinander zu feiern. Wir beschäftigen uns mit Themen rund um …

Chaos BBQ Geekend 2017


Wir wollen grillen, wir werden grillen!

Nach einer kleinen Ruhepause ist das Chaos BBQ Geekend zurueck:
groesser, bunter, chaotischer und total unkompliziert, ehrlich ;)

Bei Hack, Speis und Trank moechte der Chaostreff Dortmund gerne das Wochenende vom 11. bis 13. August 2017 mit euch in und um unseren Raeumen im Kulturzentrum “Langer August” in Dortmund verbringen.

Eintritt ist kostenlos, für die verPlanung benoetigen wir jedoch eine vorherige Anmeldung von euch (schau weiter unten!)

Chaos BBQ Geekend 2017 Inhaltsstoffe:
– Steak & Wurst (mit …

Speakers: please support the translations, send us your slides!


If you’ll be giving a talk at 33C3 in Hamburg, you should know that your talk will be simultaneously translated from English to German (or vice versa) by our team of volunteers. The only exception is talks where we feel that a translation is likely not to do it justice, like plays or performances.

For the quality of the translations it helps a lot if we can prepare a glossary for each talk. It would be awesome if you could send us any material that may help us do that, such as presentation slides or a manuscript. We’ll will not share these outside our team of volunteers.

If you have any …

Translations at 33C3


Listen to the simultaneous interpretations of all German-language talks with a DECT phone. Read more details below or short information in the Wiki.

It always happens: there’s that one brilliant talk by a team of hackers who built a wooden self-driving car with COBOL-based firmware on a Raspberry Pi. You’re about to head all the way out to Hall G, you only re-check the schedule to make sure that it really is there – damn, what’s that? It turns out the talk is in German and now you won’t be able to understand a word of it. “If only I had a babelfish,” you think to yourself as you redirect your …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 33C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 33C3 like no other tour guide would. We have selected tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage and follow us on Twitter to get updates about new tours, changes and important updates. We also have a page in the congress wiki to help you find our assembly.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):

**Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)

Call for Interpreters: translate 33C3!


If you are multilingual and fluent in German and English, please consider joining the translation team.

We interpret ALL THE talks in the four main halls live. German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. Our work is transmitted via the internal phone network, streamed to the Internet, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. Also, this year we are expanding: for the two large halls (Saal 1 & 2) we have a second translations channel that will be broadcast in the same way.

That is a lot of stuff to translate, and for that we need YOU. At Saal 1 & 2, you have …

„Datenspuren“ in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden


Am 22. und 23. Oktober 2016 werden die Hackerinnen und Hacker des Chaos Computer Clubs Dresden wieder “Datenspuren” in den Technischen Sammlungen legen. Die Räumlichkeiten, in denen normalerweise ein Museum Einblicke in Informations- und Medientechnik sowie sächsische Industriegeschichte gibt, werden zum Schauplatz des zweitägigen Dresdner Hacker-Symposium. Das Thema in diesem Jahr ist die universelle Vernetztheit, nicht nur von Menschen in sozialen Netzwerken, sondern auch von Computern und sogenannten Smart Devices.

Die „Datenspuren“ sind eine Konferenz, bei der gesellschaftliche Folgen der …